@leeminardi , thank you for taking your time, especially as this seems to be a noob topic - "The basics of rotation in 3ds Max" xD
I suspected there to be a couple of alternatives. It's great about Max or other programs that you can achieve a goal in different ways, just by logically combining methods (even if it's the own logic).
I which way is "parent-child" inappropriate? Logically, technically or in terms of political correctness?
I haven't tried more things, as I felt the original problem is that the angles are not winding up. And I am completely out of scripting. Good, when people can do that, but I suck at this and coding. Just spin, not write a novel to make it spin, hehe
😉Before I knew about the TCB controller I animated a rotation this way: I went to a frame, say 60, hit "Auto", then manually rotated the object almost 360°in the direction I needed (CW or CCW), then entered 0°, unhit "Auto", done. Apparently my mistake was entering the number in the absolute rotation (left side) not the relative rotation (right side). Entering the absolute of 360° makes Max think, the object didn't turn. That's a bit counterintuitive. Ok, so I need to enter the relative value. But what If I only know the final rotation, not the one how to get there? Say, the object is a 93.3378° and should go to 360°. I don't want to calculate that. Of course, I enter the 360° on the absolute side. But then Max doesn't know how to get there (CW or CCW) and - in this particular case - chooses the shortest way, going from 93.3378° to 0°directly. Entering -360° does not help here. So, absolute values are a big no no, obviously. In this particular case, I need to enter another 360° on the relative side, to make the object spin who I want. So neither the manual method nor the one with more typing is perfect.
Yeah, let's not talk about how a rotation would appear
😉 Truth first, illusion later. I just want the wheel to be at angle 360.000° after 1000 turns, not 0°, which tells me nothing about its journey. If the straight line in the curve editor goes on just like that (showing me the rotation of the object around its z axis) why don't the values in the little rotation menu which show me the object's individual rotation, only the current orientation? Again, counterintuitive but, of course, one could get used to it... especially with all these suggested methods.
I guess I need to learn that wiring stuff and/or dealing with how the TCB controller works. It's just weird that the continuous rotation of object #1 is translated into a jumpy one of object #2 and that this needs fixing. No one thinks the half of 270° is -45°.
So why are my TCB controlled animations not visible in the curve editor? I'd like to edit the tangents and tweak stuff. That little graph made of + signs in the controller menu can't be it...
Thanks again for your input!!