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Hello! I am currently using an iLogic rule I found from some years back on this forum to batch export a large group of images. It would be ideal if these images could already have a transparent background when I export them, so I don't have to run another photoshop script to accomplish this. I know that some compression formats of .bmp support an alpha channel, but I'm not sure what all can be accomplished in Inventor, or if there's a rule to export as PNG which would make it much easier potentially. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Imports System.IO
Sub Main
sResultPathImage = SelFolder(ThisApplication.DesignProjectManager.ActiveDesignProject.WorkspacePath) 'oDefaultPathImage)
sResultPathBatch = SelFolder(ThisApplication.DesignProjectManager.ActiveDesignProject.WorkspacePath) 'oDefaultPathBatch)
'Dim oHolderList As String
If sResultPathBatch <> "" Then
Dim oFiles = Directory.GetFiles(sResultPathBatch, "*.IAM")
For Each FileName As String In oFiles
On Error Resume Next
oDoc = ThisApplication.Documents.Open(FileName, True)
Dim sPartNumber As String = oDoc.PropertySets("Design Tracking Properties")("Part Number").Value
oCamera = InventorVb.Application.ActiveView.Camera
oCamera.SaveAsBitmap(sResultPathImage & "\" & sPartNumber & ".bmp",2800,2000)
oHolderList = oHolderList & sPartNumber & vbLf
End If
End Sub
Private Function SelFolder(sPath As String) As String
On Error Resume Next
If sPath = "" Then sPath = ThisApplication.DesignProjectManager.ActiveDesignProject.WorkspacePath
Dim FBrowserDialog As New FolderBrowserDialog
FBrowserDialog.SelectedPath = sPath
Dim result As DialogResult = FBrowserDialog.ShowDialog()
SelFolder = ""
If ( result = DialogResult.OK ) Then 'And ( FBrowserDialog.SelectedPath <> sPath ) Then
SelFolder = FBrowserDialog.SelectedPath
End If
End Function
Edit: this doesn't work woops
There's a transparency option when creating a color:
Dim oColor As Color oColor = ThisApplication.TransientObjects.CreateColor(255, 255, 255, 0) '--- '------- '---------- Dim oCamera As Camera oCamera.SaveAsBitmap(sResultPathImage & "\" & sPartNumber & ".png", 2800, 2800, oColor)
This won't export with a transparent background though because it's a 24x bitmap. only 32x bitmaps have a transparency layer.
If you use the function:
then there is an option according to the help files.
But this will not give you a picture file but just an IPictureDisp object. You can convert those objects to Bitmap objects check this post:
Maybe then it's possible to save the picture to a file. But I'm afraid this will be too much for an iLogic rule. I would suggest that you create an addin for this. You can find a tutorial for this on my blog.
And in the follow-up post a converter Bitmap <-> IPictureDisp is used for creating buttons.
Maybe it will help you but I guess it won't be easy and in the end I'm not sure it will work.
Jelte de Jong
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This might be helpful to you:-
'Get the active view. Dim oView = ThisApplication.ActiveView 'Create a new NameValueMap Object Dim oOptions As NameValueMap oOptions = ThisApplication.TransientObjects.CreateNameValueMap '.TransientObjects.CreateNameValueMap oOptions.Value("TransparentBackground") = True 'save screenshot Call oView.SaveAsBitmapWithOptions(CurrentFile, 0, 0, oOptions)
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