for sketches & anything related to the ability of a sketchto be used in various other things like arrays, skeletons etc
eg- see simple sketch that i am about to constrain a couple of lines to the origin.
below is a capture of this... (the images do not show the constraint very well unfortunately but it is a simple coincident constraint being fired)...
because the entities are moving a significant distance relative to their own size, inventor is happy to let the sketch flip flop in order to achieve its constraint nereds to arrive at the new position.
i am sure we have all seen this but as you can imagine this small issue can have significant negative effect on a large sketch if for example part of the sketch is able to flip, and the flow on impact of this is enough to mess the sketch up or anything that relies on the sketch.
it would be nice if the developers could sort this out for us.
many thanks as always.