FBX does not save presets


FBX does not save presets


I'm having trouble with saving my FBX export/import settings in Max 2017. When I try to export an object, it always defaults to the "Autodesk Media & Entertainment" preset. When I change some settings, the preset changes to "User Defined", which is correct behavior. However, if I press OK, and then run the export again, the "User Defined" preset is gone, and it reverts back to "Autodesk Media & Entertainment".


This problem is new for me in 2017. I do not have the same problem in 2016 or 2014, both of which save the "User Defined" preset after export. However, some of my coworkers have had the same problem in previous releases.


I have tried to save a preset through "Edt..."->"Save preset" in the FBX export window. But when I enter a name and click OK, the preset still doesn't show up in the preset dropdown list. I have also tried to copy my presets from 2016 and paste them in my 2017 folder. This makes the presets show up in the dropdown at least. However, when I load one of these presets and change some settings, the changes are still not saved after export.


Apart from it being very annoying to manually change the settings each time you want to export something, this problem breaks some of our inhouse scripts. This problem makes it impossible to batch-export multiple FBX-files with the same settings.


I know (after some googling) that there are some people out there that have the same problem. The only thing that may have fixed this problem for some people is to run Max as admin, and/or turn off windows UAC. I have tried both of these, but the problem still persists.


Are there others that have the same problem with 2017? Has anyone found a real solution? Is this a known bug, and are there workarounds?


Accepted solutions (2)
18 Replies
Replies (18)

Not applicable
We are test driving 3dsmax2017 on couple of machines in the studio and we have the same problem on every one. We also tried everything you mentioned but nothing seams to work. On one machine Max even crashes when you want to save a FBX preset.

Not applicable

 Same problem here. 

I use this feature up to 50 times a day... everytime i need to reenter the settings. costs alot of time

Not applicable

Same issue here - when trying to save the preset, it doesn't seem to remember it in the drop down menu.


Also, I can't find the 2017

"Autodesk Media & Entertainment.fbxexportpreset"


or any other .fbxexportpreset files.



Accepted solution

It'S pretty much a mess (it already was before Max 2017, but now its a broken mess).

Seems that the Max installation does'nt create the folders for the custom import/export settings.

Great - i thought - so give poor Max some help to do so via script:



	local MyDocsPath = (dotnetclass "System.Environment").GetFolderPath (dotnetclass "System.Environment+SpecialFolder").MyDocuments
	local FbxSubPath = @"\3dsmax\FBX\3dsMax2017_X64\Presets\2017.0.1\"

	makeDir (MyDocsPath+FbxSubPath+"import") all:true
	makeDir (MyDocsPath+FbxSubPath+"export") all:true


This creates the corresponding folders for 3ds Max 2017 release version ( path will change for updated FBX plugins ! )

And now Max even stores your customized FBX presets successfully


Problem is.... it does NOT read the contents of those preset folder back to look for user saved preset files  !


I tested the same thing in Max 2016 and Max 2015 , there at least things work as expected, but is a total mess already too:

FBX plugins for Max2015/2016 both store their preset files in the "My Documents\3dsmax\FBX\3dsMax2014_X64\Presets\" folder ( note the Max 2014 part )!?!?! Holly molly - someone should give the person responsible for the FBX plugins recompiles some serious wakeup call !



AFAIK the FBX dev team is a seperated unit and they do not really seem to care much - at least on the Max side of things ...

Maybe it's even the Maya team responsible for it ( like it is for Backburner )

Josef Wienerroither
Software Developer & 3d Artist Hybrid




After you created the folders as mentioned in my previous post and created some ucustomized presets, you can copy the preset files to your corresponding  [3dsMax2017Root]\plugcfg\FBX\presets  folder. After doing this, at least you can pick the presets from the drop down in the dialog. Problem is that changes most likely are stored again in the "My documents" subfolders and not read back after that ( i did'nt test though )

Josef Wienerroither
Software Developer & 3d Artist Hybrid


@clichtner wrote:


Also, I can't find the 2017

"Autodesk Media & Entertainment.fbxexportpreset"


or any other .fbxexportpreset files.



