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Revit 2015: Cannot edit Family

Message 1 of 19
7759 Views, 18 Replies

Revit 2015: Cannot edit Family

We have a project that is experiencing an odd issue.  Whenever you click on ANY family (casework, door, window, etc) one of two errors appear:


"Canont edit Family."


"A serious error has occured.  The current action has been cancelled."


We have tried completely uninstalling and reinstalling Revit 2015 (appdata, registry, etc) as well as not installing the latest update.  We've narrowed it down to the project file because the same error occurs on other computers, but not on other projects.


The strange issue is that we have gone back to previous versions of the Revit file from before the first time the error occured, and now those files are affected.


Here is a snippet of the journal file, see entire files attached.  Screenshots of the errors are below.


 '<<End build CT>> 
 ' 0:< ::42:: Delta VM: Avail +0 -> 8386642 MB, Used +3 -> 597 MB, Peak +5 -> 599 MB; RAM: Avail +1 -> 28509 MB, Used +10 -> 692 MB 
 'E 21-Jul-2014 18:06:57.584;   0:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    1 ,    510 ,    589
 'E 21-Jul-2014 18:06:57.584;   0:< 
 Jrn.LButtonUp    0 ,    510 ,    589
 ' 0:< Candidates (curIdx = 0): 1385508 (-25.527364, -27.601758, +105.833333) 1385505 (-25.683532, -27.583210, +105.833333) 1393969 (-25.683532, -27.583210, +104.000000) 1385531 (-25.527364, -27.601758, +104.000000) 1383725 (-25.527364, -28.747591, +104.000000) 1385506 (-25.766866, -27.583210, +102.914577) 1385509 (-25.527364, -27.591341, +102.375000) 1385507 (-25.766866, -27.583210, +102.375000) 1312999 (-25.527364, -27.955924, +104.000000) 1312993 (-25.527364, -27.601758, +104.000000) 1393969-0-INST=1393967-19-FACE (-25.766866, -27.583210, +104.000000) 1393969-0-INST=1393967-22-FACE (-25.683532, -27.601758, +104.000000) 1393969-0-INST=1393967-24-FACE (-25.683532, -27.583210, +104.000000)  
 'E 21-Jul-2014 18:06:58.328;   0:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,    499 ,      0
 'E 21-Jul-2014 18:06:58.329;   0:< 
 Jrn.PushButton "ToolBar , {}{} , Dialog_Revit_EditLoadedFamilyDbar" _
          , "Edit Family, Control_Revit_EditLoadedFam"
 ' 0:< Unnecessary nesting;d:\ship\2015_px64\source\revit\revitdb\family\FamilyBaseUI.cpp;541;ID_EDIT_FAMILY ;N++E(N); 
 ' 0:< Before : Destroy Display Manager 
 ' 0:<   System (MB) [Available /  Total ]  [Revit Memory Usage (MB)   ] 
 ' 0:< RAM Statistics:    28509 /    32712       696=InUse      710=Peak  
 ' 0:< VM  Statistics:  8386642 /  8388607       601=InUse      603=Peak  
 ' 0:< After : Destroy Display Manager 
 ' 0:<   System (MB) [Available /  Total ]  [Revit Memory Usage (MB)   ] 
 ' 0:< RAM Statistics:    28509 /    32712       696=InUse      710=Peak  
 ' 0:< VM  Statistics:  8386642 /  8388607       601=InUse      603=Peak  
 'H 21-Jul-2014 18:06:58.734;   0:< 
 Jrn.Directive "DocSymbol"  _
         , "[220000 Toilet Stall.rfa]"
 ' 0:< Before : Destroy Display Manager 
 ' 0:<   System (MB) [Available /  Total ]  [Revit Memory Usage (MB)   ] 
 ' 0:< RAM Statistics:    28509 /    32712       696=InUse      710=Peak  
 ' 0:< VM  Statistics:  8386642 /  8388607       601=InUse      603=Peak  
 ' 0:< After : Destroy Display Manager 
 ' 0:<   System (MB) [Available /  Total ]  [Revit Memory Usage (MB)   ] 
 ' 0:< RAM Statistics:    28509 /    32712       696=InUse      710=Peak  
 ' 0:< VM  Statistics:  8386642 /  8388607       601=InUse      603=Peak  
 ' 0:< TaskDialog "Cannot edit Family."
 'CommonButtons : Close
 'DefaultButton : Close 
 'H 21-Jul-2014 18:07:00.470;   0:< 
 Jrn.Data "TaskDialogResult"  _
         , "Cannot edit Family.",  _
          "Close", "IDCLOSE"
  'E 21-Jul-2014 18:07:00.470;   0:< 
  ' [Jrn.AutoConvertedMessageBox] Rvt.Attr.MessageId: String_Revit_CannotEditFamily Rvt.Attr.MessageAnswer: IDOK 
' 1:< SLOG $4f0e6324 2014-07-21 18:07:00.705 .LockUsers  R rootMIA 
 'E 21-Jul-2014 18:07:04.519;   0:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,   1320 ,      7
 'E 21-Jul-2014 18:07:04.519;   0:< 
 Jrn.Close "[27043.13-Central (3) 71114.rvt]" , "Floor Plan: A-FP01"
 ' 0:< <<Begin build CT>>


