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Switching from Windows to Mac for AutoCAD 2013

Message 1 of 22
32948 Views, 21 Replies

Switching from Windows to Mac for AutoCAD 2013

This site lists the differences between mac and windows versions:


My question is it seems as if many important features are unavailable in the mac version.  I am concerened with UI ,customization, design features, etc.  Are these features simply unavailable in the mac version?  Or do they go by a different name/different way of achieving similar things?

Message 2 of 22
in reply to: Anonymous

I purchased Autocad for Mac about a year ago...and yes many of the features found on the PC version are not included on the Mac version. Some of these features, you really do not need, because of the way the software "works". I use the PC version of Autocad everyday...and use the Mac version at home for special projects and while working "late"...and the two versions are NOT exactly alike.


My only major gripes with the MAC version are:


1. I love the "refedit" command in the PC version for editting blocks in the context of the drawing...and it bugs me to not have it in the Mac version.

2. I do not like the "floating" toolbars and windows all over the screen...I prefer having my CAD program occupy the screen until I move it or minimize it. I seem to always be moving things around unintentionally. Perhaps there is a way to "lock" things down....but I have not found it.

3. It does not seem to be possible to ADD cameras for doing renderings...and the rest of the rendering type features do not match what is included with the PC version. It is great for modeling, but the rendering capabilities seem a bit lacking. Perhaps Autodesk wants mac users to purchase 3d Max....which is not available for Macs?


On the PLUS side of things...I do like having Autocad on my MAC and I considered numerous other programs before purchasing Autocad for Mac. It is a good robust CAD program with 3d modeling capabilities. And it does have some interesting "improvements" over the PC version. I love the parametric dimensioning....although I have just scratched the surface in using it.

Message 3 of 22
in reply to: Anonymous

Thanks for the info, so basically the mac version is a slightly less functional version of the windows one.  For someone who has to use autoCAD full time the windows version seems like it would be a better buy.  Do you know if there are performance issues if the machine CAD is running on is a mac machine running windows through a virtual machine?


Message 4 of 22
in reply to: Anonymous

I wanted a CAD application that ran "natively" on a MAC...and thus choose Autocad for MAC. I did not experiment with running it through Fusion or Bootcamp.


I run it on a new IMac without any problems. And I had it on my old 5 year old  IMac without any problems.


I am not sure "less functional" is a fair analysis. At the moment..... I am more familiar with the PC version of Autocad...since I use it everyday...and have been using it since the early 90s. 


 I used Autocad for Mac, full time for a year on several projects.....and with a few exceptions.... it works fine and does everything I would want it to just does things a little bit different than the PC version ( version 9 ) that I currently use everyday. And does many things much better than the PC version.


After finding some of my old favorite commands were "missing" , I realized there were other ways to do what I wanted to do...and in many instances...the work process was "simplified". For example, changing properties of objects is streamlined by how they have integrated the management of layers. It is a more intuitive process, once one has "un-learned" old habits of software useage.


There is also functionality in ACAD for Mac that I do not actively use...but have recently been "learning" use on an upcoming project.


Despite my criticism of autocad for mac...I like the just does a few things different than the PC counter part. But I think these "differences" reflect changes that are occuring in the PC based version of the program as well. I am now working in Autocad Architecture 2012 for PC also. And many of its features and organization are becoming more akin to REVIT.

Message 5 of 22
in reply to: Anonymous

Why buy a MAC if you want to run AutoCAD in Windows? Just curious since running Native Applications (WIndows or MAC) is usually the best path for productivity and personal sanity IMHO.

Message 6 of 22
in reply to: Anonymous

Thanks, I am working with one of our guys to get him used to the mac autoCAD environment.  He is having some trouble with some of the features that are missing in this.  I sat down with him and went through the functions on the list in my original post.  He highlighted the ones that were most important.


If you know of the mac equivalant or workaround of these features please let me know:

Quick Properties Palette

Layer State Manger

New Layer Notification


Quick Select


Tool Palettes


Migration Tools

CAD Standards Tools

DWF & DGN Underlays

Markup Set Manager


Ribbon Customization

Right-click Menus, Keyboard SHortcuts, and double-click customization

Reference manager

Dynamic Block Authoring

Sheet Set Manager

Model Documentation Tools

Table Style Editing

Hatch Creation Preview

Multiline Style Creation

Digitizer Integration
Change Space

Express Tools



These are some of the features that my co-worker uses most and are available on the windows version but not on mac.  Is there a "workaround" or a way to enable these in an osx environment?


