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Stop telling me I need to save something I haven't changed

Stop telling me I need to save something I haven't changed

Inventor shouldn't be prompting for a save on a file that hasen't changed.  I'll give an example.  I insert assembly1 into assembly2 and set it to positional rep1.  I save assembly2 and close it.  Now I re-open assembly2 and it asks me if I want to update.  I say yes and now it asks if I want to check out assembly1.  I say no since I haven't done anything to it.  Now Inventor tells me that I need to save assembly1 and assembly2 even though I just saved them and the only thing I have done is open them.  I think this is wrong and it can create a ton of unneeded versions of the assembly when using vault.

Not applicable

I'll second that!!!  SO ANNOYING!  Inventor askes about 1000 times a day to save stuff that hasn't changed.  There's a million examples.  It's the worst when making changes to drawings and going back and forth to the assembly.


Also I hate it so much when it askes to save something and then tells me I can't because a different level of detail is being edited.  So what!  Just save what I'm working on!  How hard is that?


On top of that, sometimes when I really need to save, it doesn't!  This REALLY needs fixing.



Not applicable

I'll "fourth" that idea! If at least Inventor could identify the things it thinks have changed, so we might understand what is going on!


When you select YES for the update, it runs through all the sub components and checks whats where,why, how... whatever. Some parts/assem, depending on how they were built actually get recalculated/rebuilt during the "update" perhaps like anything with bolt connections, frame generated parts, or any sketches/planes with referenced geometry.  These parts have to be saved because they've actually been rebuilt. If you are using Vault, while in Inventor model space change from "Model" tree browser on the left to "vault", you'll see those part/asm names change to red letters to show they need to be saved. I haven't fingured out why some of my models need this and others don't, but it's usually the same ones.

I have found that anytime i'm opening an assembly for a quick view or to find a part, I always choose NO to the update. This prevents and the "need to save" and "do you wanna checkout this one part that has nothing to do with what you're up to" prompts from commin up... most of the time.

agreed its anoying, and for users with a bit of dyslexia the prompts are really confusing. 


this might be right - but: sava an open assembly - close it and open it right after. This message comes up every time.


And if you say NO then the "Update"-Flash Icon lights up - then you also have to update...


If you refer to my original post I was talking about a sub-assembly that is in a positional representation.  It is not asking to save any part files, just the sub-assembly.  If a part has to be rebuilt then I understand why it has to be saved.  As far as why it has to be rebuilt in the first place, maybe thats a related issue to this one.  I'm just focusing on one issue right now, the constant saving of sub-assemblies in positional representations.  I believe that the reason it is asking me to save this all the time is because the last time it was saved it was in the master potional rep (which makes sense since you can't save assemblies in any other positional rep).  So, since it is not in the master rep now, the center of gravity and inertial properties have changed.  I think that this is why Inventor thinks the assembly needs to be saved.  And I do not have the option checked to prompt to save for re-computable updates.  When Inventor is trying to figure out if an assembly needs to be saved or not, I think it should ignore any changes to mass properties if the assembly is not in the master positional rep.


And by the way, I should have mentioned this in my original post, but I am using Inventor Profressional 2014.  I don't think this behavour has been fixed in 2015 but if it has then great.


I think a treatise from Autodesk on all the situations where Inventor would need to change underlying parts and sub-assemblies would go a long way toward understanding what's going on and what behavior is reasonable to change.  Something posted to the Knowledgebase?  Maybe an article? The article section is looking pretty sparse for Inventor content.


Your's is somehow synthetic, and you get a warning, in my case it doesn't even give me a heads-up. You change stuff, shutdown NO SAVE, start AIP, it's all changed !


check the video for item 28 here:


help us with a vote there if you feel the need.


I have not seen it save without prompting so I would guess that it is specific to tube and pipe.  One other thought, do you use vault?  If you do then maybe your dialog box suprression settings are causing this issue.




We use vault but these files are in a test area not vaulted so nothing justifies this behaviour.



Maybe I have a solution for your problem.

I found out what the problem was for us!


I would like to see the application options you are using, because some settings can cause the problem saving non edited files.

Also I need to see your properties and custom properties, because some definitions can cause the problem saving non edited files


let me know if you need any kind of help.