You can find them in your [Maxroot]\plugcfg\FBX\presets\export folder, typically it's in C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2017\plugcfg\FBX\presets\export



Ok I did some more testing, and here's what I've found:

As you mentioned, you have to manually create the ...\Documents\3dsMax\FBX\3dsMax2017_X64\Presets\2017.0.1\export folders to get the user defined presets to be saved. Howerver, this preset does not show up in the preset dropdown list. I also noticed that when you hit export in max, a new folder is created in the ...\Documents\3dsMax\FBX\3dsMax2017_X64\Presets folder, called export. If you compare the two paths, you'll notice that the only difference the \2017.0.1\ folder.


I copied the "User defined.fbxexportpreset" file from the first path into the second one, and tried exporting again. Now, the preset DID show up in the preset dropdown list.


So, it seems that 3ds Max 2017 wants to save the presets in:


and it wants to load presets from:


which is completely bonkers.


I really hope this gets a hotfix soon.

Not applicable

Thanks Spacefrog!!  You are a genius!  You saved me lots of hours by figuring this out.  

I don't know how to script so I just followed your path and created the folders myself. Then I created the preset in the export dialogue. Lastly I copied the new preset from your folder to the existing export folder and now I can see it in my Current Presets.  Thanks again!




Accepted solution

Hello @Anonymous,


This thread was before my start time here in the forums, but I wanted to inform you that this issue was fixed in SP2 of 3ds Max 2017.  If you have not done so, please install your updates.  There are many things that have been fixed or improved and if you have no updates or service packs installed your experience will be downgraded.  Thanks for doing that for me!  You can find them in the Desktop App or at Manage.Autodesk.com


Best Regards,


Not applicable

Great)) I have same issue with Maya 2017 SP4. None of it were on SP3) Is there any solution? Sorry for writing to Max forum, but IO havent found any troubleshooting for this in relevant Maya threads.



Hello @Anonymous and welcome to the community,


A bit outside my wheelhouse I'm afraid, but @sean.heasley may have an idea about this.  Ever seen this one in Maya Sean?  Thanks!

Best Regards,



Thanks for the mention @Alfred.DeFlaminis!


I'd be happy to help @Anonymous but to help the rest of the Maya community if you can go ahead and make a thread on the Maya board so myself and the other Maya users can pitch and help and/or see the solution to this issue that would be great!

Not applicable

Hello you can enter in C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2017\plugcfg\FBX\presets\export

then open new text doc and copy code and save like txt then move text document

in C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2017\plugcfg\FBX\presets\export

change extension .txt  to .fbxexportpreset 

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Export UIH="0" UID="0" UIG="1" UIX="1" UIP="0" lbENU="Export">
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    <PluginProductFamily UIH="0" UID="0" UIG="0" lbENU="Plugin product family" dt="KString" v="3DS Max  ( API cut number: )"/>
    <PresetSelected UIH="1" UID="0" UIG="0" lbENU="Preset Selected" dt="KString" v=""/>
  <PresetsGrp UIH="0" UID="0" UIG="1" UIX="0" UIP="1" lbENU="Presets">
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    <AxisConvGrp UIH="0" UID="0" UIG="1" UIX="0" UIP="0" lbENU="Axis Conversion">
      <UpAxis UIH="0" UID="0" UIG="0" lbENU="Up Axis" dt="Enum" enumSelected="Y-up" v="0" enumItem_0="Y-up" enumItem_1="Z-up"/>
    <UI UIH="0" UID="0" UIG="1" UIX="0" UIP="0" lbENU="UI">
      <ShowWarningsManager UIH="0" UID="0" UIG="0" UIBG="0" lbENU="Show Warning Manager" dt="Bool" v="1"/>
      <GenerateLogData UIH="0" UID="0" UIG="0" UIBG="0" lbENU="Generate Log Data" dt="Bool" v="1"/>
      <PluginVersionsURL UIH="1" UID="0" UIG="0" lbENU="Plugin Versions URL" dt="KString" v="http://download.autodesk.com/us/fbx/versions/fbxversion.xml"/>
    <Fbx UIH="0" UID="0" UIG="1" UIX="0" UIP="0" lbENU="FBX File Format">
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    <Dxf UIH="1" UID="0" UIG="1" UIX="0" UIP="0" lbENU="Dxf">
      <Deformation UIH="0" UID="0" UIG="0" UIBG="0" lbENU="Deformed Models" dt="Bool" v="1"/>
      <Triangulate UIH="0" UID="0" UIG="0" UIBG="0" lbENU="Triangulate" dt="Bool" v="1"/>
    <Collada UIH="1" UID="0" UIG="1" UIX="0" UIP="0" lbENU="Collada">
      <Triangulate UIH="0" UID="0" UIG="0" UIBG="0" lbENU="Triangulate" dt="Bool" v="1"/>
      <SingleMatrix UIH="0" UID="0" UIG="0" UIBG="0" lbENU="Single Matrix" dt="Bool" v="1"/>
      <FrameRate UIH="0" UID="0" UIG="0" lbENU="Frame Rate" dt="Number" v="30"/>
  <FBXExtentionsSDK UIH="1" UID="0" UIG="1" UIX="0" UIP="0" lbENU="FBX Extensions SDK">
    <FBXExtentionsSDKWarning UIH="0" UID="0" UIG="0" lbENU="FBX Extensions SDK Warning" dt="Warning" v="Add your custom properties here."/>


