Exception while creating Sweep


Exception while creating Sweep


Hello all,


Got a bit of an issue that appears, to me anyway, fairly ambiguous.  I was hoping someone can help me understand what I'm missing.



I'm trying to create sweeps within a Family Document.  I can do this just fine with one, but I need to be able to make as many as I want.  I'm currently using the default Revit profile families for duct, to create my sweeps, they are in the following location.


C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\RME 2014\Libraries\US Imperial\Duct\Fittings\Profiles


My problem happens when I load one of these into my Family and then try to make duplicates of it's Symbol so I can get multiple instances of a connector type.  Again, this works fine when I just load a Family Symbol and use the default one I get, I just can't seem to make any copies.


I get the error "One of the conditions for the inputs was not satified. Consult the documentation for requirements for each argument." when I actually go to create the sweep using a copied instance of a Family Symbol.


The funny thing is, when I don't try to create a sweep it appears the family symbol gets loaded into my Family file just fine, I just can't seem to programmatically make a sweep out of it.


I've attached a screenshot showing the Symbol is being loaded correctly, and a text file that contains the code I'm trying to use.  You'll see two primary routines "WorkingRoutine" and "NonWorkingRoutine". along with any helper functions.


Any ideas why I'm getting this issue?





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Accepted solution

Hello again everyone.


I made a super simple oversight.  After creating the Duplicated Family Symbol I forgot to regenerate the family document.


Regenerating the family document resolved my issue.


One of those days.