I am wondering if there is a way to automatically select the Editable Poly when I select an object instead of it selecting the top modifier in the modifier stack.
I am wondering if there is a way to automatically select the Editable Poly when I select an object instead of it selecting the top modifier in the modifier stack.
Very good question. This always annoys me too. I use the top row of keyboard numbers to navigate the sub-object level selections. But I always have to use the mouse to get to the edit poly / edit mesh modifier.
I found this, but all the download links were dead.
* I found the MZP after some extensive searching so make sure to have virus scanning on 3dsmax active.
** Save a backup of your ENU folder and the current project you're working on before testing it out (C:\Users\YourUserName\AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsMax\**** – 64bit\ENU).
If you need help on customising 3DSMax with custom MaxScript code, look here:
Tool Name: 'Modifier Auto-Select'
Tool by: Mathieson Facer
E-mail: info@mathiesonfacer.com
Website: www.mathiesonfacer.com
Start Date: August 24, 2009
February 28, 2010 - v2.02
- Fixed typo in selectModifier function. Was passing argument to navigateModStack function as
findMod when in the navigateModStack definition it was actually findModifier. Was causing tool
not to work with multiple nodes selected.
February 26, 2010 - v2.01
- Made it so with multiple selected objects, if it doesn't find the modifier instance
after walking down the stack, it walks back up to the top so the user doesn't have
the bottom modifier auto-selected.
February 25, 2010 - v2.0
- Cleaned up code for re-release.
- Added functionality when multiple nodes selected.
- Made selectModifier and selectBaseobject two different functions.
To Do:
- To do list goes here.
- List of bugs goes here.
Test code can be placed in this area.
struct MJF_modifierAutoSelect
selectionTimer = dotNetObject "System.Windows.Forms.Timer" ,
storedModClass = "Baseobject",
fn createUi =
uiInst = rollout modifierAutoSelectR "Modifier Auto-Select - facerFX Tools" width:200
local rW = 200
local w1 = rW * .875
local w2 = w1 / 2
local w3 = w1 / 3
local spnW1 = 50
dropdownlist modClassDdl items:#() width:(w1 * .7) height:20 align:#left across:2
button refreshModsBtn "Refresh" width:(w1 * .28) align:#right
checkbox searchNameCbx "Has string:" align:#left across:2
edittext searchNameEtb align:#right width:(w2 * 1.17)
checkbutton enableCbt "Auto-Select Enabled" width:w1 align:#center
fn getModClassesAsStrings =
local sceneMods = #()
for x in objects do sceneMods += x.modifiers
local modClassStrings = for x in sceneMods collect (classOf x) as string
modClassStrings = makeUniqueArray modClassStrings
append modClassStrings "Baseobject"
sort modClassStrings
fn toggleAutoSelect state =
MJF_modifierAutoSelect.enableCallbacks state
if state == false then
fn updateUi =
local modClasses = getModClassesAsStrings()
modClassDdl.items = modClasses
local modIndex = findItem modClasses MJF_modifierAutoSelect.storedModClass
modClassDdl.selection = case modIndex of
0: 1
default: modIndex
on modClassDdl selected val do
MJF_modifierAutoSelect.storedModClass = modClassDdl.selected
on refreshModsBtn pressed do
on enableCbt changed val do
toggleAutoSelect val
on modifierAutoSelectR open do
on modifierAutoSelectR close do
toggleAutoSelect false
fn launchUi =
if classOf uiInst == RolloutClass then destroyDialog uiInst
createDialog uiInst style:#(#style_titlebar, #style_border, #style_sysmenu)
fn enableCallbacks state =
callbacks.removeScripts id:#MJF_modifierAutoSelect
if state then
callbacks.addScript #selectionSetChanged \
"MJF_modifierAutoSelect.startSelectionChangeTimer()" \
fn selectBaseobject objs =
if (objs.count == 1) then
local baseobject = objs[1].baseobject
if (modPanel.getCurrentObject()) != baseobject then
modPanel.setCurrentObject baseobject node:objs[1]
fn getModsFromObjs objs modClass =
local allMods = #()
for x in objs do allMods += x.modifiers
local theMods = for x in allMods where (classOf x == modClass) collect x
-- This filters for only the modifiers with the matching string pattern in the name.
