The iLogic Design Copy tool is currently the best tool Inventor users who do not use Vault have for copying designs:
However, the inability to perform a string replace makes the iLogic Design Copy tool unusable for many design departments. Many people don't want to add prefixes or suffixes to the file names, but instead want to modify or replace the existing name.
I want to copy the files named 45-001 Rev 1.iam and 45-001 Rev 1.idw and name them 45-001 Rev 2.iam and 45-001 Rev 2.idw. The iLogic Design Copy does not do this well. I would need to have files named 45-001.iam and 45-001.idw and add the revision information as a suffix. But that is a departure from the company naming convention.
I want to copy all of the files for my project 45-001 and rename them to start the 46-001 project. The iLogic Design Copy does not do this well. I would need to have files named -001 and add the 46 as a prefix, which doesn't even make sense.
Additionally, this tools should probably be renamed to remove the word iLogic. Since many new users don't realize that iLogic is not required to use this tool, it is not discovered.
Concerning Autodesk Vault: Reusing existing designs is one of the best practices that Autodesk continues to preach, and yet they have yet to provide a solid, flexible tool for non-Vault users to do this. There are many design departments that will never be able to use Vault due to the mix of other files the engineering department uses that can not be stored in Vault, therefore providing the design copy tools in Vault only should be reconsidered.
Overall the iLogic Design Copy tool is a very effective tool, but it needs to be more flexible to make it usable by many people who would like to be using it right now.