 'E 21-Jul-2014 18:46:25.018;   0:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    1 ,    381 ,    543
 'E 21-Jul-2014 18:46:25.018;   0:< 
 Jrn.LButtonUp    0 ,    381 ,    543
 ' 0:< Candidates (curIdx = 0): 1385508 (-23.235616, -23.549270, +105.833333) 1385509 (-23.082714, -24.601758, +102.375000) 1312993 (-23.701341, -24.167897, +105.000000)  
' 0:< ::25:: Delta VM: Avail -53 -> 8386630 MB, Used +48 -> 640 MB, Peak +39 -> 644 MB; RAM: Avail -60 -> 27611 MB, Used +57 -> 727 MB, Peak +52 -> 727 MB 
'  0.120463   1:<<<;PERF;MISC;drawing 
 'E 21-Jul-2014 18:46:25.689;   0:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,    368 ,      8
 'E 21-Jul-2014 18:46:25.689;   0:< 
 Jrn.PushButton "ToolBar , {}{} , Dialog_Revit_EditLoadedFamilyDbar" _
          , "Edit Family, Control_Revit_EditLoadedFam"
 ' 0:< DBG_WARN: cannot create content doc accessor from null ContentRec: line 86 of Document\ContentTable.cpp. 
 ' 0:< ::27:: Delta VM: Avail -4 -> 8386627 MB, Used +4 -> 644 MB, Peak +12 -> 656 MB; RAM: Avail -15 -> 27596 MB, Used +12 -> 739 MB, Peak +24 -> 752 MB 
 ' 0:< DBG_WARN: Null argument
 'Expect a soft crash after this warning.
 'ApplicationException is being thrown on behalf of the function <__cdecl Transaction::Transaction(const class TransactionIdentity &,class ADocument *,class CoreId,const class BeginUndoTransactionOptions &)>. Dump file: C:\Users\nadams\AppData\Local\Autodesk\Revit\Autodesk Revit Architecture 2015\Journals\journal.0041.0001.dmp: line 613 of d:\ship\2015_px64\source\revit\revitdb\gensrc\UndoTransaction.gen.cpp. 
 ' 0:< TaskDialog "A serious error has occurred. The current action has been cancelled."
 'CommonButtons : Close
 'DefaultButton : Close 
 'H 21-Jul-2014 18:46:52.311;   0:< 
 Jrn.Data "TaskDialogResult"  _
         , "A serious error has occurred. The current action has been cancelled.",  _
          "Close", "IDCLOSE"
  'E 21-Jul-2014 18:46:52.312;   0:< 
  ' [Jrn.AutoConvertedMessageBox] Rvt.Attr.MessageId: IDS_ACTION_CANCELLED_DUE_TO_ERROR_NO_DOC Rvt.Attr.MessageAnswer: IDOK 
' 0:< DBG_INFO: ImportSymbol with no instances. This is just sad.: line 997 of d:\ship\2015_px64\source\revit\revitdb\importexport\MasterImportSymbol.cpp. 
' 0:< DBG_INFO: ImportSymbol with no instances. This is just sad.: line 1786 of d:\ship\2015_px64\source\revit\revitdb\importexport\MasterImportSymbol.cpp. 
' 1:< SLOG $794390e2 2014-07-21 18:46:52.400 .LockUsers  R locked 
' 0:< SLOG $794390e2 2014-07-21 18:46:52.415 >Auto 
' 3:< EP::readDeltas 358900 -- no deltas 
' 4:< syncEPtoDisk stats: 0 misses / 0 hits = NaN ratio 
' 4:< start logDiffEP of only CENTRAL_BORROWS 
' 4:< stop logDiffEP of only CENTRAL_BORROWS 
' 3:< SLOG $794390e2 2014-07-21 18:46:52.437 .Auto:LockUsers  R unlocked 
' 2:< >ER::dumpCache 0 OLD versus 0 NEW 
' 2:< <ER::dumpCache 
' 0:< SLOG $794390e2 2014-07-21 18:46:52.447 <Auto 
' 0:< <<Begin update dbar>>



