The Callout tool is a great advancement and incredibly useful, however there are a few things that could use some more work.
- The callout tag really should be editable so the text can be controlled if you wish. When you have a long file name this text can be very long (see Image 1)
- If possible there could be a way to put the callout output on a separate sheet to the selected callout and tag as well as keeping the same reference numbers. That sounds confusing so imagine on dwg 1 you have all your elevations and on dwg 2 you have all your details. I do this manually now and is common practice. We can move detail views from one drawing to another so why not callout views.
- We can edit the text in the callout output, can this be then carried over to the main callout tag. Since the callout is on the same drawing usually we just put a dash in the dwg no. location, I can do this on the callout but not on the tag.