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Hole Feature - Top and Bottom of Hole Options

Hole Feature - Top and Bottom of Hole Options

Currently when creating holes, we have the options for Drilled, Counterbore, Spot face and Countersunk from the top only.


It could be beneficial to have these same options to add features to the bottom of the same hole.hole_feature.png


As requested by : Anonymous on 5/9/2013

Not applicable

Currently when creating holes, we have the options for Drilled, Counterbore, Spotface and Countersunk from the top only.


It could be beneficial to have these same options to add features to the bottom of the same hole.




Community Manager

What a great idea!!!


Great idea.  I would like to add slots to this menu.


I often doubt if i want a hole or a slot. Or when i have build someting and in the next version of the product there must be a slot instead of a hole.


Now i have to delete the hole and create a sketch  with a slot feature en the cut it out. Complete different feature.


Yes i know there is a slot sketch feature in 2014 but thats not what i want!!!!


Thats because you can create a hole on sketch point or concentric or linear. If i have created few holes on a part, i have to create evry single hole again.


iFeauture is not an option, thats always one by one. If you want to edit 25 ifeatures. Thats one by one....

Punch is only to use with point sketches, not with other options you first creates the hole. (lineair/concentric etc)


SolidWorks and Solid Edge has it. I want it in Inventor!!!  Ad it to the bolted connection environment as well !!!

Not applicable

Hey thijs,


maybe make another idea post for the slot! it is a great idea, I don't think it belongs in the same feature dialog box as the hole feature, but I agree that the slot should be a feature like the hole feature, not only available as a sketched object and then extruded through.




Not applicable

This a great idea.  You would have to add a entry to pick a plane where the c-bore would start.  We spend lots of time reconstraining and remaking holes when counterbores get added to parts.  

Status changed to: Under Review

I'd love to see this feature, I often create a standard hole from a sketch one side of a part, then later in the design process it needs to be counterbored. But half the time the sketch starts the hole from the opposite side of the part that I want counterbored. So I have to delete the sketch and create my hole location sketch from scratch on the other side. An option to choose which side is bored would be very useful.


Great idea.  If the counterbore were available for the bottom of the hole the feature in the image below would have been a lot easier to create.  Please make this happen!



Not applicable

Great idea. users can make "Both side Counter Bore" and "hole/Tap from the far plate" it would be nice!


Not applicable

It'd be nice if you could tap the counter bore as well as the thru bore as well, this would make fitting holes much easier.


Hopefully not too much to ask, but make an option to enter different dimensions for top and bottom holes/counterbores/countersinks.

Not applicable

Great Idea!  This is something I thought I would have seen added many versions ago.  I would also suggest the ability to make a counterbore with a countersink in the bottom or at the top (instead of having to add a chamfer to the edges).


Yes, yes, a thousands times yes. And yes, we need to be able to set the dimensions of each separately.


(a) My parts all use captive fasteners, which means all tapped holes need a second counterbore at the "bottom" so that the fasteners only engage with the "female" part and don't bind with the capturing threads. It's currently needlessly messy and time-wasting to do this.


(b) Whenever my tapped holes don't have counterbore/countersink, I chamfer them. To give these Minimum Minor Diameter (ie 4.9784mm for 1/4-20") holes a non-odd chamfer diameter (ie 7mm rather than 6.9784mm for 1/4-20") using the Chamfer command, I have to either memorize (Chamfer OD - Minimum Minor Diameter ) / 2 for a bunch of different fastener sizes (my parts regularly have to use at least 3) or open the calculator app 753 times a day. Simply being able to put an X diameter countersink on both sides would be much nicer. I'd also take "Chamfer OD" being an input option when the Chamfer command is applied to a hole.

Not applicable

1) cbore both sides very good....

2) also a RESET or DEFAULT button - I find the parameters do not always change to the table values for shank diameter, cbore, etc if you click thru different styles of holes, screws, bolt sizes


Don't forget this setting within the Hole featere.



I second being able to counter bore the countersink. Being able to add several features instead of just one. Spot facing with counter bores or countersinks as an example.


Another vote for all the excellent ideas expressed here. Would also add:


1) another hole type - 'counterdrilled' - for all those deep holes used with set screws.


2) another hole treatment - precision - hopefully this type of information would carry over to a future hole wizard in InventorHSM allowing the program to determine if ream/bore needs to be added to the hole operations (spot drill, drill, etc.)..


3) specifiable edge break - immediate chamfer created on the hole, counterbore, etc. so one can pick the chamfer in the graphics area of InventorHSM to determine spot drill depth and the like.


Although used for many kinds of designs, IMHO, Inventor is foremost a mechanical design tool; as such it needs to be as agile and comprehensive as possible when dealing with holes and fasteners.


I'd love to have the ability to choose for a hole's features to be applied to the top and/OR bottom. I sometimes need to apply a counterbore to both ends of a hole, or to switch which side of a plate the counterbore is on.


can you add the option to add chamfer to the hole edges as well


@bverboort suggested a great complement to this idea: being able to define which faces should be the start/end faces of the hole. Sometimes Inventor might guess the wrong face(s). Having this control would be very handy.


His idea is located here, please give it a vote if you think it would be a useful addition: Hole Termination: "From-To" Selection

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