I have a scene with multiple PBR/physical materials and lots of pretty large textures. The texture folder is currently at 322 files and 325Mb - all are PBG files.
I jeep getting errors when trying to render using the GPU:
[Arnold]: 00:00:00 10547MB WARNING | [color_manager_ocio] unable to find default OCIO config, expected in c:\programdata\autodesk\applicationplugins\maxtoa_2022\..\ocio\configs\arnold\config.ocio
[Arnold]: 00:00:06 10695MB ERROR | [gpu] no GPU matching requirements found for GPU-rendering
I have an Nvidia RTX 2060 GPU and I'm not getting this kind of message on other smaller scenes.
I rescaled many of the textures (the folder size used to be even larger) but so far it hadn't helped.
Is there some workaround or am I stuck with software rendering?
I thought maybe, if this is indeed a GPU memory issue, I could convert all of my textures to DDS, that's supposed to load better on GPU's, but:
1. I'm not sure it will change anything
2. I can't figure out how to then change all the file references from PNG to DDS
Help please!