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Irreversible DWG Upgrade

Irreversible DWG Upgrade

My company recently upgraded from Advance Steel 2015.1 to 2017.1.  As you might know, when you open DWGs in 2017 that were authored in an earlier version of the software, you get a message saying "This is a one time upgrade...." and it is irreversible.  After this process, the model is no longer able to be opened in 2015.1.  Some of my detailers are not careful and have opened older models in 2017 and messed up the section profiles, the numbering, generated drawings, etc.


My suggestion is this: Present a warning dialogue before opening these DWGs, one that after the message "This is a one time upgrade...." it would also ask "Are you sure you want to continue?"


Any "nag boxes" should also have a "Don't show me this again" option with a matching registry switch so it can be easily turned off at an enterprise/corporate level.

Status changed to: Under Review

The good people at Graitec helped me find workable a solution.

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