Hello @Anonymous,
Well it's clear to me you have a bright future ahead of you, this tank is looking pretty darn cool! The problems here are the following:
1) The treads aren't all instanced objects, so they are getting heavy. Some are instanced (1 in every 4 or so)
2) The treads are something like 7 million polygons each, and there are hundreds of them. Your total poly count for the scene is something like 250 million polygons. This is why your RAM is maxing out.
In the end, it's the treads. All you really need to do is set the tread counts from 200, 184, 185 to something like 2, 2, 8 and your scene should be much faster. The problem here isn't really with 3ds Max, just aggressive modeling. As far as I'm concerned, that's a pretty boss way to learn Max's limitations in the first place. If you try to change those tread counts I think all your problems will go away.
Here's how I would fix it: (It'll be laggy probably and you may have to wait a bit during some steps)
1) Hide the center parts of the tank. (Select, right click and hit Hide Selected)
2) Select a tread
3) Go to Edit->Select similar to select all treads
4) Press Alt Q to isolate the selected treads
5) Select nothing, then press H and select the cylinders at the bottom of your list. (065,083,123,141)
6) Right click and Hide Selected on the cylinders, now we have only tank treads showing.
7) Select all the tank treads (use method in step 2 and 3 if you'd like)
8) Open your listener window in the bottom left corner of the max UI. (The white area) by right clicking on it and selecting "Open Listener Window"
9) Paste the following into the white area: (don't press enter yet)
$.lengthsegs = 2
$.widthsegs = 2
$.heightsegs = 8
10) Select all 3 lines of text in the listener
11) Press Enter on the Numpad
12) Right click in viewport and Unhide All when done to get your hidden objects back.
That should change all your objects at once to much lower poly setups. If it crashes in step 9, you might have to do groups of the treads at a time instead of all of them but it worked on my laptop just fine. I believe this should help you so your memory isn't maxed out. Please let me know if it does not.
Please hit the "Accept as Solution" button if my post fully solves your issue or answers your question. This lets me know that I was effective in helping you, and thank you for doing so.
Best Regards,