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Visual View Range

Visual View Range

It would be nice to be able to update view range of a floor plan or plan region on a section or 3d view by drag and drop its different primary ranges and view depth. Sometimes, the current way to solve a view range is a struggle, especially on RCP.


view range.JPG

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How about a live 3d view that previews the view range settings that you're trying to apply?


Most of the frustration with VR is caused by having to click "ok/apply" two or three times and then seeing what happens.  Even veterans who fully understand view range have to guess all the time and do trial and error.


It would also be nice if view range could be visible and editable in a 3d view like a scope box is.  Show the cutplane too so that you can click and move it.





A live preview of the view range would be very helpful. 


When the "Show" button was added to Revit in the View Range dialog box I got really excited for a brief moment. Then I realized it was not actually live and doesn't reflect anything specific to your view or your project. It is still helpful, but a LIVE preview would be so much better. 


I can see possible issues with the live preview being a separate 3D view, as things like view discipline will change how the cut plane works, etc. but I could be wrong. 

But even if the new "show" feature was updated to reflect actual view range changes, that would help a lot. 


I work with a lot of new Revit users, as well as intermediate and experienced users. View Range is something that trips up a lot of them. Largely because they can't visually see the change; only the effects of the change. 





When selecting a Level in Revit - show the view ranges as graphically adjustable bars, so that people can see what the numbers mean. I train a lot of new users, and view range is one of the concepts that confuses many new users. - I am hoping this tool would help, please see the mock up below, of what it could look like. 



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I think this needs to be taken even further... and clarified graphically (i.e.: what is the difference between the Bottom Range and the View Depth?). I'm sure it makes sense to a small number of people, but it's VERY cryptic to the average user. Thankfully it doesn't need to be adjusted frequently.


And then there's the RCP view ranges... @&*%((^%$@^*..... 😉

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Rather than using numbers, could there be the choice to use an interactive box with grips? Similar to how the section box works but in floor plan room.

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Rather than using numbers, could there be the choice to use an interactive box with grips? Similar to how the section box works but in floor plan *VIEW*.

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I proposed something similar but upgrading the current view range editor and making it dynamic.



The idea is to compliment the View Range dialog with the graphical widget where you could manually grab and pull the cut planes and view depth planes and have immediate results in the view.
This would allow me to achieve the desired floor plan visibility/graphics much faster than trying to figure out the exact numbers, like we do now.



Or even use the current view range "show" option as a live preview -- displaying the actual project elements from the file, and displaying the view range planes in their actual locations in that preview. The view range planes should visually move as they are adjusted. 


View Ranve.gif



Thank you Tony. Yes, this is very close to what I meant. 
But I would also add  the "handles" that can be used to pull the planes up or down right in this dialog.
"Apply" button can be omitted if the immediate effects are enabled.
The addition of "Reset" button could also be useful to go back to the original conditions.



Similar concept, but for Depth Cueing, is suggested here:


It would be incredible to have this. This would greatly improve understanding the current settings for everyone.


I don't know if I am the only one having trouble with the view range but I think it would be much easier to understand if the Sample View Range is interactive with the changes one is trying to make in view range..


Thanks David


Thanks for the idea!  Right now in Revit 2018 you can expand the View Range dialog and get a nifty visual of the different settings.  Is this idea about making that interactive?

View Range Graphic.png



Yes, this way someone trying to adjust the View Range can view changes on the Sample View Range. I spend a lot of time with the view range, so and interactive Sample View Range where someone can see what they are doing in View Range would be a great time saver.
I was just half way through typing up a request for this very thing. I like your idea for how the tool should look too. Lets make it happen Autodesk!



Think about all the slide adjusters in other programs and think about all the guess work involved... When working on i.e.,Parking Garage project setup and have to constantly edit the view range to get look right if view range had sliders/ caddy control like 3ds or others we could adjust on the fly and fix quickly to how we visually want it to look saving a lot of time.

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