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Save issue every other save...

Message 1 of 8
455 Views, 7 Replies

Save issue every other save...

I've run into an issue where when I save a file I'm working on every other time I get an error message that says "Unable to save to drawing...  Drawing saved to... \*.tmp"


After I click OK, I click the Save icon again and it saves to the normal file.  Next time I end up with the error again.


Anyone know what is going on?

Message 2 of 8
in reply to: KF090

You are probably using windows 7 or up... which messes with all files all the time with it's indexing and thumbnail making... as such Autocad will get told the file is "in use" and thus read only... at which point it saves to a temp.

If so, nothing much you can do about it... except complaining to MS... or setting your thumb and index settings away from the folder you are saving at. ( which is useless, because it is a folder you actually use etc)
Message 3 of 8
in reply to: Anonymous

Yup, Win 7.  ACAD 2014.  Sorry, I thought I had that info in there.


It was odd because it was only one of three files that I had it happen with.


Thanks for the info.

Message 4 of 8
in reply to: KF090

I'm using Win 7 and *don't* have the issue, so in and of itself I don't think its the problem.  The general description of the problem sounds correct - something is giving AutoCAD a busy signal.  If you are saving to a network/WAN and the problem doesn't happen when saving local, time to look into network lag.

If you are going to fly by the seat of your pants, expect friction burns.
"I don't know" is the beginning of knowledge, not the end.

Message 5 of 8
in reply to: dgorsman

This is happening when I save the file locally. 


I had been saving it to a folder under C:\_vaultwork\Inventor Designs\...  I just did a Save As and saved it on the Desktop and I cannot repeat the issue when saving it there.  When I went back to the Inventor Designs folder the original is gone.  I moved the file from the Desktop back to the original folder and the issue still happens.  The other DWG files in that folder are all fine, no issues.


If the file was corrupt would it happen anywhere it was stored?

Message 6 of 8
in reply to: KF090

Yes, if this was specific to a file, it should be happening regardless of location.


The path you mentioned "... vaultwork..." and "... Inventor...".  Is Vault involved here, and/or Inventor conversions?

If you are going to fly by the seat of your pants, expect friction burns.
"I don't know" is the beginning of knowledge, not the end.

Message 7 of 8
in reply to: dgorsman

No, these files were created in AutoCAD Mech. and they are not checked in to Vault.

Message 8 of 8
in reply to: KF090

1. It happens most in Win7, but not often enough to be common for everyone who doesn't replicate your exact situation. It also shouldn't happen often, it doesn't here but it does occasionally take place..
2. Simply put: your file is busy, something (AutoCAD most likely) isn't ready to overwrite it. hence the warning.
3. How QSAVE works: AutoCAD write a TMP file, AutoCAD deletes the BAK file, AutoCAD renames the DWG to BAK, AutoCAD renames the TMP to DWG.
4. The rename from DWG to BAK requires no activity in the file. AutoCAD/Windows apparently haven't agreed the file is free to rename yet.
5. It helps (not a cure) if your AutoSAVE settings isn't so short that it interferes with a QSAVE. It helps (not a cure) if you don't QSAVE 2-3-4 times in 2-3 seconds.
6. There is really no cure except as noted above: waiting-time is the only thing that works.


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