Original Title: Custom section marks
In order to follow my company's standards, I need to draw my own section mark lines. (See attached picture.)
In AutoCAD, we had a LISP routine to automate it - there were three clicks to input points. First click gave us the starting point, the end of the line with the circle. The 2nd click gave us the other end of the line. The 3rd click decided the direction the arrow pointed. After that, it prompted us for the section label ("A") and the sheet number ("S1").
I've figured out how to make the circles with numbers with prompted entries, but don't know how to draw the line and arrows without them being a fixed predetermined length and direction in a sketched symbol.
This would need to input similar to a leader line with multiple input points, which from what I can tell, sketched symbols are a single input point.
I really don't need for it to pull in the sheet number or section label automatically - I'm fine with manually inputting them with a prompt.
Original Author Anonymous from 03-13-2013