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Warning when an endless loop occurs in the construction

Warning when an endless loop occurs in the construction

We have had cases several times where internal data structures in a design (ipt) have become defective. However, this is not immediately apparent to the user. It only becomes apparent when elements are edited or the end of the component is moved and an error message appears that an endless loop is created. The model or design can then no longer be edited and usually cannot be repaired.
It would be important for Inventor to issue a warning as soon as internal data structures become defective. This is the only way to correct the error in time and save the design.




Wir hatten bereits mehrmals den Fall, dass in einer Konstruktion (ipt) interne Datenstrukturen defekt gegangen sind. Für den User ist dies allerdings nicht gleich erkennbar. Es zeigt sich erst, wenn Elemente bearbeitet werden oder das Bauteilende verschoben wird und eine Fehlermeldung erschient, dass eine Endlosschleife entsteht. Das Modell bzw. die Konstruktion lässt sich dann nicht mehr bearbeiten und meistens nicht mehr reparieren.
Es wäre wichtig, dass Inventor eine Warnung ausgibt, sobald interne Datenstrukturen defekt werden. Nur so hat man die Möglichkeit rechtzeitig den Fehler zu beheben und die Konstruktion zu retten.





@Frodl I suppose this issue depends on the dataset design here. If possible, could you please send me the dataset via for investigation within internal team. Many thanks!


The dataset is too large for sending per mail. 

I have send the dataset a some weeks ago to autodesk at the support case CaseNo:22646078.

Du you realy need the dataset again? Then give me please a link to a transferfile store.

Status changed to: Accepted

@Frodl many thanks for the dataset, and accepted as [INVGEN-81883].


@Frodl now we are working on this idea, and it would be available in the coming Beta. You could access the link below to understand how we can join the Inventor Beta/Feedback project. Thanks!

Solved: Inventor Feedback/Beta Project - How do I get access? - Autodesk Community - Inventor


Thanks for bringing this issue to light! An early warning system for defective internal data structures would definitely help prevent these frustrating endless loops. It's crucial for users to be able to catch these errors before they lead to unrepairable designs. I hope the team considers implementing this feature!


I tested it in the current beta. But the endless loop still exists.
I have uploaded some examples to the beta forum.

PR:4282 - Inventor


@Frodl Many thanks for the dataset & info, and it has been sent to project team for investigation.

Will keep you updated!

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