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Advance Steel drawing title block name token mapping.

Advance Steel drawing title block name token mapping.

As a new Advance Steel customer we wanted to setup our title blocks on drawing sheets.  We understand and have used the OTB sample.  The issue is that the we must use both the specific block name (HYPERSTEELPAGE HEADER) and token names for block attribute tags.  If there was a cross reference table, I feel it would be very helpful and more flexible for us to use our existing title block of over 40 years.  I also point out that if the title block did have our attributes we could import them into our PLM system and use the title blocks information to automatically complete the metadata for the PLM system.  

Not applicable

The below is courtesy of Graitecs website who supply our software. 






PROJECTProject Name
CLIENTClient Name
BUILDINGBuilding Name
BUILDING_LOCATIONLocation of the Building
CONTRACTORContractor Name
DATE_ORDERDate of Order
DATE_CONSTRDate of construction
DESIGNERChecked by
DETAILERDetailed by
MODEL_DWGName of model.dwg
DRAWING_NODrawing number
POS_NUMPiece mark of object
DATE_DRAWDate of created drawing
SCALEScale used for detail
MATERIALMaterial of the object
REVISION_INDEXRevision index
REVISION_AUTHORRevision created by
REVISION_DATERevision date
REV_COMMENTRevision description
REV_DETAILSRevision details
COATINGCoating of the object
PHASEPhase / Lot of the object
GRIDREFERENCEThe object position reported to grid
SINGLEPARTPOSNUMSingle part mark of object
DRAWING_NO_PREFIXThe object prefix
USERPROJATTR1Project user attribute 1
USERPROJATTR2Project user attribute 2
USERPROJATTR3Project user attribute 3
USERPROJATTR4Project user attribute 4
USERPROJATTR5Project user attribute 5
Not applicable

Thank you for adding list of tokens.   My point,  however,  was to have some kind of a cross reference table that Advance Steel could have our block name and our attributes tags referenced to theirs.   This reference table could then help make the connection with all the title block features available.   The idea of hard coding block name and attribute tags does limit the flexibility.

Status changed to: Under Review

We will be further evaluating this one in the near future and will keep you posted if we need any additional feedback or clarification. Please feel free to continue voting on this one as it will help us with the continued evaluation.

Status changed to: Archived

Thanks for taking the time to submit your idea and to everyone else for contributing your thoughts and votes.
Unfortunately, this idea could not be included on our road map and as such we will not be pursuing it in the near future.


Thank you for your understanding.

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