Sorry for the wall of text:

TL;DR - How do I teach an old dog new tricks?

Message 7 of 22
in reply to: Anonymous


Here is my "wall of text", maybe it will be useful:
Quick Properties Palette - not available, but you still can use Properties Palette
Layer State Manger - look for it at
New Layer Notification - appear to be a feature in 2013 release
Filter Quick Select - look for it at
DesignCenter - try to use Content palette as partial replacement
Tool Palettes - not available, there is only Too Sets palette (customizible)
Workspaces - not available
Migration Tools - not available
CAD Standards Tools - not available
DWF & DGN Underlays - not available
Markup Set Manager - not available
eTransmit - not available, but could be implemented with some trick (workaround)
Ribbon Customization - no Ribbon - no customization
Right-click Menus, Keyboard Shortcuts, and double-click customization - possible, but only via direct editing .CUI files in XML editing application
Reference manager - is a feature in all AC for Mac releases
Dynamic Block Authoring - not available
Sheet Set Manager - available in 2013 release with some limitations in compare to Windows version, fully compatible with Sheet Sets created in Windows version
Model Documentation Tools - 2013 release supports viewing and annotating Model Doc objects, created in Windows version, Model doc styles are also supported
Table Style Editing - creation of Table Styles not supported, but you can use Table Styles, created in Windows version
Hatch Creation Preview - available, just set HPQUICKPREVIEW=1
Multiline Style Creation - not available
Digitizer Integration - looks like OS specific feature?
Change Space - you can use AutoLISP solution (search the Forum, I've already posted one of the routines of such kind
Express Tools - not available, but some features already implemented in AutoCAD itself, depends on what you need - most of tools could be implemented via Lisp routines.


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Maxim Kanaev

MacACAD | Linkedin

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Message 8 of 22
in reply to: Anonymous

I wonder how well Autocad for Mac is selling? I really hope that enough people are buying it so that they keep developing it into a full fledge Autocad. Really it should be sold for Autocad LT prices until its a finished version of Autocad. Also, I hope Autocad switches to the pay monthly method like Adobe has. Pay 50 bucks a month and you can use any Autodesk yea I know I am NOT holding my breath... Seriously, though, the days of 3 grand software needs to end. Its time for 300 bucks to be a high number. Even where I work we are sitting with Autocad 2008. 3k per seat is TOO much. 3k times 20 people is 60 grand. That is crazy for a couple extra features or in Mac's case a hundred fewer features than a 4 year old (or 5 year old if you live in Autodesk years) piece of software.


I do not understand how Autodesk could leave out so many very important features like editing dynamic blocks. Thats like leaving off the Line command for me. Deal Breaker! All of my blocks are dynamic and I can not imagine not being able to edit them which I do daily. I will keep trying the educational one until its good then I guess I will wait until hell freaazes over for the price to drop to $199.99. 


Simple math..

If 10,000 people buy Autocad at 3k thats 30,000,000 bucks

but if you sell it for 300 bucks and 100,000 people buy it (because at least 10 times more will) thats 30,000,000 bucks.


I dont know about you but I would prefer more people buying than making more off one person.


dump Autocad LT and sell Autocad for 300 bucks 🙂


Also sell things like Architecture as ADD ons to Autocad. 100 bucks for Autocad Architecture and so on...

Message 9 of 22
in reply to: betazero

How about some research on salaries for programmers, costs for utilities, server operations, product licensing?  There's a very justifiable reason the software costs what it does.

If you are going to fly by the seat of your pants, expect friction burns.
"I don't know" is the beginning of knowledge, not the end.

Message 10 of 22
in reply to: Anonymous

Sure...there is a "justifiable" reason all of the programmers and everyone down the line are paid what they deserve...


BUT, Autodesk is marketing this product as a "full featured" version of Autocad designed to run natively on a Apple computer. Thier marketing material even states that one of the reasons to buy it is because it is software that you already know from the PC version...and it simply is NOT.