The computer is only a few months old, but again, this error occurs on multiple computers for this project file:


' 0:<    BuildNumber : 7601 
' 0:<    BuildType : Multiprocessor Free 
' 0:<    Caption : Microsoft Windows 7 Professional  
' 0:<    CodeSet : 1252 
' 0:<    CountryCode : 1 
' 0:<    CSDVersion : Service Pack 1 
' 0:<    FreePhysicalMemory : 28676060 
' 0:<    FreeSpaceInPagingFiles : 33497260 
' 0:<    FreeVirtualMemory : 62075680 
' 0:<    MaxProcessMemorySize : 8589934464 
' 0:<    OSLanguage : 1033 
' 0:<    OSType : 18 
' 0:<    ServicePackMajorVersion : 1 
' 0:<    ServicePackMinorVersion : 0 
' 0:<    TotalVirtualMemorySize : 66992656 
' 0:<    TotalVisibleMemorySize : 33497260 
' 0:<    Version : 6.1.7601 
' 0:<    Process affinity mask : FFF 
' 0:<    System affinity mask : FFF 
' 0:<    AddressWidth : 64 
' 0:<    Architecture : 9 
' 0:<    Availability : 3 
' 0:<    Caption : Intel64 Family 6 Model 62 Stepping 4 
' 0:<    CurrentClockSpeed : 1190 
' 0:<    DataWidth : 64 
' 0:<    Description : Intel64 Family 6 Model 62 Stepping 4 
' 0:<    Family : 179 
' 0:<    L2CacheSize : 1536 
' 0:<    Level : 6 
' 0:<    Manufacturer : GenuineIntel 
' 0:<    MaxClockSpeed : 3501 
' 0:<    Name : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-1650 v2 @ 3.50GHz 
' 0:<    ProcessorType : 3 
' 0:<    Revision : 15876 
' 0:<    Role : CPU 
' 0:<    SocketDesignation : SOCKET 0 
' 0:<    StatusInfo : 3 
' 0:<    Version :  
' 0:<    AdapterCompatibility : NVIDIA 
' 0:<    AdapterDACType : Integrated RAMDAC 
' 0:<    AdapterRAM : -1073741824 
' 0:<    Caption : NVIDIA Quadro K4000 
' 0:<    CurrentBitsPerPixel : 32 
' 0:<    CurrentHorizontalResolution : 1600 
' 0:<    CurrentNumberOfColors : 4294967296 
' 0:<    CurrentRefreshRate : 60 
' 0:<    CurrentVerticalResolution : 1200 
' 0:<    Description : NVIDIA Quadro K4000 
' 0:<    DriverDate : 20131111000000.000000-000 
' 0:<    DriverVersion : 
' 0:<    MaxRefreshRate : 75 
' 0:<    MinRefreshRate : 59 
' 0:<    Monochrome : 0 
' 0:<    Name : NVIDIA Quadro K4000 
' 0:<    VideoArchitecture : 5 
' 0:<    VideoMemoryType : 2 
' 0:<    VideoModeDescription : 1600 x 1200 x 4294967296 colors 
' 0:<    VideoProcessor : Quadro K4000 
' 0:<    AdapterCompatibility : ShoreTel 
' 0:<    Caption : ShoreTel Desktop Sharing Accelerator 
' 0:<    CurrentBitsPerPixel : 32 
' 0:<    CurrentHorizontalResolution : 1600 
' 0:<    CurrentNumberOfColors : 4294967296 
' 0:<    CurrentRefreshRate : 60 
' 0:<    CurrentVerticalResolution : 1200 
' 0:<    Description : ShoreTel Desktop Sharing Accelerator 
' 0:<    DriverDate : 20090901000000.000000-000 
' 0:<    DriverVersion : 
' 0:<    MaxRefreshRate : 0 
' 0:<    Monochrome : 0 
' 0:<    Name : ShoreTel Desktop Sharing Accelerator 
' 0:<    VideoArchitecture : 5 
' 0:<    VideoMemoryType : 2 
' 0:<    VideoModeDescription : 1600 x 1200 x 4294967296 colors 

 Cannot edit Family.JPG


Serious Error.JPG




Message 2 of 19
in reply to: Anonymous

Are all computers using the same update?
We've had this problem with some of the machines running UR2 and some UR3 (build 20140606_1530(x64).
Getting all to UR3 solved the problem.
Message 3 of 19
in reply to: maciejwypych

It appears to us that the error started happening when we installed Update 3. Now, no matter which update version of 2015 we use, this particular project file has the error.
Message 4 of 19
in reply to: Anonymous

I see in one of your journals that you Detached from central and then the file opened. Later I see ' 8:< FileCheckDiagnostic ElementStorageSwapout::relinquishToElemTable: removing missing elements on load. Followed by a long list of elements.


