Hello Everyone,
I am trying to query a SQL database from iLogic with Inventor 2016. I have written some code in VB.net which seems to work. I can create the connection and query a table. But copy and paste of this code doesn't work directly in iLogic.
Does any one have any recent experience? I found a couple links on the forum mentioning to add reference to Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.8 Library, but I am not sure how this reference can be added in ilogic. Here is the link i am reffering to.Link to post
Here is what I have so far and the result error and warning. Any advice would be appreciated.
Dim Connection As OleDb.OleDbConnection = New OleDb.OleDbConnection("Provider=SQLNCLI11;Data Source=#####;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=###;PWD=###;Initial Catalog=###") Dim Command As New OleDb.OleDbCommand Dim ds As New DataSet Dim da As New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter 'Dim rowo As System.Data.DataRow 'Dim Count As Integer Connection.Open() 'open up a connection to the database Command.Connection = Connection Dim partnum As String = "xxx-xxxxxxxx" Dim query As String = "Select SpringSAPPN FROM Springs WHERE SpringGSPN ='" + partnum + "' " da.SelectCommand = New OleDb.OleDbCommand(query, Connection) da.Fill(ds, "Table") 'Fill the dataset, ds, with the above SELECT statement 'Count = ds.Tables("Table").Rows.Count MessageBox.Show(ds.Tables(0).Rows(0)(0).ToString)
Solved! Go to Solution.
Solved by chandra.shekar.g. Go to Solution.
you can do this with a reader,
I do that for a table in drawing, see the code
the code run in the 2 directions
I take the data from the SQL
or I write in the SQL
It's in french, if you don't understand, I'll translate
SyntaxEditor Code Snippet
AddReference "System.Data" AddReference "System.Core" AddReference "System.Xml" 'Imports System.Data.OleDb Imports System.Data Imports System.Xml Imports System.Data.SqlClient
SyntaxEditor Code Snippet
'++++++++++++++++EXTRACTION N° DE PROJET++++++++++++++ Dim NomFi As String Dim NumProj As String Dim DecFi As Object NomFi = ThisDoc.FileName(False) DecFi = Split(NomFi, "-") NumProj = DecFi(0) MessageBox.Show(NumProj, "Title") '+++++++++++++++++++++LIEN SQL+++++++++++++++++++++ Dim myConn As SqlConnection Dim myCmd As SqlCommand Dim myReader As SqlDataReader Dim results As String Dim Req As String Dim ReqInsert As String 'Definition de la connexion myConn = New SqlConnection("Data Source = SRV-SQL ;Initial Catalog = SqlBase1 ;User Id = sa ;Password = 123 ; ") 'requete d'interrogation Req = "SELECT Codelancement,DateCreationLct FROM HART_PLAN_LCT LIMIT1 WHERE DesignationLct4='" + NumProj + "' ORDER BY DateCreationLct DESC" myCmd = myConn.CreateCommand myCmd.CommandText = Req 'Ouverture de la connexion myConn.Open() myReader = myCmd.ExecuteReader() 'Controle de la presence de donnees dans le reader 'If myReader.HasRows = False Then 'MessageBox.Show("faux", "Title") 'Else 'Inscrire le resultat de la requete dans une chaine de caracteres 'Do While 'myReader.Read() 'results = myReader.GetString(0) ' Loop 'Affichage du resultat. 