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Chamfer improvement

Chamfer improvement

1) Why "chamfer" does not have the "limit" option for the created edges.

2) See how terrible "chamfer"does the inner round chamfer.

3) Why "unify chamfer" (the rest of the chamfers are generally useless) is not able to create an odd number of edges?

4) Why does "chamfer" can not create a straight inner chamfer? Edge depth only -0.5 why can't I make -1.

5) Why even a very simple round chamfer turns out to be uneven, the geometry floats.


...because this is like Autodesk treats Max´s development. They never ask or control if something really useful or not. Unfortunatly.

so many ways to improve. Im ashamed I haven't come first with these ideas. 

Maybe you should have inserted the photo directly into your post for better understanding. I'll be doing it here:



Yes desperately needed!

Are these only valid for the Chamfer tool or same goes for modifier as well?




@Kranos_Orphydian  Looks like its mostly the same problems but sometimes with slight differences between the tool and mod versions.

Does Limit in Blender is the Clamp option and the Edge Depth is the Shape option?


It seems that Chamfer modifier does have the Limit option. I wonder why the tool itself can't benefit from it as well?


Maybe Blender is using something like a Bevel profile to get that straight corner negative chamfer. But its strange Max can't handle that. If 1 Edge depth is creating straight positive chamfer -1 should create the opposite.


In Max you can create an odd number of edges only when using Tri Type Chamfer but like you said that is not used that much. Pls address this Autodesk!


Those undesired results for inner round chamfer happen when you go below 0 with the Edge depth. That shouldn't happened. Pls fix this Autodesk!


The uneven geometry start to appear when you play with the default Edge Radial bias. What are the use cases for this option I might ask?


I have to test the Modifier to see how it behaves as well.




Add weird outer edge behavior when chamfering with uniform/radial/patch/ in this scenario to the list.




3) Becausse Max chamfer preverve UV. With odd number, it can't preserve uv.


finally make one normal chamfer, as in absolutely all other 3d programs. All types of chamfer in 3ds max do not work properly.


The blender implementation is a bit better but not perfect. As you can see the edges are not perfectly parallel to each other. But yeah, the things you max you showed work the same way on my machine. They need to improve it for sure.


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