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eNotApplicable Error

Message 1 of 14
10322 Views, 13 Replies

eNotApplicable Error

I am trying to open a DWG file, read the number of specific blocks found inside, and then close the drawing.  The problem I am having is that after opening my file from a form using the OpenFileDialog component, I get the eNotApplicable Error on the following line:


           Dim dwg As Document = Application.DocumentManager.Open(fileName, True)
            Using tr As Transaction = dwg.TransactionManager.StartTransaction
                Dim tv(0 To 1) As TypedValue
                tv(0) = New TypedValue(0, "INSERT")
                tv(1) = New TypedValue(2, "SB128")
                Dim fil As New SelectionFilter(tv)
                Dim psr As PromptSelectionResult = dwg.Editor.SelectAll(fil)     'FAILS HERE (eNotApplicable )
                If psr.Value IsNot Nothing Then
                    newAttribCnt = psr.Value.Count
                End If
            End Using


I thought it might have something to do with my filter or Typed value so to confirm I tried similar code, but this time instead of opening the target drawing like above, I *manually* opened my file first then ran the following code:


         Dim dwg As Document = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument
            Using tr As Transaction = dwg.TransactionManager.StartTransaction
                Dim tv(0 To 1) As TypedValue
                tv(0) = New TypedValue(0, "INSERT")
                tv(1) = New TypedValue(2, "SB128")
                Dim fil As New SelectionFilter(tv)
                Dim psr As PromptSelectionResult = dwg.Editor.SelectAll(fil)      'WORKS FINE HERE
                If psr.Value IsNot Nothing Then
                    newAttribCnt = psr.Value.Count
                End If
            End Using

 As you can see the only difference is it works when opening the file first and using MdiActiveDocument but does not when opening the file via DocumentManager.Open.  When I check "dwg.name" during debugging on the failed code, I can see that "dwg" does reference the file just opened and not the drawing I opened my form from.  I bet this is really something simple and fundamental that I just don't know about.  I also have made sure that I am calling form.Hide before calling SelectAll, just to make sure that the active form isn't blocking the selection.  But even in my MdiActiveDocument example, I am hiding the form and am able to return a valid filtered selection.


Any ideas?





Message 2 of 14

I assume the form you used to trigger of your open drawing code (a button click?) is a modeless form (or your code would not able able to open a drawing).


So, you need to lock the document before starting the Transaction. That is:


Dim dwg as Document=Application.DocumentManager.Open(...)

Using lck As DocumentLock=dwg.LockDocument()

    ''Select entities here.


    ''Then only start transaction if the SelectSet.Count>0

    Using tr As Transaction=dwg.Database.TRansactionManager.StartTransaction()


    End Using

End Using

Norman Yuan

Drive CAD With Code


Message 3 of 14
in reply to: MarkSanchezSPEC

Try to add before problem line this one:




Message 4 of 14

I tried your locking suggestion but it staill fails with the same error at:


Dim psr As PromptSelectionResult = dwg.Editor.SelectAll(fil) 


I even took out the OpenFileDialog part and just hard-coded the path to the file - same result.  The file always opens, but I cannot seem to select with this filter, which is valid based on my test using the MdiActiveDocument method.


This is really odd - I do a lot of batch routines where I open a drawing, do something, close the drawing, then move on to the next one.  In this particular app I am NOT batch processing but my call to Open the drawing is the same as always.   I thinlk I might have to drop this for a while and move on with somehting else.


Message 5 of 14
in reply to: Hallex

I tried adding this line but if Me.Hide is called *before* it, then I get "Form is not active" error.  Removing Me.Hide results in "Invalid execution context" error when trying to select objects.  Finally, calling Me.Hide *after* it bring me back to the same "eNotApplicable" error.


Thanks anyway

Message 6 of 14
in reply to: MarkSanchezSPEC

So you selected blocks in Model, in this case add to your filter,

not sure about if this helps, anyway:

Dim tv(2) AsTypedValue

                tv(0) =

NewTypedValue(0, "INSERT")

                tv(1) =

NewTypedValue(2, "SB128")

                tv(2) =

NewTypedValue(410, "Model")


Dim fil AsNewSelectionFilter(tv)


Dim psr AsPromptSelectionResult = dwg.Editor.SelectAll(fil)


Message 7 of 14
in reply to: Hallex

I am selecting from Model but adding the 410 dxfCode did not help - same error.

I think I am going to post this on the ADN site.  I will definitely post any solution.


Thanks for all your help.



Message 8 of 14
in reply to: MarkSanchezSPEC

I'm writing something similar weeks ago,

see if this is helps in your case


     Class  BlockCommands.vb

   'Imports System.IO
   'Imports System.Linq
     Public Shared Function GetDirectoryDrawings(directoryFullName As String, subDirsBrowse As Boolean) As List(Of FileInfo)
            Dim dirinfo As New DirectoryInfo(directoryFullName)
            If Not dirinfo.Exists Then
                Throw New DirectoryNotFoundException()
                Return Nothing
            End If
            Dim opt As SearchOption = SearchOption.AllDirectories
            If subDirsBrowse = False Then opt = SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly
            Return dirinfo.GetFiles("*dwg", opt).AsEnumerable().OrderBy(Function(x) x.FullName).ToList()
        End Function
        Public Shared Sub testDirFiles(blkname As String, dirpath As String)

            Dim csvfile As String = Path.Combine(dirpath, blkname)

            csvfile = csvfile & ".csv"

            Dim doc As Document = Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument

            Dim db As Database = doc.Database

            Dim ed As Editor = doc.Editor
            Using doclock As DocumentLock = doc.LockDocument()
                    Dim fd As List(Of FileInfo) = GetDirectoryDrawings(dirpath, False) ''     True for processing the subdirectories

