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Ability to stop any process or command

Ability to stop any process or command

I have seen that similar idea was posted already in 2018, but I can't tell how it ended. 

There are some "mistakes" that you can make while working, that will in fact not crash 3ds max, but the operation would perform very long while not giving any clue how long would it take, and can't be stopped.

For eg. when you would accidentally type too high value in Turbosmooth, you would get warning window if you want to continue, but if you would accidentally import STL file with verticies weld, you may result in operation that takes up to half an hour, which can not be stopped. 

When you will accidentally put too high values on editpoly conncet/chamfer/extrude, operation will usually be performed but sometimes it can take significant time and it cannot be stopped. 

This behavior is common and it probably was more often back to the days, but still I am able to freeze my max for long minutes by accidentally dragndropping stl from explorer (importer uses then default settings). This is frustrating. 

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