@Anonymous, this code was really helpful! 
I just change some details like units and Smothing Groups set to 1

Thank you very much! 

This code here is with:

' Smotthing Groups ' option activated
' Centimeters ' units instead of Milimeters:



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Export UIH="0" UID="0" UIG="1" UIX="1" UIP="0" lbENU="Export">
<PlugInGrp UIH="1" UID="0" UIG="1" UIX="0" UIP="0" lbENU="Plugin Information">
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<PlugInUIHeight UIH="1" UID="0" UIG="0" lbENU="Plugin UI Height" dt="Integer" v="500"/>
<PlugInUIXpos UIH="1" UID="0" UIG="0" lbENU="Plugin UI X Position" dt="Integer" v="100"/>
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<UILIndex UIH="1" UID="0" UIG="0" lbENU="UI language" dt="Enum" enumSelected="ENU" v="0" enumItem_0="ENU" enumItem_1="DEU" enumItem_2="FRA" enumItem_3="JPN" enumItem_4="KOR" enumItem_5="CHS"/>
<PluginProductFamily UIH="0" UID="0" UIG="0" lbENU="Plugin product family" dt="KString" v="3DS Max ( API cut number: )"/>
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<SmoothMesh UIH="0" UID="0" UIG="0" UIBG="0" lbENU="TurboSmooth" dt="Bool" v="1"/>
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<Skins UIH="0" UID="0" UIG="0" UIBG="0" lbENU="Skins" dt="Bool" v="1"/>
<Shape UIH="0" UID="0" UIG="0" UIBG="0" lbENU="Morphs" dt="Bool" v="1"/>
<CurveFilter UIH="0" UID="0" UIG="0" UIBG="1" UIX="0" lbENU="Curve Filters" dt="Bool" v="0">
<CurveFilterApplyCstKeyRed UIH="0" UID="0" UIG="0" UIBG="1" UIX="0" lbENU="Constant Key Reducer" dt="Bool" v="0">
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<CurveFilterCstKeyRedSPrec UIH="0" UID="0" UIG="0" lbENU="Scaling Precision" dt="Number" v="0.004" min="0" max="1"/>
<CurveFilterCstKeyRedOPrec UIH="0" UID="0" UIG="0" lbENU="Other Precision" dt="Number" v="0.009" min="0" max="1"/>
<AutoTangentsOnly UIH="0" UID="0" UIG="0" UIBG="0" lbENU="Auto tangents only" dt="Bool" v="1"/>
<CurveFilterApplyUnroll UIH="0" UID="0" UIG="0" UIBG="1" UIX="0" lbENU="Unroll Rotations" dt="Bool" v="0">
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<CurveFilterUnrollPath UIH="0" UID="0" UIG="0" UIBG="0" lbENU="Follow Y-Up" dt="Bool" v="1"/>
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<CurveFilterKeyReducePrec UIH="0" UID="0" UIG="0" lbENU="Filter Intensity" dt="Number" v="1" min="0" max="1e+009"/>
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<Camera UIH="0" UID="0" UIG="0" UIBG="0" lbENU="Cameras" dt="Bool" v="0"/>
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<UnitsSelector UIH="0" UID="1" UIG="0" lbENU="Scene units converted to" dt="Enum" enumSelected="Centimeters" v="1" enumItem_0="Millimeters" enumItem_1="Centimeters" enumItem_2="Decimeters" enumItem_3="Meters" enumItem_4="Kilometers" enumItem_5="Inches" enumItem_6="Feet" enumItem_7="Yards" enumItem_8="Miles"/>
<AxisConvGrp UIH="0" UID="0" UIG="1" UIX="0" UIP="0" lbENU="Axis Conversion">
