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AutoCAD 2015 - A slow and instable version?

203 REPLIES 203
Message 1 of 204
17226 Views, 203 Replies

AutoCAD 2015 - A slow and instable version?

Hi All,


I've been working with (or trying to) AutoCAd 2015 since several weeks and I have to say I'm very dissapointed in the performance and stability.

Working on 3D objects creates lots of troubles because the program keeps on crashing. 

An example is removing a void (created by subtracting before) from a 3D solid. 

Apart from crashes and other disruptions everythings feels like heavy syrup, even after disabling all unneccesary "features"...


The dark interface is nice to work with I have to say, on the other hand: the new selectioneffect is like hell. 

Setting the variable SELECTIONEFFECT to 0 renders the selection usable again.

Not sure which engineer came up with this brilliant idea...  Try to select some cyan colored objects and you know what I mean... 


I'm not sure why so much effort has been put into these graphical novelties while the program technically is going backwards every version?

I ditched 2013 and 2014 before (also way to slow) and will stop working with 2015 aswell since I'm not able to finish my word due to crashes and lost work. I'll switch back to 2012 (again!!) and wonder why I'm paying subscription anyway....


Sounds familiair to other users or am I the only one being frank here?


Best regards,



203 REPLIES 203
Message 41 of 204
in reply to: Anonymous

Hey now, I still use the Fence option in the TRIM command from time to time.  I admit it wouldn't be necessary with the new lasso selection, except that the new lasso selection doesn't work while the TRIM command is running.  Or is there a better way to trim multiple lines when the trimming line is not on an orthogonal plane?

Work:  AutoCAD 2022.1.3, Windows 10 Pro v22H2 64-bit, Intel Core i7-8700K, 32GB RAM, Samsung 960 Pro SSD, AMD Radeon Pro WX 5100, 3 Dell Monitors (3840x2160)
Home: AutoCAD 2022.1.3, Windows 10 Pro v22H2 64-bit, Intel Core i7-11700, 64GB RAM, Samsung 980 Pro SSD, NVIDIA Quadro P2200, Dell Monitor (3840x2160)
Message 42 of 204
in reply to: Anonymous

Yes, the old digitizers!! If you had one of those, you were an "AutoCAD GURU" Smiley Happy


I only had a chance to play with one a couple of times. Smiley Embarassed


As for the old stuff being in there, it actually is even deeper than just old commands still kicking around - there's old command menu selections that actually STILL work even though they are not listed (if you remember what they are). For example, if you remember back a few (and then some) years ago, AutoCAD decided to change their terminology from "Entities" to "Objects".  If you type in UCS, you will see the "OB" choice to align to an object - however, you still can hit the "E" (which is what it used to be for entity, and only 1 keystroke instead of 2) and it will still take it as an object align!


But then again, if history teaches us anything, then very little will ever get cleaned up or removed! I have never, ever in my life ever heard, read or even known some one who knew of some one that ever used "blips" - that was the first thing you did on an install, blipmode = 0, and yet it only took to which one? AutoCAD 2012 to FINALLY remove that!!!


EDIT: I take that back, blips and blipmode ARE still in there!! (note to self, turn blips "on" on co-worker's AutoCAD) 

Message 43 of 204
in reply to: nrz13

Oops, sorry... Didn't mean to "steal" these commands from your command line... 🙂

Message 44 of 204
in reply to: Anonymous

Can you imagine, it has been so long I even forgot the proper name of these things.... Digitizers! I can allmost smell them!

I'm very happy to use my mouse these days, so no regret there...


You really stir things up, I mean really: Blipmode!! Smiley Very Happy

Maybe great to use when on a huge LSD-trip or similar but in real life the most useless option ever.... I didn't even know it took til V2012 to get rid of this feature.

Oops, just read your edit: It's still in there? I will tease one of my younger collegues tomorrow!

Can you remember undefine and redefine? I drove a collegue mad years ago by undefining save, qsave, exit and quit. In my mind I can still hear him scream to his computer...

Another thing to try tomorrow, I think I'll make it a special day! Clap along when you're happy!  Smiley Tongue

Message 45 of 204
in reply to: Anonymous

Im agree with you.. ive been doing full 3D project with more than 100MB file size with no problem at AutoCad2013 & 2014.. but I cant open that file using AutoCad 2015, its just loading & loading.. this is the example of my drawing.. sigh...

Message 46 of 204
in reply to: Anonymous

Hi Pozess,


Thanks for your acclamation and sharing some examples.

I'm afraid the cause of our problems is rather serious this version, something is really (and I sincerely mean really!) wrong with 2015.