'MsgBox(results) '++++++++++++++Definition des points d'insertion++++++++++++++++ Dim oDrawDoc As DrawingDocument = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument Dim oSheet As Sheet = oDrawDoc.Sheets.Item(1) 'Dim oTG As TransientGeometry 'oSheet.Size=9993 A0 'oSheet.Size=9994 A1 'oSheet.Size=9995 A2 'oSheet.Size=9996 A3 'oSheet.Size=9997 A4 'oSheet.Orientation=10243 portrait 'oSheet.Orientation=10242 paysage 'A0portrait If oSheet.Size = 9993 And oSheet.Orientation = 10243 Then Xpt3 = oSheet.Width - 9.84 Xpt4 = oSheet.Height - (oSheet.Height - 6.3045) 'A0paysage ElseIf oSheet.Size = 9993 And oSheet.Orientation = 10242 Then Xpt3 = oSheet.Width - 9.84 Xpt4 = oSheet.Height - (oSheet.Height - 6.3045) 'A1portrait ElseIf oSheet.Size = 9994 And oSheet.Orientation = 10243 Then Xpt3 = oSheet.Width - 9.84 Xpt4 = oSheet.Height - (oSheet.Height - 6.3045) 'A1paysage ElseIf oSheet.Size = 9994 And oSheet.Orientation = 10242 Then Xpt3 = oSheet.Width - 9.84 Xpt4 = oSheet.Height - (oSheet.Height - 6.3045) 'A2portrait ElseIf oSheet.Size = 9995 And oSheet.Orientation = 10243 Then Xpt3 = oSheet.Width - 8.84 Xpt4 = oSheet.Height - (oSheet.Height - 5.3045) 'A2paysage ElseIf oSheet.Size = 9995 And oSheet.Orientation = 10242 Then Xpt3 = oSheet.Width - 8.84 Xpt4 = oSheet.Height - (oSheet.Height - 5.3045) 'A3portrait ElseIf oSheet.Size = 9996 And oSheet.Orientation = 10243 Then Xpt3 = oSheet.Width - 8.84 Xpt4 = oSheet.Height - (oSheet.Height - 5.3045) 'A3paysage ElseIf oSheet.Size = 9996 And oSheet.Orientation = 10242 Then Xpt3 = oSheet.Width - 8.84 Xpt4 = oSheet.Height - (oSheet.Height - 5.3045) 'A4portrait ElseIf oSheet.Size = 9997 And oSheet.Orientation = 10243 Then Xpt3 = oSheet.Width - 8.84 Xpt4 = oSheet.Height - (oSheet.Height - 5.3045) 'A4paysage ElseIf oSheet.Size = 9997 And oSheet.Orientation = 10242 Then Xpt3 = oSheet.Width - 8.84 Xpt4 = oSheet.Height - (oSheet.Height - 5.3045) End If '++++++++++Definition et insertion de la table de revision+++++++++++++ If oDrawDoc.ActiveSheet.RevisionTables.Count = 0 'Creation du point d'insertion Dim oPoint2 As Point2d oPoint2 = ThisApplication.TransientGeometry.CreatePoint2d(Xpt3, Xpt4) 'Definition table de revision Dim oRTBs As RevisionTables oRTBs = oDrawDoc.ActiveSheet.RevisionTables 'Insertion table de revision Dim oRTB As RevisionTable oRTB = oRTBs.Add(oPoint2) End If '+++++++++++++Ecriture dans la table de revision+++++++++++++++++ Dim oRevTable As RevisionTable = oDrawDoc.ActiveSheet.RevisionTables.Item(1) ' Choix de la derniere rangee Dim oRow As RevisionTableRow oRow = oRevTable.RevisionTableRows.Item(oRevTable.RevisionTableRows.Count) Dim oCell As RevisionTableCell 'Controle de la presence de donnees dans le reader If myReader.HasRows = False Then myReader.Close() ' Verification range active dans tableau If oRow.IsActiveRow Then ' Go through all columns in that row For i = 1 To oRevTable.RevisionTableColumns.Count oCell = oRow.Item(i) If i = 2 '2nd colonne de la table de revision oCell.Text = InputBox("Entrer le N° d'OF", "Historique et OF", "XX-XXXXX") '++++++++++++++++++INSERTION N° DE PLAN DANS BASE SQL++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Question = MessageBox.Show("VOULEZ VOUS AFFECTER LE N° DE PLAN A L'OF DANS LA BASE SILOG (Ecrire le N° saisi dans la base de données)", "PLAN NON AFFECTE", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) If Question = vbYes Then ReqInsert = "UPDATE LCTE Set DesignationLct4 ='" + NumProj + "' Where CodeLancement ='" + oCell.Text + "'" Dim myCmd2 As New SqlCommand(ReqInsert, myConn) myCmd2.ExecuteNonQuery() End If '+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ElseIf i = 3 '3eme colonne de la table de revision oCell.Text = InputBox("Quantité à Produire", "Historique et OF", "1") ElseIf i = 4 '4eme colonne de la table de revision oCell.Text = InputBox("Modification", "Historique et OF", "") End If oCell.Text = oCell.Text 'defini la cellule en statique Next End If Else 'Inscrire le resultat de la requete dans une chaine de caracteres myReader.Read() results = myReader.GetString(0) ' Make sure we have the active row If oRow.IsActiveRow Then ' Go through all columns in that row For i = 1 To oRevTable.RevisionTableColumns.Count oCell = oRow.Item(i) If i = 2 '2nd colonne de la table de revision oCell.Text = InputBox("Entrer le N° d'OF", "Historique et OF", results) ElseIf i = 3 '3eme colonne de la table de revision oCell.Text = InputBox("Quantité à Produire", "Historique et OF", "1") ElseIf i = 4 '4eme colonne de la table de revision oCell.Text = InputBox("Modification", "Historique et OF", "") End If oCell.Text = oCell.Text 'defini la cellule en statique Next End If End If 'fermeture du reader et de la connexion myReader.Close() myConn.Close()
I have a new thought about this issue I'm trying to solve.
There has to be a way to search on a unique number (in my case it would be in USER1) and then import all the fields associated with that record into Custom iProperties... the tricky bit would be looking in the other table for the Pinlist entries (if they exist)
Just wanted to write and say thanks for the example, it got me going in the right direction.
However, for others looking at this should know calling your variables directly in SQL commands is bad practice. For more information just google bobby tables or why you should sanitize your inputs.
Here is a modified example that uses parameters in SQL queries properly.
Sub Main()
Dim myConn As SqlConnection
Dim myCmd As SqlCommand
Dim myReader As SqlDataReader
Dim results As String
Dim Req As String
Dim ReqInsert As String
'Get previously entered StockNumber
Dim PartNumber As String
PartNumber = iProperties.Value("Project", "Part Number")
'Definition of connection
myConn = New SqlConnection("Data Source = SQLSERVER ;Initial Catalog = DBNAME ;User Id = USER ;Password = PASSWORD ; ")
'query request using as the SQL Parameter @Anonymous to pass the Inventor Paramter into the SQL query correctly
Req = "SELECT StockCode,Description,LongDesc,ProductClass FROM InvMaster WHERE StockCode = @Anonymous"
myCmd = myConn.CreateCommand
myCmd.CommandText = Req
'Create the SQL Parameter and assign the Inventor Parameter PartNumber value to @Anonymous. This sanitizes the input.
MyCmd.Parameters.Add("@PartNumber", SqlDbType.VarChar, 30).Value = PartNumber
'Connection opening
myReader = myCmd.ExecuteReader()
'Read data from SQL Query and assign it to Inventor Parameters as needed.
If myReader.HasRows Then
While myReader.Read()
iProperties.Value("Project", "Description") = myReader.GetString(1)
iProperties.Value("Custom", "LongDesc") = myReader.GetString(2)
iProperties.Value("Custom", "ProductClass") = myReader.GetString(3)
End While
MessageBox.Show("Reader has no rows.", "Blah")
End If
'closing the reader and connection
End Sub
I'm sorry, I am quite new to attempting to read an SQL database from within inventor VBA.
I am trying any solution suggested, but probably I am missing something.
My very simple macro
Public Sub connectToSql()
AddReference "System.Data"
End Sub
fails as soon as I press F8 with the message:
If I try with
Public Sub connectToSql()
dim myConn = New OleDb.OleDbConnection("Data Source=SERVERNAME\instance;Initial Catalog=Database_NAME;User ID=USERNAME;Password=PASSWORD")
End Sub
then VBA editor highlights the syntax as "offending" immediately.
I suspect I am missing something, but what am I exactly missing?
Dear @chandra.shekar.g
Your code works perfectly to create the new database file. Please help me the update query for updating the database file. Thanks,
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