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R14 & Windows Vista

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R14 & Windows Vista

Hello, Is it possible to run Release 14 on windows vista?
145 REPLIES 145
Message 101 of 146
in reply to: Anonymous

I have installed on both a Vista32 (gaming) and XP Pro (work) machine and it works fine with the exception of the .dll. All functions seem to be working as they are supposed to. I used full install settings in both cases.

I would suggest that you try installing from the Admin account on your computer, also turn off all virus, spam, and background programs when you do the install, that includes any running in the systray. It wouldn't hurt to run a virus and spyware check on your computer before the new install.

Please post back with details on your progress, it helps others who may have the same type of problem.
Message 102 of 146
in reply to: Anonymous

Could not install from disk. I have a Regestered copy. Had to install by copying acad14 directy from XP machine and adding the dll file and up dating the registery and removing read only from some files This is a Dell Studio Vista 64bit. All other comands seam to work fine. I hop it is fixable I use changprop quite often and have no ida what to do to fix it. I am retired But use Autocad quit offten for my hobbis to keep active.

Edited by: cannon30 on Mar 28, 2009 2:07 AM

Edited by: cannon30 on Mar 28, 2009 1:23 PM Edited by: cannon30 on Mar 29, 2009 3:22 PM
Message 103 of 146
in reply to: Anonymous

Here is the solution to getting R14 and windows to work:
1. Upgrade your copy of AutoCad or
2. Use an XP or Vista32 computer

R14 was written before 64 bit systems were in use, so you shouldn't be surprised if it doesn't work with one. While there has been some success in getting them to work together, is it really worth all the hassle. There are plenty of inexpensive XP boxes out there that will run R14 just fine, without the hassle.

The R14 distribution disk uses a 16 bit installer ...Vista64 does not support running 16 bit applications, soo install, also Microsoft in their wisdom has changed where programs must store their data, so the registry entries will be incorrect for R14. If you wish to rewrite an installer, R14 may work on a 64bit machine, because R14 is a 32bit application ...and Vista64 supports that for now.
Message 104 of 146
in reply to: Anonymous

Anyone have a solution to remove/delete a spline line? Maybe a special reg required to be permissioned?

I have made the shw31w32, the REGEDIT and the mtalctrl.exe changes and everything else is totally lovely. Just got this one old drawing with some extraneous spline lines that I cant make go away. Any ideas?

Also, Just want all to know how terrific I think you are to pool your knowledge with the rest of us. You gus are great! Very Professional persons, Thank You! Edited by: Hall_j on May 17, 2009 2:30 AM
Message 105 of 146
in reply to: Anonymous

To make the MatchProperties work you have to reload the .arx file.

Type APPLOAD - click "File" button - change file type is set to ARX & navigate to the location where the AutoCAD R14 folder is - select match.arx & click OPEN - returns to initial dialog box - select match.arx file & click LOAD.

MATCHPROP should now work. This procedure is also required for DRAW ORDER or other .arx commands.


Running AutoCAD R14 on Vista 64bit Business Premium with no issues yet....
Message 106 of 146
in reply to: Anonymous

I have recently upgraded my disk operating system to Vista Home Premium and reinstalled my copy of AutoCAD R14 and changed the compatability mode to Windows 95. When I start the programme I get the following measage - MEM_BAD_POINTER, then, Smartheap error handler recursivley re-entered. What am I doing wrong?
Message 107 of 146
in reply to: Anonymous

Will AutoCad 14 load and run on Windows 7 in XP mode?
Message 108 of 146
in reply to: Anonymous

Hello ninjawayne ,

Thank You So Much for the fix and sharing info , now i have Autocad 14 & Vista,
but when I go INSERT--BLOCK--Find File--Search Pattern, the program shutsdown, and give this error

i already gave th permissions, overwrite DLL, update registry permissions

please help me with that
Message 109 of 146
in reply to: Anonymous

my email address:
Message 110 of 146
in reply to: Anonymous

Ok, I did not have any success until I read the thread about copying files from an XP install. I have XP on my desktop and R14 runs fine. So I took and copied the whole directory from my XP desktop (listed under Program Files) to my Vista laptop. I then swapped out the new version of SH31W32.dll file. I changed all .exe files (where ever I found them) to run compatibility under Windows XP Service Pack 2 and checked Run as Administrator. I also clicked on the "Show settings for all users" and checked the same two (compatibility and run as admin) Applied this to all users and applied to the original compatibility selection.

I then exported the whole Autocad registry to the laptop. I think when you double click the file it automatically gets loaded in to the registry of that computer.

Autocad loaded but gave me the error missing heide3.dll file could not be found. I located it on the desktop under C:\Windows\system 32, copied that to the same location on the laptop. Then I got an error that it could not find gdifont3.hdi. Found that in the same location and copied again to the same location on my laptop. Lo and behold Autocad ran.

I have one problem though, when you scroll over a command icon the command name does not appear. One other problem I have is that I am trying to install DWGgateway which lets you open newer versions of Autocad files. I can not seem to get the application to run either automatic or manual using "appload" function.
Message 111 of 146
in reply to: Anonymous

ok, im so so so close to having this run on Windows 7 64 bit (but maybe REALLY far too?) I copied all over from a windows XP install and added the 2 files that it needed, and then changed the sh31w32.dll to one being used for vista. I switched compatibility to Windows XP SP2 and it firs up, but within about 3 or 4 seconds it shuts down due to a "Smart Heap error" is it possible the dll above isnt compatible with Windows 7? thoughts?

