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[Viewport] [Wireframe Overlays] Vertex and Edge thickness auto-scale based on distance from view for better readability/to prevent wireframes cluttering the models

[Viewport] [Wireframe Overlays] Vertex and Edge thickness auto-scale based on distance from view for better readability/to prevent wireframes cluttering the models

Vertex and Edge display on objects would be far more readable and easier to the eye if the size /thickness of vertices and edges would respond to the distance from the view. Otherwise when you zoom out they form a visual clutter almost like a fill effect on your object covering it all. With wireframes its even worse.  From what I understand, 3ds Max is kind of outdated in regards to even basic customization in this area by which it still doesn't allows you to  customize the thickness of your Edge display and I and some others felt that the default value is kind of low and can be comfortably visible only with strong colors. I think at one point there was an idea to implement this in Blender 


3ds Max SubObject Display at diff distances.png   b01520e4ef896cab78bf45e8a6f803cf3ee0aa3e


Something like this is definitely needed especially as we move to higher res monitors. Would be great to at least be able to increase the draw size/thickness of edges like we can with verts.

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