What happens if you save the file as a new central? Can you now edit families? As a matter of interest can are all families in this file effected? Also, I may need a copy of your file and if so I will create an FTP site. CAn you share the file if necessary?


Thank for posting.

Message 5 of 19
in reply to: alan.quinn

We made the a central and created a new local...but the "Cannot edit Family" error persisted.  


We are interested in sending it to an FTP site for review, in order to avoid the issue in the future.

Message 6 of 19
in reply to: Anonymous

We are experiencing the same problem. Our Central model seems to be corrupt.  Any suggestions for recovery?  Saving as a new central model didn't work.

Message 7 of 19
in reply to: Anonymous

We are experiencing the same thing.  Is there a fix?  Looks like the original post is from July.

Message 8 of 19
in reply to: BGessel

It's hard to say how we fixed this. I think we found a local file that hadn't synchronized in the past few days and was able to save it as a central file. Unfortunately that meant we lost a few days of work.

I was talking to an Autodesk rep at a conference since, and they suggested contacting our Autodesk reseller (ImaginIT, in our case) to submit an issue ticket and get it looked at by Autodesk. It may be worth your time doing this since it is becoming more widespread.
Message 9 of 19
in reply to: Anonymous

Thanks.  We did submit an issue ticket to Autodesk and got one of the files fixed, but now it is happening again.  Was thinking if the issue is widespread that there might actually be a fix.  It takes 1-2 day to get a file back from Autodesk.

Message 10 of 19
in reply to: BGessel

None that I have found.
Message 11 of 19
in reply to: Anonymous

I have the same issue, before and after installing update 3, I specifically have the problem with one family in my file, out of the box curtain wall double glass door family.

I am affraid if this is going to spill to elasewhere in the file.


Message 12 of 19
in reply to: Anonymous

Just had our first case of this happening in a project. I was able to save 10 families out of the project, but the other 100 failed to save.


Message 13 of 19
in reply to: Anonymous

First of all, Autodesk was unable to recover our file. They did provide us with a multi-page list of families that were corrupt. I was told by Autodesk that our problem began when we used a 2013 REVIT template in Revit 2015 without updating it in REVIT 2014 and saving it before using it in 2015. Basically I was told that every object created in 2013 must be updated and saved in 2014 before bringing it into 2015. Autodesk stated that they have rewritten the code for families and this is the reason for all the problems. This change is supposed to be an improvement.

Most families eventually became corrupt in the project. You can go back if you have all of your families saved in 2013 and upgrade and save them in 2014. I would even go as far as opening and saving them in 2015 before reload them in your project. This process was incredibly time consuming and costly! I was however able to keep our project file. I still hold my breath every time I have to edit the file.

Good Luck!
Message 14 of 19
in reply to: Anonymous

Have you, by chance, upgraded the project from Revit 2014 to 2015 recently? Are you using Revit server?
Message 15 of 19
in reply to: Anonymous

Some additional information to my previous post: One really critical change I made was to update the default fittings for duct & pipes to new, out of the box, REVIT 2015 families (the 2015 families have a slightly different name).  Once the default fittings were updated, when editing a duct or pipe run, I either replaced the old fittings or delete and reconnect segments, prior to editing a pipe or duct run.  This will save you a lot of headaches! You will notice if you try to edit a duct or pipe run with the corrupt fittings you can get all kinds of crazy results and/or errors.

Message 16 of 19
in reply to: Anonymous

We updated our 2014 file to 2015 in July 2014.  We are not using Revit Server.

Message 17 of 19
in reply to: Anonymous

The problem I have with the 2013 template upgrade to 2014 to 2015 is that we jumped from 2013 to 2015 without a problem updated the template and all the families. We only had this issue show up this week with one project.

Message 18 of 19
in reply to: Anonymous



I'm experiencing the same issue with one of our electrical model. When I attempted to edit a family, I received the message 'Cannot Edit Family'. In addition, when I attempted to duplicate a family, Revit will crash and kick me out right away without asking me to save a Recovery file. I have been searching the web for the solution for this issue and still no luck. Please let me know. Our model size is about  53MB and our deadline is quickly aproaching.


Thank you,



Message 19 of 19
in reply to: Anonymous

I re-imported all my families and overwrote the originals to fix this issue.

Ken Kauno
BIM Manager

tgb | architects

21911 76th Ave W. Suite 210, Edmonds, WA 98026
t: 425.778.1530 f: 425.774.7803

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