[Question] How to create a face from vertices? (Very beginner question)

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[Question] How to create a face from vertices? (Very beginner question)

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I'm new to 3ds max as of today. I need to connect one side of this mesh to the other. How can I select vertices and create faces from them? Like this picture...


Desired Effect Visual


Thanks for any and all help!

Accepted solutions (1)
2 Replies
Replies (2)

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Accepted solution

There are a number of ways you can do this.  First, be sure both parts are attached together as one editable poly object.  You can try selecting the border edges on both sides, then use the Bridge command to create a connection of faces between them in one go.  Or select an edge on one side, and bridge it to the edge across from it.  If the gap between both sides is actually a hole in one mesh, then you can also "Cap" the hole, manually select two parallel vertices on either side of the ngon cap, and use "Connect" to create an edge between them.  It's difficult to say which tools will work best in this situation, because I can't see the entire mesh, and don't know if the two parts are connected in any way, or if they exist as separate elements.


Bridge worked just fine for me!

As an ex Blender user I used to press F to fill with 4 vertices with a face, so for whoever is in my same situation, Bridge is the tool you're looking for 🙂