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Slice Plane Snapping

Slice Plane Snapping

This would be very useful to allow the Slice Plane to snap to the vertices, edges, and faces of the mesh it is being used on. I have no idea why the Slice Plane can not handle this kind of snapping, but this is something really frustrating and time-consuming.


What are you referring to specifically? The Slice Plane inside Editable/Edit Mesh/Poly?

They all snap to all possible snap elements... Even the QuickSlice does.


@dswahn yep: both Edit/Editable Poly in my case. I'm running version 2022.1 and I'm still getting this issue, where the Slice Plane will snap to everything on every other mesh, except for the mesh it's been applied to. On version 2021.3, the snap was only working on Editable Poly mode, and not on Edit Poly.

The workaround I found for both versions was to duplicate my mesh and snap the Slice Plane to the vertices of this new mesh. After I'm done, I would then delete the copy I made.



Not applicable

also "quick slice" needs snapping (e.g. hold shift for that)

Autodesk dont like the easy things...odd and old... AD please!!!!


so sad, since snapping is so essential regarding what you do

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