Unity3D game engine has a useful workflow for editing objects of similar type simultaneously. Basically the editor exposes the parameters shared by the selected objects in the UI despite them all being individual objects instead of 3ds Max like "instances". If the start values are different, they get overriden. That way you can multi-edit these parameters for all of the selected objects.
Say I have a hundred lights in a scene, and I want to edit something, I can just select them all and the parameters I set are given to each light. In 3ds Max, unless the objects are already instances, this is not possible, and sometimes keeping the objects individual has its benefits, and going back and forth between instances/non-instances is tedious.
Regarding lights specifically I know of Light Lister, but it's still not the same as this functionality which is global in Unity among all objects that share any parameters. I also know in Max you can already do a lot by copy/pasting modifiers. This is also not as universal as some parameters/objects are not directly editable by modifiers. For example, if I have created a 100 individual cylinders/splines/whatever in a scene and I want to quickly give them the same primitive radius/segments/interpolation/whatever settings, I can't.
Those who have used Unity might realise how it has clearly taken inspiration from the existing workflows of Max/Maya. For example, translation/rotation/scale hotkeys are the same by default. This inspiration could go vice versa too, as it is one of the most common tools nowadays used in conjunction with Max.