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Remove System Default ECR Workflow

Remove System Default ECR Workflow

We request that the System Default Workflow - ECR Workflow, is removed as a mandatory release workflow. This option is available to our users in our primary division, and bypasses any quality control we implement through creating custom workflows, given there are no system checks - only a single Project Manager Approver.


This option is a fairly-serious back-door past our approval process, as well as other customers implementing change requests, and we would like it at the very least to no longer be an option in the dropdown list.


Upchain needs the ability to toggle off system workflows as a choice of being used. I have a customer that is requesting me to turn off the four system workflows for Investigation Requests. They only want to see the configured tenant workflow that was designed for them. My customer does not want their users to have an option to select the wrong workflow. Currently, there is not a way to turn off system workflows.

Status changed to: Gathering Support

Hi @cdentonJA2P2,

this request is not possible through user action. Please raise SalesForce ticket is this is needed with explanation which tenant and which workflows should be removed. Out of the box, we enable linking of existing published system workflows with new tenants, as a convenience. This helps with quick onboarding. Furthermore, customers can create custom tenant workflows and adjust. Please let us know if this helps.

Best regards,

Andreja Schneider


I had a case open with Autodesk. Case number 20228834
My customer wants to eliminate the user's ability to select the wrong workflow and requested the system workflows to be turned off to accomplish this. I was told this is not possible and to create an idea on the idea board to potentially get this implemented.

@andreja.schneider Is there any way to disable workflows atleast maybe not delete them completely but just stop them from showing up in list of options. We keep running into issues where users select the default system workflow it bypasses the approvers. We have custom workflows but the naming confuses users and it's causing problems especially when there is a large volume of changes happening.




I prefer Disable this default Workflows. Or edit the options to attachs a users. 


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