3D files as obj and stl are simple text files storing coordinates
Let's look at a .obj file:

The lines starting with v are points' coordinates(X Y Z)
The lines starting with f are pointers to the line numbers starting with V
So the first line starting with f constructs a triangle face (in this case) based on the points stored in the first, second and third v-line.
The second line starting with f constructs a triangle face in this case based on the points stored in the first, 4th and second v-line. The order 1-4-2 instead of 1-2-4 (clockwise or counterclockwise) defines the direction the face's frontside points to.
Now exporting that file (ignoring the rounding error) writes the same values to the same lines . That's it - nothing fancy. Well MM might add stuff like vertex normals, group definitions but these do not modify the geometry at all.
The only thing that comes to my mind:
Are you on a localisation where one uses a comma as the decimal separator AND use the PRINT module to send it to the slicer ? As PRINT uses a command line to pass the object to the slicer. Maybe your OS does an auto format conversion and switches commas and fullstops (my MAC did that running applications via its Terminal). In this case you might end up with full numbers in the slicer only (anything after the comma is ignored).
If so, you might consider to set fullstops as decimal separators in your OS formats settings.
If not: Please post a zipped input file and its MM's output result.
Gunter Weber
Triangle Artisan