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3 point rectangle

Message 1 of 11
7297 Views, 10 Replies

3 point rectangle

I want to create a 3pt rectangle, so they can be drawn at an angle.

Inventor has this feature, which is what gave me the idea.

Thanks guys 🙂
Message 2 of 11
in reply to: Anonymous

See my reply in the Drafting NG.

wrote in message
I want to create a 3pt rectangle, so they can be drawn at an angle.

Inventor has this feature, which is what gave me the idea.

Thanks guys 🙂
Message 3 of 11
in reply to: Anonymous

If you explain the process, I'm sure it can be done through lisp.
Message 4 of 11
in reply to: Anonymous

Click pt 1, click pt 2 (at an angle, not ortho) then stretch the third point, which would display the rectangle, to the desired width.

Then, adjust as necessary.

I suppose it could be simplified (?) by including an angle in the current command (pt 1, input angle at prompt, pt 2) or something like that.

The first suggestion is how inventor works

Message was edited by: johnmc
Message 5 of 11
in reply to: Anonymous

I posted a Lisp in drafting that will take Length, Width and Angle.

wrote in message
Click pt 1, click pt 2 (at an angle, not ortho) then stretch the third
point, which would display the rectangle, to the desired width.

Then, adjust as necessary.

I suppose it could be simplified (?) by including an angle in the current
command (pt 1, input angle at prompt, pt 2) or something like that.

The first suggestion is how inventor works

Message was edited by: johnmc
Message 6 of 11
in reply to: Anonymous

Try using the RECTANG command.

1. Enter the command RECTANG and pick the first corner when prompted.

2. When prompted to "specify other corner", enter R for "Rotation", and either enter a rotation angle or pick the desired angle.

3. And finally, pick the opposite corner when prompted to "specify other corner"
Message 7 of 11
in reply to: Anonymous

That option doesn't seem to be available in 2k5

This is what I see:

Specify first corner point or [Chamfer/Elevation/Fillet/Thickness/Width]:
Specify other corner point or [Dimensions]:

No rotate option available, even trying to input 'R'.

Message 8 of 11
in reply to: Anonymous

Why not use Inventor?
If in N. America you can download Inventor LT for free from

Autodesk Inventor 2019 Certified Professional
Autodesk AutoCAD 2013 Certified Professional
Certified SolidWorks Professional

Message 9 of 11
in reply to: Anonymous

I'd love to. My company doesn't see the need for it. Besides, we are more civil/electrical at this office than anything (a bit of structural, too)

Know of any good entry level job openings for Inventor? lol
Message 10 of 11
in reply to: Anonymous

Hey just for anyone still in need of this. I've found a lisp that'll help. If ya' need help using lisp. Google it. 


See below. ***Lee Mac Programming - Throw the dude some money. He's fantastic*** 


(defun 3p-rec ( dyn / *error* gr1 gr2 lst msg ocs osf osm pt1 pt2 pt3 pt4 pt5 pt6 str tmp vec )

(defun *error* ( msg )
(if (not (wcmatch (strcase msg t) "*break,*cancel*,*exit*"))
(princ (strcat "\nError: " msg))
(redraw) (princ)

(setq pt1 (getpoint "\nSpecify 1st point: "))
(setq pt2 (getpoint "\nSpecify 2nd point: " pt1))
(or dyn (setq pt3 (getpoint "\nSpecify 3rd point: " pt1)))
(setq vec (trans (mapcar '- pt2 pt1) 1 0 t)
ocs (trans '(0.0 0.0 1.0) 1 0 t)
pt4 (trans pt1 1 vec)
pt5 (trans pt2 1 vec)
(if dyn
(setq osf (LM:grsnap:snapfunction)
osm (getvar 'osmode)
msg "\nSpecify 3rd point: "
str ""
(princ msg)
(setq gr1 (grread t 15 0)
gr2 (cadr gr1)
gr1 (car gr1)
( (or (= 5 gr1) (= 3 gr1))
(osf gr2 osm)
(setq pt6 (trans gr2 1 vec))
(mapcar '(lambda ( a b ) (grdraw a b 1 1))
(setq lst
(list pt1 pt2
(trans (list (car pt6) (cadr pt6) (caddr pt5)) vec 1)
(trans (list (car pt6) (cadr pt6) (caddr pt4)) vec 1)
(cons (last lst) lst)
(= 5 gr1)
( (= 2 gr1)
( (= 6 gr2)
(if (zerop (logand 16384 (setq osm (setvar 'osmode (boole 6 16384 (getvar 'osmode))))))
(princ "\n<Osnap on>")
(princ "\n<Osnap off>")
(princ msg)
( (= 8 gr2)
(if (< 0 (strlen str))
(princ "\010\040\010")
(setq str (substr str 1 (1- (strlen str))))
( (< 32 gr2 127)
(setq str (strcat str (princ (chr gr2))))
( (member gr2 '(13 32))
( (= "" str) nil)
( (setq gr2 (LM:grsnap:parsepoint pt1 str))
(setq osm 16384)
( (setq tmp (LM:grsnap:snapmode str))
(setq osm tmp
str ""
( (setq str "")
(princ (strcat "\n2D / 3D Point Required." msg))
(if (listp gr2)
(setq pt6 (trans (osf gr2 osm) 1 vec))
(setq pt6 (trans pt3 1 vec))
'(000 . "LWPOLYLINE")
'(100 . "AcDbEntity")
'(100 . "AcDbPolyline")
'(090 . 4)
'(070 . 1)
(cons 010 (trans pt1 1 ocs))
(cons 010 (trans pt2 1 ocs))
(cons 010 (trans (list (car pt6) (cadr pt6) (caddr pt5)) vec ocs))
(cons 010 (trans (list (car pt6) (cadr pt6) (caddr pt4)) vec ocs))
(cons 210 ocs)
(redraw) (princ)

