I've made the suggested changes. I attached an image of the CGAxis preview vs the vray preview with the new changes.
You seem to be comparing your Material preview (which does not show displacement) and the CGAxis preview which does show displacement, so you really need the rendered version to compare.
You can see that I had the displace value set to 12. I'm not sure if there is a specific sweetspot that I should use.
There is no magic displace value number for all displacement maps. What you have eyeballed (12) looks reasonable to me in your render and generally I just adjust the amount to suit the material and the object. But the material map looks stretched horizontally vs the CG axis preview. This can be adjusted with U tiling in a UVW Map Modifier rollout.
May I ask why the gamma should be set to not automatic?
This is a big topic, but I suggest that you watch the following video which explains a little more about PBR workflow and the importance of a gamma setting of 1.0 for the maps I mentioned. The video uses Arnold and the Max Physical material as an example, but the principles are the same for Vray and any render engine and materials that supports Physically Based Rendering.
I've also attached two renders of a sphere with the changes. One is without the gamma change and one is with the gamma change. Please tell me what you think and if you see something that looks off. The gamma one is the more shiny one.
Concerning the shininess, to my eye the correct glossiness to match the CG Axis preview would be somewhere between the 2 images. I use Arnold and am not as familiar with Vray, so I am not sure why the correct gamma setting of 1.0 for your glossiness map does not look correct (looks too glossy in this case for the rock). Nothing will break if you do not use the gamma setting of 1.0 for the glossiness map, so if it looks better to you with the auto setting of 2.2 or even an intermediate setting between 1.0 and 2.2, (e.g, gamma override set to 1.5) feel free to experiment. But of course you don’t want to have to do this all the time and it would be better to understand why the correct setting seems overly glossy. Maybe someone with more experience with Vray has some insight they can share.
At least the displacement is now working. A few other comments:
- I think that you may have placed the roughness map into the diffuse roughness slot, correct? I think that the intended use for the roughness map is not that slot, but the Reflection Roughness slot if your material has it. However, the vray Material you show has Reflection Glossiness and not Reflection Roughness (the 2 maps are just the inverse of each other), so you would use only the glossiness map.
- When you use a Displacement map you do not necessarily also need a Normal map. It depends on how each were created. The displacement map actually changes the geometry for the render, while the normal map is just a lighting illusion of surface bumps that breaks down when you see the edge of the object . So try the render with and without the normal map enabled and see what you like better.