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Script to batch import Bitmaps and create material?


Script to batch import Bitmaps and create material?

Not applicable


I have 200 bitmaps (.gif) I need to import each as its own material.  


Does anyone have a batch script to do this?


I'd like the script to loop over the files in my directory and:
- create a standard material 

- assign the gif (i.e. Wall-stone.gif) to the diffuse slot

- name the material with the gif filename i.e Wall-stone


A bonus would be if you also had a script to batch apply materials to objects i.e. I select a number of objects in my view then the script:

- loops over the objects and gets the object name i.e. Wall-stone, Wall-timber etc

- finds the material of the same name

- assigns the material to the object i.e. Wall-stone material to Wall-stone object

- 'Show shaded material in viewport' for all


I'm on Max 2016



Accepted solutions (1)
15 Replies
Replies (15)


Hi there, is something like this what you're looking for?


-- load gifs and create standard materials

fn load_gifs_make_materials dir = (
	files = getFiles dir
	for file in files do (
		bm = openBitMap file
		bmt = bitmapTexture()
		bmt.bitmap = bm		
		sm = StandardMaterial()	
		sm.diffuseMap = bmt
		filename = filenameFromPath file = filename		
		f = "'" + filename + "'"
		print f
		for n in $*f do (
			print n
			n.material = sm
			showTextureMap n.material on

load_gifs_make_materials @"C:[mypath]\*.gif"

Drew Avis
Content Experience Designer

Not applicable

Cheers @drew.avis thanks for responding so quickly 


The script nearly works, just need a few tweaks, would you be able to:

  • Strip the ".gif" from filename? As otherwise I'd need to name my objects "[object_name].gif" for the script to work i.e. mybox.gif rather than mybox
  • Put an If..Then inside the second loop to check the selected object name against the filename? Because atm its assigning the last gif in the directory as the material to all the objects in the selection.

I tried to do these but I'm a novice and I couldn't get it to work 


Lastly why don't the new materials appear in the Material Editor? Is it possible to have them displayed there in a 10 x 10 grid?





Accepted solution

Hi there, I tweaked the script a bit:


fn load_gifs_make_materials dir = (
	files = getFiles dir
	x = 0
	y = 0
	sme_view = sme.GetView 1 -- get first view
	for file in files do (
		bm = openBitMap file
		bmt = bitmapTexture()
		bmt.bitmap = bm		
		sm = StandardMaterial()	
		sm.diffuseMap = bmt
		filename = getFilenameFile file = filename	
		print filename
		n = getNodeByName filename
		print n
		n.material = sm
		showTextureMap n.material on		
		sme_view.CreateNode n.material [x,y]
		x = x + 100
		if x > 1000 then ( x = 0; y = y + 100)	

load_gifs_make_materials @"c:[mypath]\*.gif"

Note that you don't need to have anything selected, the getNodeByName just finds the node with the same name and processes it.


Not sure about how the nodes will get laid out in the material editor, you can play with that bit to get it to do what you want.



Drew Avis
Content Experience Designer

Not applicable

@drew.avis you are an absolute legend! Thank you! 


It works flawlessly, but also taught me a ton about MaxScripting - I've now re-written the script to create objects on the fly and assign the bitmaps. Thank you so much. Awesome. 





@Anonymous Glad it helped.  Keep learning MAXScript, it creates a lot of possibilities!



Drew Avis
Content Experience Designer


Hello guys, I found this useful script but I dont know how to modify it.


So I run the script, I click on "diffuse" and select some png bitmaps.

Then I click on "masks" and I select same png bitmaps once again.

Then in Material Editor I see on sample slots that Standard Materials

are created with the same png as diffuse and opacity map.


My question is how to :

-Replace Standard material with Arnold Standard Surface material.

-Assign all png and their copies as "Base Color" and "Opacity"

to this Arnold Standard Surface material 

-Especially to the png assigned to "Opacity"  enable the:

Bitmap parameters->RGB Channel Ouput->Alpha as grey


And of course if I have 1000 pngs to convert, how

to insert them into a material library automatically?