if uiInst.searchNameCbx.state then
theMods = for x in theMods where \
(matchPattern x.name pattern:("*" + uiInst.searchNameEtb.text + "*")) collect x
-- This filters out any modifiers that do not have an instance on all supplied nodes.
for i = theMods.count to 1 by -1 do
local deleteMod = false
for x in objs do
if ((findItem x.modifiers theMods[i]) == 0) then
deleteMod = true
if deleteMod then
deleteItem theMods i
fn navigateModStack direction:#down findModifier: =
local lastMod = undefined -- Needed to check if we're at the end of the modifier stack.
while (modPanel.getCurrentObject() != findModifier) and \
(modPanel.getCurrentObject() != lastMod) do
lastMod = modPanel.getCurrentObject()
case direction of
#down: max prev mod
#up: max next mod
fn selectModifier objs modClassStr =
<DOC> Selects the modifier of the specified class from the currently selected node. Doesn't work with multiple nodes selected.
<array> objs: An array of nodes. Needs to be an array since it will work with "selection".
<modifier> modClassStr: Class of a modifier to auto-select.
Does not return anything.
local modClass = execute modClassStr
if (modClass != undefined) then
local theMod = (getModsFromObjs objs modClass)[1]
if (isValidObj theMod) then
if (objs.count == 1) then
if (modPanel.getCurrentObject() != theMod) then
modPanel.setCurrentObject theMod node:objs[1]
else if (objs.count > 1) then
navigateModStack findModifier:theMod
if (modPanel.getCurrentObject() != theMod) then
navigateModStack direction:#up
fn initTimer =
-- This function is out of scope because it is being called through the timer. Need to call anything
-- in the struct through the struct instance.
fn callSelectMod =
if (MJF_modifierAutoSelect.storedModClass == "Baseobject") then
MJF_modifierAutoSelect.selectBaseobject (selection as array)
MJF_modifierAutoSelect.selectModifier (selection as array) MJF_modifierAutoSelect.storedModClass
dotnet.addEventHandler MJF_modifierAutoSelect.selectionTimer "tick" callSelectMod
MJF_modifierAutoSelect.selectionTimer.interval = 1
fn startSelectionChangeTimer =
<DOC> Rollout and timer required to call the selectMod function above because of an issue with the callback mechanism.
<array> objs: An array of nodes. Needs to be an array since it will work with "selection".
<modifier> modifier: Class of a modifier to auto-select.
Does not return anything.
MJF_modifierAutoSelect = MJF_modifierAutoSelect()
-- MJF_modifierAutoSelect.launchUi()
AutoDesk User
Windows 10/11, 3DS Max 2022/24, Revit 2022, AutoCad 2024, Dell Precision 5810/20, ASUS DIY, nVidia Quadro P5000/RTX 5000/GTX760
Very good question. This always annoys me too. I use the top row of keyboard numbers to navigate the sub-object level selections. But I always have to use the mouse to get to the edit poly / edit mesh modifier.
I found this, but all the download links were dead.
* I found the MZP after some extensive searching so make sure to have virus scanning on 3dsmax active.
** Save a backup of your ENU folder and the current project you're working on before testing it out (C:\Users\YourUserName\AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsMax\**** – 64bit\ENU).
If you need help on customising 3DSMax with custom MaxScript code, look here:
Tool Name: 'Modifier Auto-Select'
Tool by: Mathieson Facer
E-mail: info@mathiesonfacer.com
Website: www.mathiesonfacer.com
Start Date: August 24, 2009
February 28, 2010 - v2.02
- Fixed typo in selectModifier function. Was passing argument to navigateModStack function as
findMod when in the navigateModStack definition it was actually findModifier. Was causing tool
not to work with multiple nodes selected.
February 26, 2010 - v2.01
- Made it so with multiple selected objects, if it doesn't find the modifier instance
after walking down the stack, it walks back up to the top so the user doesn't have
the bottom modifier auto-selected.
February 25, 2010 - v2.0
- Cleaned up code for re-release.
- Added functionality when multiple nodes selected.
- Made selectModifier and selectBaseobject two different functions.
To Do:
- To do list goes here.
- List of bugs goes here.