Message 11 of 22
in reply to: dgorsman

Your missing what I am saying. They can make MORE money by selling for less per copy . Our company, for example, would upgrade to 2013 from 2008 if the total cost for 20 seats was 6,000 bucks and not 60,000. As it is right now we have no valid reason to upgrade. Autocad is like Excel or Word at this point. 99% of what you need to produce a set of construction documents is there. They are working to add 1% more in each version update. Sometimes they create a game changing feature but not too often. I dont need a fancier looking Autocad. It just needs to function at least as good as the previous version. Look at Apple for example. They are a huge company and they keep dropping the prices of their key software. Logic Pro, for example, used to be 499.99 ( or more I think ) for the latest version was dropped to 199.99 for its latest version. Its more accesible to a larger range of people. Expecially now with Architecture being hit sooo hard from the recession. Its like the difference between an R rated movie and PG13. Ten times more people will flock to PG13 movies. Also, I would go to the movies more often if they cost 7 bucks instead of 20 bucks a ticket and popcorn was a buck and not 5. Same principal. As it is now I just go to certain movies I know will be better on the big screen. After popcorn and all its like 80 bucks for 2 people compared to 8 bucks at home for 30 people if I wanted. 


Message 12 of 22
in reply to: Anonymous

Marketing department, use marketing terms?  Unheard of... 😄


I'll bet if you look at the literature you will see it never says that it has *all* the features of the Windows version, just that its "Full featured" - marketing-speak for lots'o'commands and settings.  Maybe a little misleading in a casual glance but certainly no lies.

If you are going to fly by the seat of your pants, expect friction burns.
"I don't know" is the beginning of knowledge, not the end.

Message 13 of 22
in reply to: Anonymous

Any resolution to the "floating" windows and toolbars issue?  Just getting into Acad for Mac 2013, using dual monitors (some times) and every time I open the program let alone a new drawing sometimes, the pallettes shift.  Uber annoying. I wish there was a way to at least lock down the toolbars.

Message 14 of 22
in reply to: Anonymous

My experience is that 2013 still resets the tool palette windows to the defaults. Hopefully they'll issue a fix in the service pack!
Message 15 of 22
in reply to: betazero

Got to completey agree with what your are saying. People using the old excuss that programmes need payment, etc etc  in this day in age really does not stack up.


The days of 4k software are slowly going, people simply wont pay, and the consumer will make a choice with there feet.


I kknow many many people whom utilise LT simply because its cheaper, (obiouvs statement) but why pay 4K for a software package that dosent have half the tools???


Come on people wake up, if it was your company and your money and you had 5 employees would you really fork out 4k each ???????



Message 16 of 22
in reply to: Anonymous

In short, yes, if only because I expect to get paid for my own work so I can't justify *not* paying others for theirs.

If you are going to fly by the seat of your pants, expect friction burns.
"I don't know" is the beginning of knowledge, not the end.

Message 17 of 22
in reply to: dgorsman

Its not about not paying them, Its about paying them approprietly. 3000+ bucks for a cd is too much. Movie makers spend 200+ million on a movie but they only charge 20 bucks to own it. I know its not the same but its similar. Autodesk is just looking at the industry wrong. They think that professionals want to shell out the equivalent of a persons salery every year on minor software upgrades. Everyone in the architectural buisness is getting screwed right now with salerys. I will not be recommending a software upgrade that hinders my chance for a raise and I am the IT guy. Not to mention the fact that even Autocad LT is priced too high for the non-professional, if that is who it was supposed to be aimed at.

Message 18 of 22
in reply to: betazero

Can only agree with Betazero,  if AutoDesk lowered the cost slightly of LT more people would make the move, also Autodesk need to understand that this yearly release with only minor tweaks is not enough to make people shell out even if it is for Lt £1k per user per year for some that looks nice and new.


Autodesk never really had the need to do a yearly release, they just had a bloody good package, and when a new release came along it was fantastic and lead the way. 


Now being really harsh it seem the only reason AutoDesk undertake a yearly relase is so they can drop the slightly older version, and by that I mean a couple of years, and not support it.


This way they can try and charge companies even more money to upgragde and bolt on support packages!!!!!!!


You make the judegment. Having worked in the industry for 15 years now I know what alot of people are thinking and many are taking a long hard look at all costs including software packages and looking for alternatives, that while slightl cheapers do not require this yearly upgrade.


If AutoDesk really want to blow away the compertion then lower the price of LT the entry level pakcage, make it so painfully priced that most companies will not be able to say no and bang, you've got people whom are going to be brand loyal. But nowadays this loyal customer is taking a long hard look at the cost.

Message 19 of 22
in reply to: Anonymous

Hey Maxim,


You say that Etransmit can be worked around on the Mac but I can't find that trick... Could you elaberate?



Message 20 of 22
in reply to: Anonymous

This really is anoying, not having this features; especially the Design Center... Is there any way to download some comads individual for AutoCad 2013 Mac?  

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