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Copy design without downloading unwanted files

Copy design without downloading unwanted files

When I make a copy design of a simple assembly (composed of 2 parts and one drawing), even if I set the parameters to those files only, it takes about 5 min because Vault downloads on my computer all the files (~700) needed for the mega assembly where my simple assembly goes.


Couldn't that be simpler and faster?


I have been told by my local Autodesk support that "Inventor needs all the files to be able to correct the whole without compromising other links"


I still don't understand why, because it works very well when I make a simple copy-paste in Windows, and it's very quick!


I agree with this.  When you have PART-A that is used in multiple assemblies, if you make a copy design that includes PART-A, it will download every assembly PART-A is used in, even if those assemblies are not changing.


This almost seems more like a bug fix than a feature request.

Community Manager
Status changed to: Future Consideration
Status changed to: Implemented

Implemented in Vault 2015 R2 - Copy design no longer downloads files.


I see the issue has returned again of downloading/sending of hundreds of files when using Vault's Copy Design on a drawing.


The number of files downloaded/sent is increasing with every drawing that we copy.


We are using Vault Basic 2022.4.


Is this scheduled to be fixed?

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