Thank You for suggesting!
The past 24 hrs have been rather intense here.
Due to the memory crashed I have managed successfully to set on fire tiny part of the the motherboard, by mistake - put the memory stick onto slot which is not supposed to be used with certain number of memory sticks.
Miraculously , in the morning after resetting the bios, the Motherboard ran, and system managed to run.
After managed to run windows and consequently 3ds max, tried uninstalling the major plugins installed. All of them were installed more than two weeks, and personally did not expect any of them to be the culprit.
As I am using Corona Renderer and have Vray Next license, was offered an unofficial Vray Next for 3ds max 2022 version. This was caused by the need to convert materials between both plugins. Have licenses for both Chaos'es products.
So right after uninstalling Vray , 3ds max returned to normal behaviour - no crash. Tested several new empty files - the RAM consumption did not increased as it did the day before. Decided to install back Vray and try to replicate the issue but i in vane . With the same plugins installed , same unofficial Vray Next for 3ds max 2022, can not replicate the crash issue anymore.
My only guess still remains licenses - Autodesk or Chaos one , or something related to them, as find no reason to run all plugins for two weeks and have the crashes only when moved to Indie license.