What specifically would you like to see?  What was the problem that you found on your end?



The problem is too difficult to explain in writing in the forum.

For me it is easier to see if the problem exist by sending me the files and exports.

Afterwards i can help you step by step to solve the problem when existing.


Are you using expressions in your i-properties like:

=<Mass> or simular and what is between the brackets then??


Please give me an overview of the i-properties and with their expressions you use.(You could send me an ipt and an iam with your company defined i-properties)

Or send me screenshots of your application options.


I you want you can send me a export from your application options in Xml format, so I can investigate if you have the same problem we had in the past regarding the application options.


If this is the case I can try to help to solve the problem for you.

I (Our company) has programmed an addin to solve these problems related to the above situation.


The problem is too difficult to explain in writing in the forum.

For me it is easier to see if the problem exist by sending me the files and exports.

Afterwards i can help you step by step to solve the problem when existing.


We have no save questions anymore since the programming!!!




Not applicable

This has gone beyond rediculous now.  Inventor 2016 is even worse!!  For the sake of user sanity, get this fixed Autodesk!


I can save an assembly.  Then do nothing else and try to close the assembly and it wants to save again!  It's everywhere now.


It's not how we're using it.  It's a bug plain and simple!  Fix it!  Whatever mechanism is used to decide if a file needs saving is broken.  Period.


I often experience this: Child Assy is inside of Parent Assy. Both assemblies are open. After working for a bit, I'm in Parent Assy and I hit save. The little dialog box pops up with the list of components that will be saved, as they've been modified. I hit "Ok" to save Parent Assy and all its children that have been modified. I close Parent Assy. Then, I try to close Child Assy... and Inventor prompts me to save it!!! Why?? If it needed saving (maybe it did, maybe it didn't), it should have been saved when I saved Parent Assy! This happens almost every time that I'm closing out my files at the end of the day, and it needs to be fixed.

please read the above post from me

 | Posted ‎11-21-2015 12:55 PM (above)


Maybe I can help you to solve the problem.


Since we found out what couses the problem for us we have not any problems anymore.






Agreed.  Inventor seems to think some files are "dirty" and need saving no mater what you do.  This especially true if you try to use the powerful features like derived parts or adaptation.  There must be a way to make it less sensitive to just opening a file.


Please read the above post maybe I can help you.


@bradeneuropeArthur: you're a magician!

I have dug very deep into the updating mechanism of inventor meanwhile, and i would second that it is buggy as hell!


-WTF means "MFC-Document" has changed? Incrementing "Previous Version", "Current Version" and "Next Version" Properties in the "Design Tracking Control"-Propset and leaving all other streams inside the Compound File Container untouched is not useful, and creates nothing but Garbage inside the Vault's File Storage.

-Even worse: "eAuditInvalidate". This pops up every now and then, even if all referenced file's DataBaseRevisionID match those expected in the "UFRxDoc", no "Redirections" are injected into the questionable file, all MassProps are up to date, all BOMS are up to date, and the same applies to all subassemblies or dependent parts.

-Why is it possible to postpone updating the MassProps in the Application Options? This has no noticeable impact on performance, and requires updating dependend files that have been considered "finished"

-Why is it possible to postpone gemometric updates - for instance a mirrored part? This will always lead to requests for checking out parent assemblies, even if it has been checked out, updated, saved and checked in a thousand times!

-Why is it possible to hide those files from the save dialog whose default answer is "no"? WTF! If Inventor is not sure wether a file  has changes making it worth being saved, how should the user decide in an assembly with a thousand referenced parts and subassys. Either it has changes (and no imaginary ones) then save it, or it hasn't then don't suggest it!

-Why does creating a Flatpattern require an update of parent assemblies, when the folded model hasn't changed at all. Creating flat patterns is often forgotten, and when it is catched up, everything above requires updating.
If the fuzzy-logic on requiring updates depending on the kind of changes to a dependent part would work properly, this would be useful.

-Why is there a property in the API called "BOMRequiresUpdate" but no method "UpdateBOM"? And why aren't pending BOM-Updates performed when klicking the update-button? Even worse: the update button is grayed out, even if a BOM-Update is pending due to changes of the BOMStructure or the "Part Number"-Property of any depending Document. So the user is misled to "everything's fine", and the next one who wants to call the BOM to put it on an idw-sheet is required to check out the assembly that has been suggestet "ok" to the previous user who checked it in!