;; Object Snap for grread: Snap Function - Lee Mac
;; Returns: [fun] A function requiring two arguments:
;; p - [lst] UCS Point to be snapped
;; o - [int] Object Snap bit code
;; The returned function returns either the snapped point (displaying an appropriate snap symbol)
;; or the supplied point if the snap failed for the given Object Snap bit code.

(defun LM:grsnap:snapfunction ( )
(list 'lambda '( p o / q )
(list 'if '(zerop (logand 16384 o))
(list 'if
'(setq q
(vl-remove-if 'null
(lambda ( a / b )
(if (and (= (car a) (logand (car a) o)) (setq b (osnap p (cdr a))))
(list (distance p b) b (car a))
(0001 . "_end")
(0002 . "_mid")
(0004 . "_cen")
(0008 . "_nod")
(0016 . "_qua")
(0032 . "_int")
(0064 . "_ins")
(0128 . "_per")
(0256 . "_tan")
(0512 . "_nea")
(2048 . "_app")
(8192 . "_par")
'(lambda ( a b ) (< (car a) (car b)))
(list 'LM:grsnap:displaysnap '(car q)
(list 'cdr
(list 'assoc '(cadr q)
(list 'quote
(atoi (cond ((getenv "AutoSnapSize")) ("5")))
(if (= 1 (getvar 'cvport))
(atoi (cond ((getenv "Layout AutoSnap Color")) ("117761")))
(atoi (cond ((getenv "Model AutoSnap Color")) ("104193")))
'(cond ((car q)) (p))

;; Object Snap for grread: Display Snap - Lee Mac
;; pnt - [lst] UCS point at which to display the symbol
;; lst - [lst] grvecs vector list
;; col - [int] ACI colour for displayed symbol
;; Returns nil

(defun LM:grsnap:displaysnap ( pnt lst col / scl )
(setq scl (/ (getvar 'viewsize) (cadr (getvar 'screensize)))
pnt (trans pnt 1 2)
(grvecs (cons col lst)
(list scl 0.0 0.0 (car pnt))
(list 0.0 scl 0.0 (cadr pnt))
(list 0.0 0.0 scl 0.0)
'(0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0)

;; Object Snap for grread: Snap Symbols - Lee Mac
;; p - [int] Size of snap symbol in pixels
;; Returns: [lst] List of vector lists describing each Object Snap symbol