Test code can be placed in this area.
struct MJF_modifierAutoSelect
selectionTimer = dotNetObject "System.Windows.Forms.Timer" ,
storedModClass = "Baseobject",
fn createUi =
uiInst = rollout modifierAutoSelectR "Modifier Auto-Select - facerFX Tools" width:200
local rW = 200
local w1 = rW * .875
local w2 = w1 / 2
local w3 = w1 / 3
local spnW1 = 50
dropdownlist modClassDdl items:#() width:(w1 * .7) height:20 align:#left across:2
button refreshModsBtn "Refresh" width:(w1 * .28) align:#right
checkbox searchNameCbx "Has string:" align:#left across:2
edittext searchNameEtb align:#right width:(w2 * 1.17)
checkbutton enableCbt "Auto-Select Enabled" width:w1 align:#center
fn getModClassesAsStrings =
local sceneMods = #()
for x in objects do sceneMods += x.modifiers
local modClassStrings = for x in sceneMods collect (classOf x) as string
modClassStrings = makeUniqueArray modClassStrings
append modClassStrings "Baseobject"
sort modClassStrings
fn toggleAutoSelect state =
MJF_modifierAutoSelect.enableCallbacks state
if state == false then
fn updateUi =
local modClasses = getModClassesAsStrings()
modClassDdl.items = modClasses
local modIndex = findItem modClasses MJF_modifierAutoSelect.storedModClass
modClassDdl.selection = case modIndex of
0: 1
default: modIndex
on modClassDdl selected val do
MJF_modifierAutoSelect.storedModClass = modClassDdl.selected
on refreshModsBtn pressed do
on enableCbt changed val do
toggleAutoSelect val
on modifierAutoSelectR open do
on modifierAutoSelectR close do
toggleAutoSelect false
fn launchUi =
if classOf uiInst == RolloutClass then destroyDialog uiInst
createDialog uiInst style:#(#style_titlebar, #style_border, #style_sysmenu)
fn enableCallbacks state =
callbacks.removeScripts id:#MJF_modifierAutoSelect
if state then
callbacks.addScript #selectionSetChanged \
"MJF_modifierAutoSelect.startSelectionChangeTimer()" \
fn selectBaseobject objs =
if (objs.count == 1) then
local baseobject = objs[1].baseobject
if (modPanel.getCurrentObject()) != baseobject then
modPanel.setCurrentObject baseobject node:objs[1]
fn getModsFromObjs objs modClass =
local allMods = #()
for x in objs do allMods += x.modifiers
local theMods = for x in allMods where (classOf x == modClass) collect x
-- This filters for only the modifiers with the matching string pattern in the name.
if uiInst.searchNameCbx.state then
theMods = for x in theMods where \
(matchPattern x.name pattern:("*" + uiInst.searchNameEtb.text + "*")) collect x
-- This filters out any modifiers that do not have an instance on all supplied nodes.
for i = theMods.count to 1 by -1 do
local deleteMod = false
for x in objs do
if ((findItem x.modifiers theMods[i]) == 0) then
deleteMod = true
if deleteMod then
deleteItem theMods i
fn navigateModStack direction:#down findModifier: =
local lastMod = undefined -- Needed to check if we're at the end of the modifier stack.
while (modPanel.getCurrentObject() != findModifier) and \
(modPanel.getCurrentObject() != lastMod) do
lastMod = modPanel.getCurrentObject()
case direction of
#down: max prev mod
#up: max next mod
fn selectModifier objs modClassStr =
<DOC> Selects the modifier of the specified class from the currently selected node. Doesn't work with multiple nodes selected.
<array> objs: An array of nodes. Needs to be an array since it will work with "selection".
<modifier> modClassStr: Class of a modifier to auto-select.