Message 112 of 146
in reply to: Anonymous

Message 113 of 146
in reply to: Anonymous

Hey man, I have Win 7 32 bits and works really nice. Try it and it will work 🙂 bye
Message 114 of 146
in reply to: Anonymous

Hope someone can make some us of this: R14 was working for me on 95,98, XP, Vista and now got it working on Windows 7 (for the last 10 minutes, at least). I lost my distribution disc years ago (Yes, I bought and paid for it ... it's probably in one of those boxes in the garage). When 2000 came out, I HATED it but I had no distrubution disc for R14 to go back to. So, with nothing else to do, I copied the program directory from the old machine to the new machine (this is maybe the 5th time now). Then run it (AutoCAD), when it fails, look for the missing file causing the failure (find it on old machine, copy it to new machine), run ACAD again, fails again, repeat. Ultimately R14 runs fine (after 2 or 3 missing dlls are found and copied over). Today, on Windows 7 ... after all that, it failed repeatedly on a heap error. I searched windows help for virtual memory, followed instructions for increasing virtural memory, ran ACAD again, failed. Krap. Searched here ... found the SH31W32.DLL that "Ed-S" posted for Vista ... thought what the heck ... can't hurt. I renamed the old one in the R14 directory and copied in the new one ... and (so far) R-14 works great. Thanks to all who contributed to this fix.
Message 115 of 146
in reply to: Anonymous

Thank you all for your help here. I'm up and going with Vista 64. I had to do a few things differently than posted here. I changed the sh31w32.dll file as directed. Had the same issues as rsteinheart 7/23/09, put heide3.dll from old computer into the windows/system32 as he directed, but with the gdifont3.hdi had to put it in windows/system for it to work. On the images, followed rayf1967, 10/09/08 with no sucess, tried cut and pasted and it worked, images up and running. Again I'm so grateful for this thread, would never have been able to do it alone!!
Message 116 of 146
in reply to: Anonymous

please tell me how did you install autocad r14 on win7 and make it work? thanks
Message 117 of 146
in reply to: Anonymous

Okay, I have played around with this a bit. This is what I have found. I am running R.14 on 64 bit Vista. Vista WILL NOT allow a new install into 64 bit. So I had to take the program files from my old computer (running xp) - I also grabbed heidi3.dll, gdifont3.hdi from windows/system32. I got the pointer error thing and replaced the sh31w32.dll file with the 111kb file (listed somewhere above).

Most everything seemed to work until I needed to trace a map - I couldn't insert a an image. So I started looking into that and found that a whole series of on-demand load .arx files are not loading. If it is something that is only used once in a while, you can just use tools-load application - all the .arx files are in the autocad program directory. Another option is to create an acad.rx file that lists the arx files that you need. This will load the arx applications every time you load autocad. The problem with this is that it will use memory even when you don't need them. Another option would be to create a lisp to autoload the arx application whenever you use one of the commands.

The arx files are likely loaded by this section of the registry:
This is the list of commands that are 'lost' (followed by the arx file with path needed to restore):

"VBAIDE", "VBALOAD", "VBARUN", "VBAUNLOAD", "-VBARUN" - (C:\Program Files\AutoCAD R14\acadvba.arx)
"BROWSER" - (C:\Program Files\AutoCAD R14\browser.arx)
"DRAWORDER" - (C:\Program Files\AutoCAD R14\dorder.arx)
"ATTACHURL", "DETACHURL", "LISTURL", "SELECTURL" - (C:\Program Files\AutoCAD R14\dwfiu.arx)
"DWFOUT", "DWFOUTD" - (C:\Program Files\AutoCAD R14\dwfout.arx)
"OPENURL", "SAVEURL", "INETCFG", "INETHELP", "INSERTURL" - (C:\Program Files\AutoCAD R14\internet.arx)
"IMAGEQUALITY", "TRANSPARENCY" - (C:\Program Files\AutoCAD R14\ism.arx)
"MATCHPROP", "PAINTER" - (C:\Program Files\AutoCAD R14\match.arx)
"MTEXT", "-MTEXT", "MTEDIT", "MTPROP" - (C:\Program Files\AutoCAD R14\acmted.arx)
(C:\Program Files\AutoCAD R14\render.arx)
"SOLVIEW", "SOLDRAW", "SOLPROF" - (C:\Program Files\AutoCAD R14\solids.arx)
"WIPEOUT" - (C:\\Program Files\\AutoCAD R14\\bonus\\cadtools\\wipeout.arx)

Maybe someone can find the reason that this part of the registry is ignored, or write an on-demand autoload lisp to bring them back from the netherworld.

Don't mess with your registry, or your file structure, especially if you don't know what you are doing with them - blah blah blah.
Message 118 of 146
in reply to: Anonymous

yup!! it is possible to run R14 to windows vista, in fact i made it running in my own laptop with, just follw these steps
1. find sh31w32.dll file in r14 forder
2. rename it or take backup
3. replace sh31w32.dll files that works with vista
4. then try to run your program to see if it is now running..

clear???? i hope u got it all...
Message 119 of 146
in reply to: Anonymous

Thank You for the *.zip-Datei! Now is my programm running!!!!
Erich_M. aus Munich, Germany
Message 120 of 146
in reply to: Anonymous

Is there any way some one could explain with more detail for some one like me with no experience in installation of AutoCAD R14 in window vista.

I read many of those information regarding installation of R14, yet have a hard time to understand. If any one could simply instruct me in how to

install R14 in window vista, please e-mail me

I really appreciate your help

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