(defun LM:grsnap:snapsymbols ( p / -p -q -r a c i l q r )
(setq -p (- p) q (1+ p)
-q (- q) r (+ 2 p)
-r (- r) i (/ pi 6.0)
a 0.0
(repeat 12
(setq l (cons (list (* r (cos a)) (* r (sin a))) l)
a (- a i)
(setq c (apply 'append (mapcar 'list (cons (last l) l) l)))
(list 1
(list -p -p) (list p -p) (list p -p) (list p p) (list p p) (list -p p) (list -p p) (list -p -p)
(list -q -q) (list q -q) (list q -q) (list q q) (list q q) (list -q q) (list -q q) (list -q -q)
(list 2
(list -r -q) (list 0 r) (list 0 r) (list r -q)
(list -p -p) (list p -p) (list p -p) (list 0 p) (list 0 p) (list -p -p)
(list -q -q) (list q -q) (list q -q) (list 0 q) (list 0 q) (list -q -q)
(cons 4 c)
(vl-list* 8 (list -r -r) (list r r) (list r -r) (list -r r) c)
(list 16
(list p 0) (list 0 p) (list 0 p) (list -p 0) (list -p 0) (list 0 -p) (list 0 -p) (list p 0)
(list q 0) (list 0 q) (list 0 q) (list -q 0) (list -q 0) (list 0 -q) (list 0 -q) (list q 0)
(list r 0) (list 0 r) (list 0 r) (list -r 0) (list -r 0) (list 0 -r) (list 0 -r) (list r 0)
(list 32
(list r r) (list -r -r) (list r q) (list -q -r) (list q r) (list -r -q)
(list -r r) (list r -r) (list -q r) (list r -q) (list -r q) (list q -r)
(list 64
'( 0 1) (list 0 p) (list 0 p) (list -p p) (list -p p) (list -p -1) (list -p -1) '( 0 -1)
'( 0 -1) (list 0 -p) (list 0 -p) (list p -p) (list p -p) (list p 1) (list p 1) '( 0 1)
'( 1 2) (list 1 q) (list 1 q) (list -q q) (list -q q) (list -q -2) (list -q -2) '(-1 -2)
'(-1 -2) (list -1 -q) (list -1 -q) (list q -q) (list q -q) (list q 2) (list q 2) '( 1 2)
(list 128
(list (1+ -p) 0) '(0 0) '(0 0) (list 0 (1+ -p))
(list (1+ -p) 1) '(1 1) '(1 1) (list 1 (1+ -p))
(list -p q) (list -p -p) (list -p -p) (list q -p)
(list -q q) (list -q -q) (list -q -q) (list q -q)
(vl-list* 256 (list -r r) (list r r) (list -r (1+ r)) (list r (1+ r)) c)
(list 512
(list -p -p) (list p -p) (list -p p) (list p p) (list -q -q) (list q -q)
(list q -q) (list -q q) (list -q q) (list q q) (list q q) (list -q -q)
(list 2048
(list -p -p) (list p p) (list -p p) (list p -p)
(list (+ p 05) -p) (list (+ p 06) -p) (list (+ p 05) -q) (list (+ p 06) -q)
(list (+ p 09) -p) (list (+ p 10) -p) (list (+ p 09) -q) (list (+ p 10) -q)
(list (+ p 13) -p) (list (+ p 14) -p) (list (+ p 13) -q) (list (+ p 14) -q)
(list -p -p) (list p -p) (list p -p) (list p p) (list p p) (list -p p) (list -p p) (list -p -p)
(list -q -q) (list q -q) (list q -q) (list q q) (list q q) (list -q q) (list -q q) (list -q -q)
(list 8192 (list r 1) (list -r -q) (list r 0) (list -r -r) (list r q) (list -r -1) (list r r) (list -r 0))

;; Object Snap for grread: Parse Point - Lee Mac
;; bpt - [lst] Basepoint for relative point input, e.g. @5,5
;; str - [str] String representing point input
;; Returns: [lst] Point represented by the given string, else nil

(defun LM:grsnap:parsepoint ( bpt str / str->lst lst )

(defun str->lst ( str / pos )
(if (setq pos (vl-string-position 44 str))
(cons (substr str 1 pos) (str->lst (substr str (+ pos 2))))
(list str)

(if (wcmatch str "`@*")
(setq str (substr str 2))
(setq bpt '(0.0 0.0 0.0))

(setq lst (mapcar 'distof (str->lst str)))
(vl-every 'numberp lst)
(< 1 (length lst) 4)
(mapcar '+ bpt lst)

;; Object Snap for grread: Snap Mode - Lee Mac
;; str - [str] Object Snap modifier
;; Returns: [int] Object Snap bit code for the given modifier, else nil

(defun LM:grsnap:snapmode ( str )
(lambda ( x )
(if (wcmatch (car x) (strcat (strcase str t) "*"))
(princ (cadr x)) (caddr x)
("endpoint" " of " 00001)
("midpoint" " of " 00002)
("center" " of " 00004)
("node" " of " 00008)
("quadrant" " of " 00016)
("intersection" " of " 00032)
("insert" " of " 00064)
("perpendicular" " to " 00128)
("tangent" " to " 00256)
("nearest" " to " 00512)
("appint" " of " 02048)
("parallel" " to " 08192)
("none" "" 16384)

;; OLE -> ACI - Lee Mac
;; Args: c - [int] OLE Colour

(defun LM:OLE->ACI ( c )
(apply 'LM:RGB->ACI (LM:OLE->RGB c))

;; OLE -> RGB - Lee Mac
;; Args: c - [int] OLE Colour

(defun LM:OLE->RGB ( c )
(mapcar '(lambda ( x ) (lsh (lsh (fix c) x) -24)) '(24 16 8))

;; RGB -> ACI - Lee Mac
;; Args: r,g,b - [int] Red, Green, Blue values

(defun LM:RGB->ACI ( r g b / c o )
(if (setq o (vla-getinterfaceobject (LM:acapp) (strcat "autocad.accmcolor." (substr (getvar 'acadver) 1 2))))
(setq c (vl-catch-all-apply '(lambda ( ) (vla-setrgb o r g b) (vla-get-colorindex o))))
(vlax-release-object o)
(if (vl-catch-all-error-p c)
(prompt (strcat "\nError: " (vl-catch-all-error-message c)))

;; Application Object - Lee Mac
;; Returns the VLA Application Object

(defun LM:acapp nil
(eval (list 'defun 'LM:acapp 'nil (vlax-get-acad-object)))


"\n:: 3P-Rec.lsp | Version 1.0 | \\U+00A9 Lee Mac "
(menucmd "m=$(edtime,0,yyyy)")
" ::"
"\n:: \"3PR\" - Standard | \"3PRD\" - Dynamic ::"

Message 11 of 11
in reply to: Anonymous

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