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Treat "Mirror" in an assembly like a pattern (maintain symmetry)

Treat "Mirror" in an assembly like a pattern (maintain symmetry)

Right now there is no good way to create an automated mirror of several parts in an assembly. The current "Mirror" command really just creates a mirrored Derived part (or a mirrored assembly) for parts or assemblies which cannot be made symmetric by simply being re-oriented. This is useful but it's not what most people want when trying to perform a "Mirror" operation in an assembly.


The mirror command does not maintain the positional symmetric relationship between the original and mirrored parts in an assembly. It should. If I change the position of the original part, the mirrored part should reflect this change on its side of the mirror plane.


Just like with a Pattern, there should be no constraints involved. I should simply have to pick the components to mirror, pick the mirror plane, and Inventor should look at each part, and essentially ROTATE it about the appropriate axis and stick it on the other side of the mirror plane. If there are sub-assemblies or parts that can't be made symmetric about the plane by simply being rotated, then Inventor should give me the option to do what the Mirror command currently does as a part of the Mirror operation. But then the Mirror operation should appear in the browser tree as a "Mirror pattern" which can be modified later, and which will maintain symmetry between the original and mirrored instances.



Note: I'm aware that there are some instances when a 180-degree circular pattern will accomplish this, but that doesn't always work. If I want a left/right mirror of several components, a 180-degree circular pattern about the vertical axis will only create that symmetry if the components are also symmetric on the forward and rearward sides of the rotation axis. If they're not, then the differences between the front and back will be flipped on the mirrored side. Only a true "mirror pattern" will create left/right symmetry in this case.


When i mirror a part and select reuse in an assembly the mirrored parts are not constrained or linked to the position of the original part. It is not parametric. 

the mirrored parts should be linked to the base parts position much the same way as assembly pattern works and pattern in a part works 

Status changed to: Gathering Support
Hello Mads, The assembly mirror operation (reuse) does support position as long as it is previously defined, and is a part of your mirror collection. For example, if I have a bolt constrained (via insert) to a plate and I select both components and conduct a mirror (selecting reuse) their relationship and insert constraint will be mirrored along with their position based upon the mirror plane. However if I only select the bolt (and not the plate) during the identical mirror workflow, the constraint to the plate will not be mirrored as Inventor has nothing to constrain it to. So your mirror selections must contain all the needed dependencies in order for the constraints to get mirrored (however the resulting position will still mirror based off the mirror plan so initial postition will loosely be maintained, however not locked down or constrained). I hope this helps some.. Regards, Dan
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Hi everyone, When you make a symmetry of a pattern of components, if you modify the pattern, the symmetry doesn't follow the changes. This is due to the fact that the symmetry of the pattern generates separate parts without any constraints between them and the pattern. (See the attached image for an example) It would be nice to have the ability to chose if we want to separate the pattern and the symmetry, or keep constrained them. Regards, Guillaume GARCIA
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Sorry, the attached image didn't worked, it seems to bug when i click on "Add attachement"...

The "solution provided" does not solve the parametric issue so I would like to resurrect this discussion.


It is actually easier to just mirror, then ground the components in the assembly rather than have unwanted additional mirrored components as suggested. But if you change the original component position, you have to delete the mirrored components, create new mirrored components, then ground them in their new position. It is quite cumbersome.


Is there a plan to make the mirror component command parametric like the pattern component command? Why can't Inventor create mirror and position constraints to the original components?

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I agree with Mads. There are at least 2 similar posts (including one of mine). If I mirror a part, I want its position in space to be anchored in space relative to the parent part and the mirror plane. That way it cannot be accidentally repositioned, and will also update its position if the parent part is repositioned as part of a modification.


Autodesk need to address this issue, as it can cause major problems if you are unaware of this limitation. I have had whole assemblies fall apart catastrophically.


The youtube links show how assembly mirror should work in principle. The current assembly mirror functionality in Inventor should be improved.

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The YouTube video shows similar funcionality in SolidWorks. In the video, the mirrored part seems to mirror any movement of the original part which would imply the kind of mirror constraints between the original and mirror parts we would like to see. If Dassault Systems can achieve this, I'm sure Autodesk could too. Ideally I would want to see this as an optional (tickbox) feature in the mirror component dialogue box rather than a default setting.


Hi all,


I agree, If Dassault Systems can achieve this, I'm sure Autodesk could too.

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That's what I'm missing!!

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Wish I could give more than one Kudo to an idea...


Lol, thanks @Anonymous, as do I...


thumbs up


I do not know, but it's not the same? like this. What do you think?


Yes! It could work exactly like that! The first YouTube video shows excellent functionality.


Yes, I've seen that other idea. There's a very huge issue with the so-called "solution" that was provided. Yes, mirroring multiple components will carry over their inter-part constraints, but not only does that not maintain the actual mirror with the original components, which is the main purpose of mirroring, it's also completely unnecessary. Why do I need constraints on mirrored components when they should just copy the originals, as in a Pattern?

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I've used software that functions the way you describe @DRoam... it's called Solidworks.


But you can't say anything like that around here...

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