At this moment my point of view is that Autodesk has taken a wrong turn a few years ago (refering to the post of yorx57 earlier this thread) by turning AutoCAD in some fancy/shiny with non-features jammed-up program. Instead of realizing it might be better to stop and turn (or at least thinking about altering the current route) to find a less complicated route which might me less scenic but get's us there in one go and on time. 


As mentioned earlier I consciously stayed with version 2012 so far for 2013 and 2014 were a disaster for my work but the superlative degree as been reached with 2015. Maybe I got my hopes up to high listening to Autodesk's commercial catchphrases "greatest version ever!"


Do I sound frustrated and pissed-off? That's probably because that's exactly what I am!

Who can you turn to except from a forum looking for support? (and a laugh, once again thanks Yorx57!)





Message 47 of 204
in reply to: Anonymous



I think AutoCAD 2016's catch phrase should be: "Greatest GAME ever!!"


Anymore, that's what it seems, a game of constantly installing your video driver (cause that is the problem for EVERYTHING), a game of finding your objects when they decide to displace themselves, a game of how many times a day it will crash on you, a game of trying to get the view cube to work when it decides to ignore your clicks on it, a game of making a light show to the song that is currently playing with all the highlighting, a game of how many times during a particular version of AutoCAD you can contact AutoCAD support with an issue, etc. etc.


Unfortunately, it would appear that AutoDesk has decided to follow the Microsoft model and figure that THEY  know better of what we want then we do. Now both companies are scratching their heads because they can't figure out why they are losing market share....


I have to say that I am with you and I am also pissed off.. but probably for a different reason. I'm pissed off because of what AutoCAD used to be and now seeing what it has become.  There's a reason why it's such a big company, because the software was good, it was great, it was actually pretty amazing back in the day - and a good deal of what made it amazing was the fact that releases were NOT majorly buggy! Prior bugs were fixed, enhancements made (ENHANCEMENTS - stuff that actually helped us draft better/easier/faster) and it was still pretty **** solid.


Looking back through the versions, it seems pretty evident why the bugs are not, and probably never will get fixed - dynamic blocks (awsome enhancement) STILL has bugs from how many versions back? Base Views (another potential awsome enhancement) with known bugs hasn't been touched for 2015, and many more. Why?? Simply because they were too busy adding in cursor badges!! Now don't get me wrong, I love these things for those times when I have activated a command in the Ribbon and forgot which one I had clicked on by the time I got my mouse pointer back into model space.  How about the dynamic 3D (ctrl-click) stuff that has been added? Again another POTENTIAL awsome enhancement that is buggy as all hell, and wasn't touched for 2015!


Actually, I think I need to take the catchphrase back. It should be: "The Greatest GAME on earth!"

Message 48 of 204
in reply to: Anonymous

Hi Yorx,


I fully agree but I may add that the reason for me being (really!) pissed-off is twofold:

1- Not being able to live up to the promise I make towards my clients because of crappy software

2- Exactly the same as you: Seeing what a crappy bug-packed and bloated program AutoCAD has become over the years


Working with all versions from V11, teaching starting- and advanced users over several years. Things can only get better when being sincere and selective rather than shouting "OMG, it's fantastic" to be friends with Autodesk? Neh....

Don't get me wrong: This thread is not about bashing Autodesk but being seriously frank. Maybe to much for some of the happy few but he....such is life!


Switching back to your catchphrase, and trying to improve:

You're probably familiair with the HBO hit series "Game of Thrones"? I'd like to borrow this name for an AutoCAD version which I'd like to call "Game of Bugs". Alternatives to this brand new title may be "Game of Frustrations", "Game of Wasting Money", "Game of Deadlines". You're welcome to add more, the possibilities are (sadly) neverending.....



Edited by



Message 49 of 204
in reply to: Anonymous

Great. I'm being edited in my posts.

Probably because I had the nerve to say something about the Expert Elite Program?


Edited by



Message 50 of 204
in reply to: Anonymous

Phase 2: Let's take a look if you would like to block this post, being fully on topic regarding the unstable V2015. (guys......really....)


I recieved the AutoCAD 2015 SP1 Beta 1 Announcement, of course I've installed this straight away to see if this will solve my problems. Wisfull thinking I guess... An example I hear you ask? Allrighty then:


I've got this 3D solid from which I''d like to remove a void which earlier was being added bij the SUBTRACT command.

Opening the file in AutoCAD 2012 and selecting this particular void (Using CTRL+left mouse button) would have this selectionset as a result:

3D solid - 2012.png


Pressing the delete button on my keyboard does remove this void within 0.1 seconds as expected, no problems here. Botman happy and continue to work on this drawing.


Opening the same file in AutoCAD 2015 and selecting this particular void (Using CTRL+left mouse button) would have the following selectionset as a result:

3D solid 2015.png


Pressing the delete button on my keyboard renders AutoCAD freezed for, let's say, 3 minutes and eventually crashing. Happens time after time.


