Dear Autodesk, I have been going around in circles for over a week now. My Autodesk Account needed to be updated as I moved to a new employer and during this process the wrong email address was assigned to ny Autodesk Account. Now that it's fixed i can finally access all the susbcription benefits afforded to the new company I work for, but when their A360 Team Hub aministrator sends me an invite I get a message saying "the person using (which is my correct email address) has already been invited to the hub. Have you recently changed the email address associated with your Autodesk Account?'
it doesnt give me any way of saying yes it was previsouly incorrect but now is right - this has resulted in me not being able to log into A360 Team at all. I need this resovled a.s.a.p. please as I have several clients presentations setup on A360 Team in the next few days.
Sorry about the trouble you are having. Dont worry, we will fix your issue. Before I can go ahead and work on this, can you please share with me your old email address? You can email me the details at [email removed, please contact Autodesk Support for assistance].
Many thanks.
Previsous incorerct email was
the correct one is (no 't')
Thanks Justin. I will write to you once we fix the issue. Please allow us sometime.
Thank you Swathi for jumping in to assist Justin here,
I'll continue to monitor from my end and jump in if needed.
Thanks Swathi and Brett,
Unfortunately I still get the message:
The person using has already been invited to this hub. Have you recently changed the email address associated with your Autodesk Account?
When trying to access A360 Team. I am presenting in a company seminar tomorrow, and A360 Team is part for the agenda, so anything you can do to resolve this would be great.
Sorry for the delay.We are in India(IST), so you have seen a delay. We will fix this today and will get back to you.
The issue has been fixed. Can you please login and confirm?
Great Job Swathi, thanks for jumping into assist Justin here.
Please let us know if you have any other questions Justin.
@Swathi_Vadlamaniand @BrettWright, I am getting this same error message when signing in. My email account associated with this is
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