It seems a bit redundant to have two free A360 locations, i.e. A360 'Free' and A360 Drive.
A360 Drive should be merged into A360 'Free'.
Understanding that there are other Autodesk services tied into A360 Drive such as Sync, ReCap Photo, FormIt, etc, these would have to managed in a similar or maybe amore elegent way which builds on the already existing A360 'Free'/Team framework.
With the services like ReCap Photo and FormIt these are already being treated as 'projects' in A360 Drive by placing them into a folder structure.
So why not leverage the inbuilt power of Projects in A360 to manage these folders of files instead? You don't have to offer the A360 Team features such as Commenting to free users, but definitely Projects as a bare minimum might make sense in this case.
The same could be done with A360 Sync. Maybe this is considered a Project in A360 'Free', and that project could be called Drive? Or maybe that Sync folder of files is a standalone folder structure in A360 'Free' which is not contained in a project.
I just think that A360 provides a more logical environment in which to organise the files which are already being generated from other A360 products.
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