To confirm that Tony's solution WORKS. If you are Creating the deployment for the first time Modify the SETUP.ini in the Installer folder based on Tony's instructions or below. If you already have created a deployment then follow instructions to fix it.
Here are my findings as I was only running into this with the Suite based Deployments not raw REVIT deployment created using Revit installer
- No need to RECREATE The deployment
- Use Notepad to Edit ini Files Imgx64.ini AND any existing named ini files that are deploying Revit in them. e.g. GBBN_Revit_AutoCAD_2017.ini
- In both files change the [ProductSelectionDlg2] section (I have the cut paste at the end of the post)
- Modify your EXISTING deployment(s) with Revit in it. You will have to do it in each named deployment
- Click the Generic ini, collapse the Revit section, Expand again and switch to custom ini / browse and import (may not be necessary to do this step), Collapse
- Expand Revit Content Libraries section and VERIFY your selections (it messes up for me every time and others have reported the same)
- Add any ADDONs . Do not use APP manager to add any Revit official Addins, they will fail to deploy. Can't find the knowledge article that gives you instructions on how to add them to the Addon section. Updates are fine to install EXCEPT RECAP. If you add the ADDON MSI make sure to add this as the parameter INSTALLDIR="C:\Program Files\Autodesk\" (thanks Tony M)
- Generate the deployment.
- Verify that the Customsettings folder got created and it will have the Custom Revit.ini file prefixed with deployment name i.e. GBBN_Revit_AutoCAD_2017_Revit.ini. You can also verify that the MST file now has the REVITINIDEPLOYGBBN_Revit_AutoCAD_2017_Revit.ini
If it did not work then the REVITINIDEPLOY will just have Revit.ini with NO deployment name prefix
Hope this helps and saves you headaches recreating deployments.
BACKGROUND_IMAGE=SetupRes\BDS.png (I changed this in addition) used to be AutoCAD.png
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