My idea is to have a dropdown in vertices menus that allows the user to make any selection of vertices into a basic shape ( I.E. Circle, Square, etc.). Options i would like to see for this would be:
- Set Shape: An option that allows the user to select the desired shape
- Furthest Points: The program finds the vertices with the greatest distance between them and would have an equal amount of vertices between them( if its and even number of vertices) and uses that to make the shape.
- Closest Points: Similar to the previous one but instead selects the two points with the shortest distance (ignoring vertices that are connected by an edge).
- Select Points: Allows the user to select two points for the operation to run the calculation.
- Set Radius/Distance: Allows the user to input the desired radius/distance.
- Make Asymmetrical: Makes it so that the user can make a non-symmetrical object With the same options as above but adding a secondary radius/distance input for Set Radius (I.E. Make a Rectangle instead of a Square, & an Oval Instead of a Circle).
- Make Symmetrical: Add vertices to make it equal between all sides( This should just add vertices and lets the user fix the geometry afterwards instead of trying to add geometry itself).
- Set Alignment: Allows the user to align the selection to either the X,Y,or Z axis or allows the user to make it view aligned if desired.
For the UI on this i would like to see it act similar to how a Symmetry works on Editable Poly's with a Wireframe skeleton representing what was the old shape and the user being able to see the end result on the object.
Those are the important ones i want to see but options i would like to see further down the line would be stuff like allowing the user to keep certain geometry when making the shape (I.E. If i had a GeoSphere and i wanted to make a square out of a group of vertices it would keep some of the original curves of the GeoSphere) & an option to import a shape into the program that can be used and programmed by the user (though with my 3~4 classes worth of basic programming i would have no idea how to do this lol).