I saw some Revit links improvements lately, which is appreciated, but I still cannot use this in my workflow because of 2 issues:
1) Revit link does not support object instancing. I could have 1000 columns of the same type in Revit, and 3ds max will interpret them as 1000 unique objects. Importing through FBX or DWG supports instancing, there is really no reason why Revit link shouldn't support it as well. Without this feature I cannot imagine someone using Revit link efficiently.
2) BIM metadata should be accessible in 3ds max in more user friendly way. I can access it by going into object property/user defined, but I need to do it manually for each object. We need a way to search for an object with certain metadata property, like custom object ID (the one that you can assign as a custom parameter in Revit, not Revit's automatic ID). It would be also more convenient to have all metadata in separate modifier on top of each linked object (instead of hidden in object property).
3) This is not a huge issue, but more of an inconvenience. Linked objects are mesh type, that causes a lot of issues, especially if one needs to convert this data further to realtime engine like Unity or Unreal. One can fix this by adding turn to poly modifier on all of the imported geometry (with planar polygons threshold or polygon size limit), so why not add this as an option in the Revit link menu.