Does not return anything.
local modClass = execute modClassStr
if (modClass != undefined) then
local theMod = (getModsFromObjs objs modClass)[1]
if (isValidObj theMod) then
if (objs.count == 1) then
if (modPanel.getCurrentObject() != theMod) then
modPanel.setCurrentObject theMod node:objs[1]
else if (objs.count > 1) then
navigateModStack findModifier:theMod
if (modPanel.getCurrentObject() != theMod) then
navigateModStack direction:#up
fn initTimer =
-- This function is out of scope because it is being called through the timer. Need to call anything
-- in the struct through the struct instance.
fn callSelectMod =
if (MJF_modifierAutoSelect.storedModClass == "Baseobject") then
MJF_modifierAutoSelect.selectBaseobject (selection as array)
MJF_modifierAutoSelect.selectModifier (selection as array) MJF_modifierAutoSelect.storedModClass
dotnet.addEventHandler MJF_modifierAutoSelect.selectionTimer "tick" callSelectMod
MJF_modifierAutoSelect.selectionTimer.interval = 1
fn startSelectionChangeTimer =
<DOC> Rollout and timer required to call the selectMod function above because of an issue with the callback mechanism.
<array> objs: An array of nodes. Needs to be an array since it will work with "selection".
<modifier> modifier: Class of a modifier to auto-select.
Does not return anything.
MJF_modifierAutoSelect = MJF_modifierAutoSelect()
-- MJF_modifierAutoSelect.launchUi()
AutoDesk User
Windows 10/11, 3DS Max 2022/24, Revit 2022, AutoCad 2024, Dell Precision 5810/20, ASUS DIY, nVidia Quadro P5000/RTX 5000/GTX760
Doesn't seem to be working with 3DSMax 2023 (latest update) 😞
But maybe someone who knows Maxscript better than me (thousands of people), might be able to fix the code?
AutoDesk User
Windows 10/11, 3DS Max 2022/24, Revit 2022, AutoCad 2024, Dell Precision 5810/20, ASUS DIY, nVidia Quadro P5000/RTX 5000/GTX760
Doesn't seem to be working with 3DSMax 2023 (latest update) 😞
But maybe someone who knows Maxscript better than me (thousands of people), might be able to fix the code?
AutoDesk User
Windows 10/11, 3DS Max 2022/24, Revit 2022, AutoCad 2024, Dell Precision 5810/20, ASUS DIY, nVidia Quadro P5000/RTX 5000/GTX760
My solution as of now is to set a hot key for the "next modifier" "previous modifier."
It adds an extra push of the finger, but it's better than having to click with the mouse.
I'm surprised code would be needed for something that seems like it would be intuitive and necessary for even a newbie like me to have decent speed in work flow.
Thanks again for your responces.
My solution as of now is to set a hot key for the "next modifier" "previous modifier."
It adds an extra push of the finger, but it's better than having to click with the mouse.
I'm surprised code would be needed for something that seems like it would be intuitive and necessary for even a newbie like me to have decent speed in work flow.
Thanks again for your responces.
I didn't realise that there was a hotkey assignable function for 'Modifier List Up/Down' Cool.
Thanks for the tip. I'll set it up here.
Sorry the Maxscript didn't work, looks promising.
Maybe needs a bit of looking at so as to work with 2023.
It would be a nice feature addition though, if the user could set 'Edit Poly or Edit Mesh' to float top the top of the stack, if requested to do so as default.
AutoDesk User
Windows 10/11, 3DS Max 2022/24, Revit 2022, AutoCad 2024, Dell Precision 5810/20, ASUS DIY, nVidia Quadro P5000/RTX 5000/GTX760
I didn't realise that there was a hotkey assignable function for 'Modifier List Up/Down' Cool.
Thanks for the tip. I'll set it up here.
Sorry the Maxscript didn't work, looks promising.
Maybe needs a bit of looking at so as to work with 2023.
It would be a nice feature addition though, if the user could set 'Edit Poly or Edit Mesh' to float top the top of the stack, if requested to do so as default.
AutoDesk User
Windows 10/11, 3DS Max 2022/24, Revit 2022, AutoCad 2024, Dell Precision 5810/20, ASUS DIY, nVidia Quadro P5000/RTX 5000/GTX760
Agreed that would be really nice feature to have. I'm glad I could help with the hotkey though. I've got a mouse with lots of buttons, so it doesn't waste too much time spamming my thumb to get to the edit poly ha.
Thanks again for the recommendations.
Agreed that would be really nice feature to have. I'm glad I could help with the hotkey though. I've got a mouse with lots of buttons, so it doesn't waste too much time spamming my thumb to get to the edit poly ha.
Thanks again for the recommendations.
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