Really thanks for any help.





function getImages = ()
local DiffuseArr = #()
local MaskArr = #()
local MaterialArr = #()

rollout rollMaterials "Make Materials"
button btnDiffuse "get diffuse" width:150
button btnOpacity "get masks" width:150
button btnCreateMaterial "create materials in editor" width:150 tooltip:"create the materials in the editor, max 24"
on btnDiffuse pressed do
DiffuseArr = getImages()
btnDiffuse.text = "diffuse (" + DiffuseArr.count as string + ")"
on btnOpacity pressed do
MaskArr = getImages()
btnOpacity.text ="masks (" + MaskArr.count as string + ")"
on btnCreateMaterial pressed do

for i=1 to DiffuseArr.count do
mat = standard diffuseMap:(Bitmaptexture fileName:DiffuseArr[i]) name:(getFilenameFile DiffuseArr[i])
if MaskArr[i] != undefined do mat.opacityMap = (Bitmaptexture fileName:MaskArr[i])
if i < 25 do meditMaterials[i] = mat
on btnCreateLibrary pressed do
for i=1 to DiffuseArr.count do
lib = materialLibrary()
mat = standard diffuseMap:(Bitmaptexture fileName:DiffuseArr[i]) name:(getFilenameFile DiffuseArr[i])
if MaskArr[i] != undefined do mat.opacityMap = (Bitmaptexture fileName:MaskArr[i])
append lib mat
createDialog rollMaterials style:#(#style_toolwindow,#style_sysmenu)
function getImages =
theDialog = dotNetObject "System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog" --create a OpenFileDialog
theDialog.title = "Select Diffuse" --set the title
theDialog.Multiselect = true --allow multiple files to be selected
theDialog.Filter = "JPG (*.jpg)|*.jpg|All Files (*.*)|*.*" --specify the filter
theDialog.FilterIndex = 1 --set the filter drop-down list to All Files
result = theDialog.showDialog() --display the dialog, get result into variable
result.ToString() --when closed, convert the result to string
result.Equals result.OK --returns TRUE if OK was pressed, FALSE otherwise
result.Equals result.Cancel --returns TRUE if Cancel was pressed, FALSE otherwise
return theDialog.fileNames --the selected filenames will be returned as an array

Not applicable
Hi Petros, unfortunately your question is beyond my knowledge, I’m a beginner at max coding. Sorry I couldn’t help. Hopefully someone else can answer.


function getImages = ()
local DiffuseArr = #()
local BumpArr = #()
local DisplaceArr = #()
local MaterialArr = #()
rollout rollMaterials "Make Materials" width:200 height:175
Group "Maps"
button btnDiffuse "Browse Diffuse Maps" width:175 align:#center
button btnDisplace "Browse Displacment Maps" width:175 align:#center
button btnCreateMaterial "create materials in editor" width:175 align:#center
button btnCreateMateriallibrary "create materials in Mat Library" width:175 align:#center
on btnDiffuse pressed do
DiffuseArr = getImages()
btnDiffuse.text = "Diffuse - " + DiffuseArr.count as string + " Files"
on btnDisplace pressed do
DisplaceArr = getImages()
btnDiffuse.text = "Diffuse - " + DisplaceArr.count as string + " Files"
on btnCreateMaterial pressed do
for i=1 to DiffuseArr.count do
meditMaterials[i] = VRayMtl texmap_diffuse:(Bitmaptexture fileName:DiffuseArr[i])
on btnCreateMateriallibrary pressed do
for i=1 to DiffuseArr.count do
mat = VRayMtl texmap_diffuse:(Bitmaptexture fileName:DiffuseArr[i]) texmap_displacement:(Bitmaptexture fileName:DisplaceArr[i]) name:(getFilenameFile DiffuseArr[i])
append currentMaterialLibrary mat

createDialog rollMaterials style:#(#style_toolwindow,#style_sysmenu)
function getImages =
theDialog = dotNetObject "System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog" --create a OpenFileDialog
theDialog.title = "Select Diffuse" --set the title
theDialog.Multiselect = true --allow multiple files to be selected
theDialog.Filter = "JPG (*.jpg)|*.jpg|All Files (*.*)|*.*" --specify the filter
theDialog.FilterIndex = 1 --set the filter drop-down list to All Files
result = theDialog.showDialog() --display the dialog, get result into variable
result.ToString() --when closed, convert the result to string
result.Equals result.OK --returns TRUE if OK was pressed, FALSE otherwise
result.Equals result.Cancel --returns TRUE if Cancel was pressed, FALSE otherwise
return theDialog.fileNames --the selected filenames will be returned as an array

This code is altered to suit vray. In order to suit Arnold please use macrorecorder to create steps for creating Arnold material from that code one can easily tweak its parameter to suit your needs. Hope this helps.