The result is the extremely familiair popup containing the following useless info:



Botman being pissed-off for loosing work, time and happyness....


Looking forward how the admin will edit this post.....Smiley Wink




Message 51 of 204
in reply to: Anonymous



How about we get back to basics - a very simple window.  I like to use "ATTEDIT" instead of the enhanced attribute editor, I find it easier and cleaner.

Now, if you use straight attributes, no problem! Set one of the attributes value to a field value and guess what? It's BUG  time!!


I've attached a very simple drawing showing the bug - there's 2 attributes, one with a set value, and one using a field value.

Want to see a neat "trick"? 

Type in "ATTEDIT" and select the circle. On the editor window that pops up, grab the right side of the window to resize it and pull to the right!



Message 52 of 204
in reply to: Anonymous

WOW! Floating OK-buttons! Never did I notice this "hidden feature"

I wish I've had these on my phone so I can surprise myself on a daily basis! Smiley Very Happy


Somehow I wish you've hadn't told me this since I'm using the "old and grey" attedit all the time and now I'll kick the OK button around for pleasure...


I'll say: That's a good start of my weekend to come!




Message 53 of 204
in reply to: Anonymous



Looking back at your previous post, I believe the reason that it is crashing on you is smiply too many lines!! AutoCAD just can't sort out what to "highlight". Erase that whole center section and you (and more importantly AutoCAD) should be good to go! Smiley Wink

Message 54 of 204
in reply to: Anonymous



Want some fun this weekend?


Here's a dynamic block bug!! I've attached another very simple drawing. 2 blocks, each *almost* identical.

Both have 2 attributes and 2 visibility states.  If you look at the attributes of both blocks, they will both show the "square" attribute.

Change the visibility on both to circle and look at the attributes - the first one will show the "circle" attribute now correctly. The second block will still show the "square" attribute. 


Can you figure out what is causing the second block to not work correctly??? Smiley Very Happy

Message 55 of 204
in reply to: Anonymous

Hi Yorx,


Sorry, I wasn't in this weekend, I just took a look at your riddle.

And a riddle it is I must say...Smiley Indifferent


The only difference I can discover is the "locked postition" value of the attribute, I can't see any additional issues which might cause the second block not to work properly. Can't see why actually.


But it's sportsmanlike to keep on searching for another reason....

..on the other hand, it's AutoCAD so this might be a part of the familiair "Russian Roulette" which is famous for it's "What's going on??" moments while working on drawings.


Nice one! Smiley Very Happy


Message 56 of 204
in reply to: braudpat

Hi Pat,


I was wondering: Have you been working with large files already using AutoCAD 2015? I would really like to hear your opionion...

Is it working OK for you? No troubles or maybe in some cases?


Installing SP1 dindn't solve my problems so far....


Best regards,




Message 57 of 204
in reply to: Anonymous



Sorry for the late reply, have been extremely busy.  Anyways, yes, it's the location causing the issue - why would the lock location affect the visibility states?? It's one of those Secerets of the Universe! 

Message 58 of 204
in reply to: Anonymous



I work with AutoCAD since the 11th release. This means -- I had the pleasure of working with every version in turn until AutoCAD 2011. On May I've updated my office to Building Design Suite Premium 2015 – and thus to AutoCAD 2015 as well.


I can’t force AutoCAD 2015 to regular collaboration. I can’t experience what I did working with previous versions -- there’s no way to maintain a dialogue with this application: there’s a monologue with none or delayed response. This gives one no chance to focus on what is important – the job and tasks. This affects overall productivity as well as ordinary psychic balance. I’m disappointed and very much exhausted. Recently I did nothing but alternated changing settings with comparing results. And today no longer I feel like searching for yet another ‘maybe-this-can-help’ tip or advice, because I don’t believe it may stop this torment. This is also some punishment for those who work very smoothly and blindfold in ‘expert mode’ -- with no menu bars, no icons, palettes, ribbons or similar frills, sometimes even with no command line, with PGP file modified as many times as it could finally fit your left hand -- just to see on screen ad hoc what you’ve meant less than a second ago and what has just flown down through your fingers. This kind of symbiosis and synchronization is unavailable in version 2015. There’s nothing for me but to downgrade as many steps as the license permits and explore the gap between releases 2011 and 2015.


Looks like someone had missed the basic ideas of a useful tool before the product was channeled to people. With that many great achievements – here I mean former AutoCAD releases -- it seems to be very strange.



(this what kills me is the response time while switching between layouts in paper space and indecently very long time of refreshing/regenerating view while clicking layout tab for the very first time -- at that time I burn with anger (in the morning) or burst into tears (at nights, before the task deadline)).


