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Morph channel targets show in scene explorer as having faces?

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Morph channel targets show in scene explorer as having faces?

I am not sure which forum to post this on, so please re-direct if appropriate.


I downloaded a medium resolution character from Character Generator and imported it into a new scene via _3dsMax.fbx import per instructions.  The character mesh looks fine and is appropriately rigged but I notice that

the Layer Explorer shows that each morph channel target has a number of faces even though the geometry for each of the morph targets is apparently no longer in the scene.   For example, the H_DDS_MidRes body mesh has 5614 polygons and this is reflected in both the layer explorer and the scene viewport statistics.  However, in the Scene explorer ( when Sort by Layer is selected but NOT when Sort by Heirarchy is selected) each of the 65 morph channels shows up as having 5614 faces while the viewport statistics show "0" for each morph channel.   Also, the color legend of the morpher modifier displays green for each morph channel, suggesting that the target mesh is still in the scene.  However none of the target meshes are visible in the scene or show any faces in viewport statistics.  So my question is are these target meshes still in the scene or not?  If they are not in the scene why does layer explorer list 5614 faces for each one and the morpher channel modifier display green for them?  If they are in the scene why can't I see them anywhere even though nothing is hidden in the scene?


Sorry for the somewhat tedious questions here but before I embark on a lot of work using/adapting characters from character generator, I would like to have a clearer understanding of my starting point.  Thanks in advance for any clarifications on these points.


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