See for screen shot



I am trying to use the original script to 

  1. create standard (legacy) material with name based on texture or object name (both are the same name)
  2. assign png texture to diffuse slot (texture is the same name as object name)
  3. assign new material to the object
  4. there are over 1000 objects in the scene, doing this manually would be horrific.

When I try and use the original script I get below error. I modified it as per below:


fn load_gifs_make_materials dir = (
files = getFiles dir
x = 0
y = 0
sme_view = sme.GetView 1 -- get first view
for file in files do (
bm = openBitMap file
bmt = bitmapTexture()
bmt.bitmap = bm
sm = StandardMaterial()
sm.diffuseMap = bmt
filename = getFilenameFile file = filename
print filename
n = getNodeByName filename
print n
n.material = sm
showTextureMap n.material on
sme_view.CreateNode n.material [x,y]
x = x + 100
if x > 1000 then ( x = 0; y = y + 100)

load_gifs_make_materials @"D:\Temp Projects\*.png"





Community Visitor
Community Visitor
Hi, thanks for the script great help!
is it possible to modify to use multi-sub while changing the material name based off the filename of the texture?

Not applicable
Great script, works like a charm.

Can you make this script for physical materials.. and load textures to corresponding slots? I mean to say defuse textures to diffuse map and normal textures to normal map slot something like that.


I modified the script by @udhayprakash111 to include a few extra things like adding the materials (unlimited!) directly to the current SME view. All of them currently show up at the 0,0 point of the view - sort manually as needed. 



SCRIPT here:


function getImages = ()
local DiffuseArr = #()
local MaskArr = #()
local MaterialArr = #()

rollout rollMaterials "Make Materials"
button btnDiffuse "get diffuse" width:200
button btnClrDiffuse "clear diffuse" width:200
button btnOpacity "get masks" width:200
button btnClrOpacity "clear masks" width:200

button btnCreateMaterial "create mats in editor (24)" width:200 tooltip:"create the materials in the editor, max 24"
button btnCreateSMEmats "create mats in SME (UNLIM)" width:200 tooltip:"create the materials in SME"


on btnDiffuse pressed do
DiffuseArr = getImages()
btnDiffuse.text = "diffuse (" + DiffuseArr.count as string + ")"

on btnOpacity pressed do
MaskArr = getImages()
btnOpacity.text ="masks (" + MaskArr.count as string + ")"

on btnClrDiffuse pressed do
DiffuseArr = ()
btnDiffuse.text = "get diffuse"

on btnClrOpacity pressed do
MaskArr = ()
btnOpacity.text ="get masks"


on btnCreateMaterial pressed do

for i=1 to DiffuseArr.count do
mat = standard diffuseMap:(Bitmaptexture fileName:DiffuseArr[i]) name:(getFilenameFile DiffuseArr[i])
if MaskArr[i] != undefined do mat.opacityMap = (Bitmaptexture fileName:MaskArr[i])
if i < 25 do meditMaterials[i] = mat

on btnCreateSMEmats pressed do
NewView = sme.getView(sme.activeView)
for i=1 to DiffuseArr.count do
mat = standard diffuseMap:(Bitmaptexture fileName:DiffuseArr[i]) name:(getFilenameFile DiffuseArr[i])
if MaskArr[i] != undefined do mat.opacityMap = (Bitmaptexture fileName:MaskArr[i])
NewView.CreateNode mat[0,0]

createDialog rollMaterials width:250 style:#(#style_toolwindow,#style_sysmenu)

function getImages =
theDialog = dotNetObject "System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog" --create a OpenFileDialog
theDialog.title = "Select Diffuse" --set the title
theDialog.Multiselect = true --allow multiple files to be selected
theDialog.Filter = "JPG (*.jpg)|*.jpg|All Files (*.*)|*.*" --specify the filter
theDialog.FilterIndex = 1 --set the filter drop-down list to All Files
result = theDialog.showDialog() --display the dialog, get result into variable
result.ToString() --when closed, convert the result to string
result.Equals result.OK --returns TRUE if OK was pressed, FALSE otherwise
result.Equals result.Cancel --returns TRUE if Cancel was pressed, FALSE otherwise
return theDialog.fileNames --the selected filenames will be returned as an array






I have tried to follow this bit but have no knowledge of scripting.


I am trying to do part of this. I already have my materials in a library. I have a scene full of objects with matching names to those materials in the library.


I am looking for a script which will look for a match between the objects in my scene (name) and the materials in my library (name) and if a match is found then apply those materials.


This would enable me to apply thousands of materials at one click.