(Computers and configurations (brand new and identical on each desk): HP Z420 Ultra workstations, CPU: Intel Xeon CPU E5-1620 v2 @ 3.70 GHz; memory type: DDR3 1866 MHz 24 GB; video: NVIDIA Quadro K2000 2GB (driver version:, certified), two monitors 1920x1080; disk drive:  ATA WDC WD10EZEX-60Z SCSI, 7200 rpm;  OS: Windows 7 64-bit)

Message 59 of 204
in reply to: Anonymous

Thanks a lot darawork for a kudo and appreciation. And thank you botman, and yorx57, and everyone else who deal with the similar problem, for loud and clear messages.


Now, a piece of case study with no boring how-to or bug screenshots. Such a why-oh-why? or what-if game and played just now, belatedly:


We all are, more or less, in the business of visualizing ideas, no matter what sort of ideas, so to let some guys VIZUALIZE several alternative products I’ve welcomed very much (which are no ‘open’ or ‘free’ releases, and were offered between 2006 to 2010 and are still available (as made 2006-2010)) and all of which individually would have cost me as much as my last update from 2011, and would have saved me some unexpected worries I recently met, and could have probably given me slightly different kind of joy and comfort, and all of which I’ve finally rejected to implement a project titled: 'Hey! Let's leave 2011: how about we stay up to date and have the newest, from those available at the moment, solution etc. within our tiny little organization? Would be cool, wouldn’t it?' -- herewith I place the very much shortened list of keywords which I’d like those guys to put in a web browser set to display search results as graphics:


2010 C207 E,

2010 E89 Z4,

2006 XKR,


; ), examples, in other words, representatives of alternative mentioned above, are intentionally tendentious but carefully selected among available offers (in my region) and really match, naturally depending on some other details, total expense of my 'Hey! (..)' introduction.


Now seriously -- in closing thought of my previous post -- I’m in constant touch with the local authorized reseller. They’ve got files to test on identical machines and I can’t wait to see results.

Message 60 of 204
in reply to: Anonymous

A thought-provoking 'Hey! (..)'* contest 2009 vs. 2015

* - see my previous post



Competitor A: AutoCAD 2015 @ HPZ420
machine: HP Z420 Ultra;
CPU: Intel Xeon CPU E5-1620 v2 @ 3.70 GHz;
memory type: DDR3 1866 MHz 24 GB;
video: NVIDIA Quadro K2000 2GB @ PCI Express x16 Gen2 (driver version:, device certified, hardware acceleration enabled; virtual device DirectX 11);
one monitor 1920x1080;
disk drive: 1 TB, WDC WD10EZEX, 7200 rpm, SATA, 6 GBps;
OS: Windows 7 64-bit
applications running: AutoCAD 2015, Notepad;


Competitor B: AutoCAD 2009 @ HPE-030
machine: HP Pavilion Elite HPE-030pl;
CPU: Intel Core i7 860 @ 2.80 GHZ;
memory type: DDR3 1333 MHz 8 GB;
video: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 260 @ PCI Express x16 (driver version: 8.17.0012.5936, device not certified; hardware acceleration enabled; virtual device DirectX 9);
one monitor 1920x1080;
disk drive: 1 TB (2x 500 GB), Hitachi HDP725050GLA360, 7200 rpm, SATA, 3 GBps;
OS: Windows 7 64-bit;
applications running: AutoCAD 2009, Notepad;


DWG test file description:
custom 2D architectural drawing of a 4-storey apartment building, final design, working/detailed drawing, all MEP x-refs merged into a file as blocks, few proxy graphics, few shx missed (ignored as a rule), purged and audited, general drawing props - 24 MB, on screnshots attached, saved on desktops A (2015@HP Z420) and B (2009@HPE-030)


Challenge no 1: open file
A: 0 min 57 s 20
B: 0 min 12 s 30


Challenge no 2: save file (to AutoCAD 2000 dwg)
A: 0 min 45 s 15
B: 0 min 08 s 50


Challenge no 3: switch to paper space - first layout tab
A: 1 min 50 s 30
B: 0 min 16 s 50


Challenge no 4: switch to next layout tab
A: 1 min 14 s 20
B: 0 min 14 s 45


Challenge no 5: switch to previous ('first') layout tab
A: 2 min 00 s 15
B: 0 min 17 s 15


Challenge no 6: switch to model space
A: 0 min 2 s 85
B: 0 min 1 s 15


Challenge no 7: regen
A: 0 min 51 s 45
B: 0 min 09 s 80


Challenge no 8: regenall
A: 0 min 50 s 00
B: 0 min 09 s 80


Challenge no 9: exit (quit with saving to AutoCAD 2000 dwg)
A: 1 min 20 s 45
B: 0 min 11 s 05


(in this contest no line or point has been drawn; measurement methodology - available at hand: a common stopwatch app @ android mobile)

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