Say i've created a cylinder between two end points points and I have two middle points where I want to subdivide the cylinder. What is the best way of going about this?
I would also like to do this regardless of how the cylinder is orientated (vertical, diagonal or horizontal) Cheers.
So far I have this to create the cylinder:
point01 = getnodebyname "point001"
point02 = getnodebyname "point002"
fn drawCylinderBetweenTwoPoints pt1 pt2=
cylinder radius:2 pos:pt1 dir:(pt2-pt1) height:(distance pt1 pt2)
drawCylinderBetweenTwoPoints point01.pos point02.pos
Solved! Go to Solution.
Solved by denisT.MaxDoctor. Go to Solution.
fn makeTwoPointCylinder p0 p1 radius:10 sides:8 cuts:#() =
dir = normalize (p1 - p0)
height = distance p0 p1
c = cylinder radius:radius pos:p0 dir:dir height:height sides:sides heightsegs:(cuts.count+1)
m = converttomesh c
sort cuts
num = cuts.count
local vv
for k=1.0 to num do
v = (sides+1) + (k-1)*sides + 1
vv = #{v..(v + sides - 1)}
meshop.movevert m.mesh vv (height * (cuts[k] - k/(num+1)) * z_axis)
delete objects
p0 = point pos:(random -[100,100,100] [100,100,100]) wirecolor:green
p1 = point pos:(random -[100,100,100] [100,100,100]) wirecolor:orange
m0 = makeTwoPointCylinder p0.pos p1.pos radius:10 cuts:#(0.5)
m1 = makeTwoPointCylinder p0.pos p1.pos radius:15 cuts:#(0.25, 0.66)
m3 = makeTwoPointCylinder p0.pos p1.pos radius:20 cuts:#(0.15, 0.33, 0.75)
where cuts are values from 0 to 1
since you want to move the vertices of the height segments, it can no longer be a cylinder, and we have to convert it to something editable (an editable mesh in my example).
Many thanks @denisT.MaxDoctor,
Just another question. How could I get the cuts to be in the same places as a series of dummies (imagine between the two start and end points there's 2 other dummies - not necessarily evenly spaced)
Many thanks 🙂
I cracked the splitting at dummy locations part.
The only thing that's bugging me is that when the cylinder gets converted to an editable mesh, a single vert gets put in the centre of the end caps! How does one avoid this?
The cylinder creates two additional vertices in the center of the top and bottom caps. This is how the geometry of the cylinder works. A possible solution is to delete cap's center vertices and use the Cap modifier to close the cylinder with a new one:
fn makeTwoPointCylinder p0 p1 radius:10 sides:8 cuts:#() =
dir = normalize (p1 - p0)
height = distance p0 p1
c = cylinder radius:radius pos:p0 dir:dir height:height sides:sides heightsegs:(cuts.count+1)
m = converttomesh c
sort cuts
num = cuts.count
local vv
for k=1.0 to num do
v = (sides+1) + (k-1)*sides + 1
vv = #{v..(v + sides - 1)}
meshop.movevert m.mesh vv (height * (cuts[k] - k/(num+1)) * z_axis)
meshop.deleteverts m #{1, m.numverts} -- delete caps
addmodifier m (Cap_Holes())
converttomesh m
delete objects
p0 = point pos:(random -[100,100,100] [100,100,100]) wirecolor:green
p1 = point pos:(random -[100,100,100] [100,100,100]) wirecolor:orange
m0 = makeTwoPointCylinder p0.pos p1.pos radius:10 cuts:#(0.5)
m1 = makeTwoPointCylinder p0.pos p1.pos radius:15 cuts:#(0.25, 0.66)
m3 = makeTwoPointCylinder p0.pos p1.pos radius:20 cuts:#(0.15, 0.33, 0.75)
Thank you denisT.MaxDoctor, much appreciated.
This has really helped me out 😊
this is another way to do it:
fn makeTwoPointLine p0 p1 radius:10 sides:24 cuts:#() =
dir = normalize (p1 - p0)
height = distance p0 p1
sp = line pos:p0 dir:dir render_displayRenderMesh:on \
render_thickness:(radius*2) render_sides:sides render_viewport_rectangular:off
tm = sp.transform
addnewspline sp
in coordsys sp
addknot sp 1 #corner #line [0,0,0]
for k=1 to cuts.count do
addknot sp 1 #corner #line [0,0,cuts[k]*height]
addknot sp 1 #corner #line [0,0,height]
--meshop.deleteverts m #{1, m.numverts}
addmodifier sp (Cap_Holes())
converttomesh sp
delete objects
p0 = point pos:(random -[100,100,100] [100,100,100]) wirecolor:green
p1 = point pos:(random -[100,100,100] [100,100,100]) wirecolor:orange
m0 = makeTwoPointLine p0.pos p1.pos radius:10 cuts:#(0.5)
m1 = makeTwoPointLine p0.pos p1.pos radius:15 cuts:#(0.25, 0.66)
m3 = makeTwoPointLine p0.pos p1.pos radius:20 cuts:#(0.15, 0.33, 0.75)
what I like more...
Thank you for that too 😊
I tried a spline solution but got stuck on the knot part. I realised that the order in which you added the knots was crucial and abandonned it!
I guess once the initial spline vert is defined, its a matter of creating the knots in increasing numerical order and then adding the final vert.
@petecmartin wrote:I tried a spline solution but got stuck on the knot part. I realised that the order in which you added the knots was crucial and abandonned it!
I guess once the initial spline vert is defined, its a matter of creating the knots in increasing numerical order and then adding the final vert.
here it is:
fn makeTwoPointLine p0 p1 radius:10 sides:24 cuts:#() =
dir = normalize (p1 - p0)
height = distance p0 p1
sp = line pos:p0 dir:dir render_displayRenderMesh:on \
render_thickness:(radius*2) render_sides:sides render_viewport_rectangular:off
tm = sp.transform
addnewspline sp
in coordsys sp
addknot sp 1 #corner #line [0,0,0]
addknot sp 1 #corner #line [0,0,height]
p = 0.0
h = 1.0
for k=1 to cuts.count do
seg = numsegments sp 1
t = (cuts[k] - p)/h
refinesegment sp 1 seg t
h *= (1 - t)
p = cuts[k]
delete objects
p0 = point pos:(random -[100,0,100] [100,0,100]) wirecolor:green
p1 = point pos:(random -[100,0,100] [100,0,100]) wirecolor:orange
m0 = makeTwoPointLine p0.pos p1.pos radius:10 cuts:#(0.5)
m1 = makeTwoPointLine p0.pos p1.pos radius:15 cuts:#(0.25, 0.65)
m3 = makeTwoPointLine p0.pos p1.pos radius:20 cuts:#(0.15, 0.33, 0.75)
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