-Why does glancing at another sheet in a drawing prompts the user to check out the file? Changing to another sheet in a PDF for instance does not alter the file! This makes no sense!

-Why does Inventor prompt me to check out an Assembly, if I just call a different PosRep? This ain't no change to the file. It's just calling something that has been defined before!

-Why cant I hide parts in the Master DesignViewRepresentation any more whithout beeing prompted to check out the file. Very often it is necessary to explore an assembly, that is open in the context of another assembly, but doesn't need to be edited. A clean save of the parent assembly is not possible any more without stopping work, closing everything without saving, and open it again undirtied. In 2012 this was still possible.

-Why does Inventor respectively it's Vault-plug-in prompt me to check out files and mark them with an asterisk in the vault-browser every now and then, if not even the MFC-Document- or any other edit flag is raised?

-Why does inventor prompt me to save files, that have been saved back to back before closing it, and then suggests "no" for all dependent parts or subassys?

-Why do flexible parts or PosReps get messed up (i.e. reports inconsistent constraints) almost inevitably if it's not a trivial example, no matter how carefully you work on it - and most times it turns out to be "malade imaginaire" as simply klicking on "rebuild all" resolves all imaginary issues, but does also dirty all other parts or assemblies, that aren't supposed to be affected, and need to be checked out, saved etc. without any reason, causing garbage in the vault, and unneccessary updates of the workspace on my coworker's workstations.

-Why has Autodesk abandoned the AutoNew_ and AutoSave_ Events in the VBA-client, saying this was due to security issues, but has then replaced it with the "AfterDocOpen"-Trigger in iLogic? How is that not a security issue, when even just opening a file does something? This is also very suitable for sabotageing Vaults rights-management system by altering a file by doing nothing else but opening it!

This behaviour renders Inventor UNUSABLE with any rights- or content-management system such as Vault.

Autodesk, GET THIS FIXED, before annoying us with Asset/Protein/RealisticAppearance-Styles or Mini-Toolbars!!!!!

And why is it not possible to display a file's "InternalName", "DataBaseRevisionID" or "Last Updated With"-Property in the file-history pane of the Vault-Explorer. I have tried to map the properties but as there is no way to define a mapped property by Property-Set-Name ("Design Tracking Control", aka {D861FB30-3136-11D1-9E92-0060B03C1CA6} and "Design Tracking Properties" aka {32853F0F-3444-11D1-9E93-0060B03C1CA6}) and its ID (18, 21 and 67), and my educated guess that "Revisions-ID" might be the german rubbish for "DataBaseRevisionID" was not successful. Even more useful would be a column tracking the EditFlags from the "RSeDbRevisionInfo"-Stream, so that the user can see what has happened to a file meanwhile. Why are these edit flags kept secret, presenting a miracle to the user why he has to checkout every file, instead of beeing well documented and creating some transparency?


And by the way, clean up the babylonian confusion with Property Names, Style Names or unsuitable translations in the User-Interface of non-English versions of Inventor and Vault!


Property #32 from the "Design Tracking Properties"-PropSet:

Internal Name:      Document SubType Name
English Name (GUI):     File Subtype
English Display Name (API):    Part Type name
German Name (GUI):     Dateiuntergruppe
German Display Name (API):    Name des Bauteiltyps
German Column Caption (BOM):    N/A
Vault Name (Property Import from File (German)): Name Dok.-Untertyps
Vault Name (Systemname) (my German Vault):  DocumentSubType-{8a791075-1d1e-4ffb-9a1d-4248c38b1361}
Vault Name (Property Import from File (English)): ???
Vault Name (Systemname) (English Vault):  ??? (depends ?)


Well, i forgot some, when typing the post above, but Inventor has just reminded me:

-Why does Inventor prompt me to check out an assembly and marks it as dirtied, if i just copy an occurrence to the clipboard, and

paste it into another Assembly?

-Why doesn't Inventor prompt me to check out an affected Assembly when editing a referenced part or subassembly, when I return to the

affected parent assembly an click on the now enabled update-Button, but interrupts my train of thought before in a randomly chosen

moment instead?

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