First some short notes. Then images and then a detailed description. I hope you like it.
- Keep the typical "Isoline Edges Look" from CAD Data or BodyObjects when converting them to mesh (Convert to EditableMesh)
- Allow to store and restore an "Edge Visibility State" within the stack (extension for Turn-To-Poly and Turn-To-Mesh Modifiers)
Edges Display Comparison
Transport Edges Visibility
PowerEdgesMesh in CommandPanel
PowerEdgesMesh in Import Dialogs
Detailed Description:
3dsmax has licenced some NPower tools for CAD import several years ago. That was the time when BodyObjects came to life.
NPower PowerTranslators has the ability to keep the Isoline Edges Display from the CAD Data and transfer them to the Edges Visibility State of the converted EditableMesh. This makes a clean and tidy look in viewport and is also beneficial when it comes to selecting faces for material ID assignment due to the big, clean shaped and nicely separated "B-Rep patch style" polygons.
With the current implementation all CAD models are imported as full triangulated trimeshes. This makes a messy look in viewport and so it is hard to see or select anything.
Since the Body Objects seems to be a lite version or redesigned version of the "Pwr_EditNRB" object, I assume that these functions are still present somewhere.
It was called "Power Edge Mesh" and was available on the NPower Import Dialog as well as in the Pwr_EditNRB object command panel GUI and many other NPower objects.
Please bring them back!
To guarantee that all operations and modifiers work with those Isoline-Edges meshes, I like to suggest, that you recommend the use of a "Turn-To-Poly" modifier before a conversion to EditablePoly or before the use of Modifiers. This will avoid problems which can be caused by models with hidden edges.
Also I like to suggest, that an option to the "Turn-To-Poly" modifier will be added, which allows to store the Edges Visibility State from the underlying EditableMesh object (or EditMeshModifier or current stack position) to the stack. And with that, I further like to suggest, that an option to the "Turn-To-Mesh" modifier will be added, which allows to restore the Edges Visibility State from the stack (if present), to bring back the nice Isoline Edges Look after some operations and modifications. This should work if the topology hasn't changed too heavly. Otherwise you can simply leave it off.
We in the company heavily use the IsolineEdges display and its benefits for tasks of the daylie work. Unfortunately it seems like NPower has stopped development of PowerTranslators for 3dsmax. Anyway it would be great to have this built-in natively.
Thanks for reading and voting! - I hope this will come.
PS: The model you see here is from the free GrabCAD libary. Thanks to the drawer. https://grabcad.com/library/jet-engine-220