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Select all in workset

Select all in workset

if i need to show only workset elements, i shall hide all worksets in view.. Now i am working in rail project and the only satation have about 30 workset...and that process is too slow and not useful, and i didn't need to make a parameter to catch elements on schedules.

Now we think about what if we have a selection tool called "select all elements in workset" and " select all instance in workset "

It will be helpful and useful for all of us

Ha! There is a Dynamo solution 🙂
But yeah, it should be an option in Revit.

For those looking for a non-dynamo, everyman's workaround for this: Pick a view, any view, uncrop, turn on temporary view properties, change the view range to unlimited top and bottom, and then turn off all worksets except the one you're looking for. Then window everything and filter for the model elements.

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there are more options that should be in revit like "move  object from one level to another level"

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Working on a large scale project here and need to enter parameters for all elements under a specific workset. I have a dynamo solution but want to refine it by eliminating my manual selection of elements. @Yien_Chao What is the dynamo solution that you mentioned above?


here a hint... the code. it not 100% Dynamo, but a mix with a Python coding.

You have to input a workset by name in this case ...

use :  Workset.GetAll();

also : i use instance, but you have to input every type of instance you want to select.



import clr

# Import DocumentManager and TransactionManager
import RevitServices
from RevitServices.Persistence import DocumentManager

# Import RevitAPI
import Autodesk
from Autodesk.Revit.DB import *

Workset = IN[0].Id
WID = WorksetId(Workset)

doc = DocumentManager.Instance.CurrentDBDocument
collector= FilteredElementCollector(doc)
filter =ElementWorksetFilter(WID)

els = collector.OfClass(Instance).WherePasses(filter).ToElements()

OUT = els

Not applicable


There is a solution to select elements by them worksets and categories ?

I need to reduce the size of a Dynamo script.

So, I don't want to filter all the elements by them worksets because I think it increase the loading delay.



I would love to do filtered selections by workset. E.g. User1 needs to select all the elements belonging to his workset "User1" in order to copy them to another building level. Currently i have to create a new view and hide all other worksets but "User1" workset, then select the objects.

Tags (1)

You can do this through a schedule.  Add Worket to you schedule, set the query and highlight all objects in the schedule.


Tip here is to keep a 3D model open with everything (or at least showing everything you MIGHT need).  Highlight your section and go to the open 3D model and all your objects will be selected.


We use DiRoots One to do this as well.  The module is called one filter.  You can select catergories, objects etc based off a certain query.



@twellins : I used DiRoots One as well. But there are too many mouse clicks in the process. I was thinking something much faster, like Workset Isolate and fade the rest of the model, similar to LayerIsolate command in Autocad.

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