Friends, I have a script that perfectly mirrors the position of the left leg to the right (in this case, these are not bones, but regular points). Does anyone know what a command would look like that would do the same thing, only with rotation? Don't forget that all objects are in a hierarchy. I would appreciate any help, Thank you.
Original script:
Your question is unclear, which is why no one has answered it yet. Mirroring or symmetry always needs an axis or plane to be defined, showing where the mirror happens. In MAX, rotations use quaternions, which are like matrices. Their symmetry is usually controlled by scaling.
Please check your question and add more details so we can understand what you need.
I’ve attached two example images below. In the first one, the joints of my character’s left-hand finger are stretched, and to mirror these changes on the right-hand finger, I use the code I mentioned earlier. There are no issues with this task. In the second image, besides the finger being stretched, it is also bent, and this is where the problem arises when trying to mirror this pose onto the right hand. The code above doesn’t account for the rotation, it only works with the position
Edit 10/1/2024: I found an error in my code and have removed my comment.
Edit 10/2/2024: I'm not very experienced with Maxscripts but perhaps the following can help you with mirroring the action of one object based on the position and rotation of another.
In the scene below a transform script is used to position and rotate the "lefthand" object based on the position and rotation of the "righthand" object relative to the YZ plane of a dummy object. The two objects are linked to the dummy.
Dear friend,
You’ve done an incredibly interesting and complex job. The result is amazing, and I thank you for it! It’s truly an unusual solution that I’m sure will come in handy in the future. However, at the moment, my task is a bit different and, in my opinion, much simpler. I think there might have been a misunderstanding. My task is simply to copy the rotation of the left finger and mirror it onto the right one. There’s a similar option in Biped, where you can copy the position of the right hand and paste it onto the left. Nevertheless, you’ve done an impressive job, and I’ll definitely use your solution in the future. Thank you!
OK... let's start from the basics.
Here is how to mirror transform in an absolute (world) coordinate system:
fn getMirrorTM axis =
MIRROR_TM_X = matrix3 [-1,0,0] [0, 1,0] [0,0, 1] [0,0,0]
MIRROR_TM_Y = matrix3 [ 1,0,0] [0,-1,0] [0,0, 1] [0,0,0]
MIRROR_TM_Z = matrix3 [ 1,0,0] [0, 1,0] [0,0,-1] [0,0,0]
xtm = case axis of
default: matrix3 1
fn mirrorTransform mat axis:#x =
mat *= getMirrorTM axis
delete objects
t0 = teapot rotation:(eulerangles -30 -10 -150) pos:[-60,10,10] wirecolor:green
t1 = copy t0 transform:(mirrorTransform t0.transform axis:#x) wirecolor:blue
the next is to mirror in a specified coordinate system:
fn getMirrorTM axis coords:(matrix3 1) =
MIRROR_TM_X = matrix3 [-1,0,0] [0, 1,0] [0,0, 1] [0,0,0]
MIRROR_TM_Y = matrix3 [ 1,0,0] [0,-1,0] [0,0, 1] [0,0,0]
MIRROR_TM_Z = matrix3 [ 1,0,0] [0, 1,0] [0,0,-1] [0,0,0]
xtm = case axis of
default: matrix3 1
xformmat xtm (inverse coords)
fn mirrorTransform mat axis:#x coords:(matrix3 1) =
mat *= (getMirrorTM axis coords:coords)
delete objects
t0 = teapot rotation:(eulerangles -30 -10 -150) pos:[-60,10,10] wirecolor:green
coords = point rotation:(eulerangles 0 45 0) pos:[-10,0,60] axistripod:on cross:on wirecolor:orange
t1 = copy t0 transform:(mirrorTransform t0.transform axis:#x coords:coords.transform) wirecolor:blue
What is next?
... mirror in the parent space
... mirror scale-rotation-part only
... mirror and reset scale
But I'm not sure if I should open a Matrix Algebra class on this forum.
Denis, thanks to you the problem has been solved. Thank you! And here is the solution itself with my objects in the scene:
This works in the global coordinate system. Unfortunately, I did not understand the local system, but it is not a big deal since my rig is attached to Biped, I get local coordinates by activating the Biped editing mode:
-- Figure Mode
$Bip001.controller.figureMode = true
-- Deactivate Figure Mode for Biped
$Bip001.controller.figureMode = false
Again, a huge THANK YOU!!!
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