                    Dim collect As New StringBuilder

                    If fd IsNot Nothing Then

                        For n As Integer = 0 To fd.Count - 1

                            Dim dwgname As String = fd(n).FullName

                            Using newdb As Database = New Database(False, True)
                                ed.WriteMessage(vbLf + dwgname + vbLf)

                                    newdb.ReadDwgFile(dwgname, FileOpenMode.OpenForReadAndAllShare, False, Nothing)
                                Catch ex As Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime.Exception
                                    If ex.ErrorStatus = ErrorStatus.DwgNeedsRecovery Then
                                        Continue For
                                    End If
                                End Try

                                Using newtr As Transaction = newdb.TransactionManager.StartTransaction
                                    ' Open dictionary for reading 
                                    Dim layoutDict As DBDictionary = DirectCast(newtr.GetObject(newdb.LayoutDictionaryId, OpenMode.ForRead), DBDictionary)
                                    ' Loop through dictionary entries
                                    For Each entry As DictionaryEntry In layoutDict
                                        Dim ltr As Layout = DirectCast(newtr.GetObject(DirectCast(entry.Value, ObjectId), OpenMode.ForRead), Layout)
                                        Dim btr As BlockTableRecord = DirectCast(newtr.GetObject(ltr.BlockTableRecordId, OpenMode.ForRead), BlockTableRecord)

                                        For Each id As ObjectId In btr
                                            Dim obj As DBObject = DirectCast(newtr.GetObject(id, OpenMode.ForRead), DBObject)
                                            If TypeOf obj Is BlockReference Then ''
                                                Dim bref As BlockReference = TryCast(obj, BlockReference)
                                                If bref IsNot Nothing AndAlso bref.Name = blkname Then
                                                    collect.AppendLine(String.Format("Drawing name: {0}", dwgname))

                                                    collect.AppendLine(String.Format("Tab: {0}", ltr.LayoutName))
                                                    Dim bdef As BlockTableRecord = TryCast(newtr.GetObject(bref.BlockTableRecord, OpenMode.ForRead, False), BlockTableRecord)
                                                    If bdef IsNot Nothing Then
                                                        If bdef.HasAttributeDefinitions Then
                                                            Dim atts As Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.AttributeCollection = bref.AttributeCollection

                                                            For Each attid As ObjectId In atts
                                                                Dim rowline As New List(Of String)
                                                                Dim line As String = String.Empty
                                                                Dim attref As AttributeReference = TryCast(newtr.GetObject(attid, OpenMode.ForRead, False), AttributeReference)

                                                                collect.AppendLine(attref.Tag + vbTab + attref.TextString)

                                                        End If
                                                    End If
                                                End If
                                            End If




                                End Using

                            End Using

                    End If
                    WriteTableToFile(csvfile, collect)

                Catch ex As System.Exception
                    ed.WriteMessage(vbLf + ex.ToString + vbLf)
                    ed.WriteMessage(vbLf + vbTab + "--->   File saved as: {0}   <---" + vbLf, csvfile)
                End Try
            End Using
        End Sub
        Public Shared Sub WriteTableToFile(fpath As String, data As StringBuilder)

            Using fs As New FileStream(fpath, FileMode.Append, FileAccess.Write)
                Using sw As New StreamWriter(fs, Encoding.ASCII)
                End Using
            End Using
        End Sub

       '' On Form module:
       '' Imports System.IO
       Private Sub btnBatch_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnBatch.Click
            Dim df As String = "Put your directory here"
            If Not Directory.Exists(df) Then
                MessageBox.Show("Folder does not exist")
            End If
            BlockCommands.testDirFiles("Put block name here", df)
        End Sub



Message 9 of 14
in reply to: Hallex

Hi Hallex - and thank you for your continued efforts in this forum.


I see this in your last code posted:

Dim layoutDict As DBDictionary = DirectCast(newtr.GetObject(newdb.LayoutDictionaryId, OpenMode.ForRead), DBDictionary)


and then:

For Each entry As DictionaryEntry In layoutDict


I had trouble with this syntax iterating through layoutdictionary.  When I changed to

For Each entry As DBDictionaryEntry In layoutDict, I got different results.  I am not convinced DictionaryEntry and DBDictionaryEntry are equal.  Perhaps someone from Autodesk can answer that?


Also, my task was locating viewports in layouts and that process is still not clear to me.  I have found some old dwg files that have 100's of invisible viewports and have not yet built rules to determine (in code) if they are valid.  That problem is back on the shelf.


I posted this as a "heads up".  My wish is that the compiler throws a type mismatch error or warning, but it does not. 

Message 10 of 14
in reply to: fieldguy

I think you want to look at ObjectARX docs about this difference,

unfortunatelly there is no docs on my native language,

try to find in there by yoursef, please


Thanks for your warm words, mate




Message 11 of 14



I solved it myself by adding CommandFlags.Session to my CommandMethod attribute:

<CommandMethod("XX", CommandFlags.Session)> _
        Public Sub Main()

        End Sub



Message 12 of 14
in reply to: MarkSanchezSPEC


    i met this 'filter' error too, how could you know this problem has ties with the '<CommandMethod("XX", CommandFlags.Session)>'?

where were you get the help?


Message 13 of 14
in reply to: MarkSanchezSPEC

You saved Me!!!!!!! Thank You!!!
Message 14 of 14
in reply to: Anonymous

Editor interactive methods (Getxxx, Selectxxx) can only be called on the active document (the one that receive user input)

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