<UpAxis UIH="0" UID="0" UIG="0" lbENU="Up Axis" dt="Enum" enumSelected="Y-up" v="0" enumItem_0="Y-up" enumItem_1="Z-up"/>
<UI UIH="0" UID="0" UIG="1" UIX="0" UIP="0" lbENU="UI">
<ShowWarningsManager UIH="0" UID="0" UIG="0" UIBG="0" lbENU="Show Warning Manager" dt="Bool" v="1"/>
<GenerateLogData UIH="0" UID="0" UIG="0" UIBG="0" lbENU="Generate Log Data" dt="Bool" v="1"/>
<PluginVersionsURL UIH="1" UID="0" UIG="0" lbENU="Plugin Versions URL" dt="KString" v="http://download.autodesk.com/us/fbx/versions/fbxversion.xml"/>
<Fbx UIH="0" UID="0" UIG="1" UIX="0" UIP="0" lbENU="FBX File Format">
<AsciiFbx UIH="0" UID="0" UIG="0" lbENU="Type" dt="Enum" enumSelected="Binary" v="0" enumItem_0="Binary" enumItem_1="ASCII"/>
<ExportFileVersion UIH="0" UID="0" UIG="0" lbENU="Version" dt="Alias" enumSelected="FBX201400" v="0" enumItem_0="FBX201400" enumItem_1="FBX201300" enumItem_2="FBX201200" enumItem_3="FBX201100" enumItem_4="FBX201000" enumItem_5="FBX200900" enumItem_6="FBX200611"/>
<Dxf UIH="1" UID="0" UIG="1" UIX="0" UIP="0" lbENU="Dxf">
<Deformation UIH="0" UID="0" UIG="0" UIBG="0" lbENU="Deformed Models" dt="Bool" v="1"/>
<Triangulate UIH="0" UID="0" UIG="0" UIBG="0" lbENU="Triangulate" dt="Bool" v="1"/>
<Collada UIH="1" UID="0" UIG="1" UIX="0" UIP="0" lbENU="Collada">
<Triangulate UIH="0" UID="0" UIG="0" UIBG="0" lbENU="Triangulate" dt="Bool" v="1"/>
<SingleMatrix UIH="0" UID="0" UIG="0" UIBG="0" lbENU="Single Matrix" dt="Bool" v="1"/>
<FrameRate UIH="0" UID="0" UIG="0" lbENU="Frame Rate" dt="Number" v="30"/>
<FBXExtentionsSDK UIH="1" UID="0" UIG="1" UIX="0" UIP="0" lbENU="FBX Extensions SDK">
<FBXExtentionsSDKWarning UIH="0" UID="0" UIG="0" lbENU="FBX Extensions SDK Warning" dt="Warning" v="Add your custom properties here."/>


Not applicable

This solved the issue for me. Thank you very much.


Not applicable

I set smoothing group in the file like you said and it works fine.
Then I tried to apply the same principle to Up Axis Conversion but does not work.

This is the line of code: 

 <AxisConvGrp UIH="0" UID="0" UIG="1" UIX="0" UIP="0" lbENU="Axis Conversion">
      <UpAxis UIH="0" UID="0" UIG="0" lbENU="Up Axis" dt="Enum" enumSelected="Y-up" v="0" enumItem_0="Y-up" enumItem_1="Z-up"/>

I bolded the part that I tried to change, and I've set it to "1" but it does not work.

Any suggestions? 



Version 2020 gave me this error on year 2019. Now I get it again on v2022, and still dunno what I did to fix it but wasn't on this list of solutions posted here. Fix?

EDIT: Run as Admin solves it, seems he cannot read his own files on C:// (export presets folder is no longer on Documents, but on installation folder)


Community Visitor
Community Visitor

I solved this by replacing x.fbxexportpreset path '\\' to "\\\\"

The result path like this:  'C:\\\\Users\\\\admin\\\\Documents\\\\FBXPresets\\\\ex_ani.fbxexportpreset'


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