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Circular / Rectangular Point Matrix

Circular / Rectangular Point Matrix

Please add a drop down to the point button so users can create a circular or rectangular grid of points.


point grid.jpg


This would be simple to incorporate the functionality of a rectangular or circular pattern directly into this sketch option. 


The rectangular option would be defined from the top left point and the circular point matrix would be defined about one centre point (i..e such as when created a PCD around a hole centre.)


It may be possible to automate via mouse movement how many rows and columns are created.

e.g (for a rectangular pattern) If the user keeps moving the mouse to the right, then more columns are added, if the user moves the mouse down then move rows are added.

(for a circular pattern) the user selects the centre of the circular pattern, by default say 6 points are created and as the user moves the mouse away the diameter increases, on mouse click this is confirmed (like creating a circle), and after this the user can move the mouse clockwise to increase the number of points and anti-clockwise to reduce the number of points, all equally space around the centre.


Open to ask me any more questions!!




Hi @danmachen. Just curious, for what purpose are you creating these point patterns?



Hi @DRoam, thanks for you question.


Scenario 1: You want to create 6 holes on a PCD on a shaft.

Current Method: Make one hole by defining a point in a 2d sketch, define the diameter and angle between this point and the axis of shaft. Use Circular pattern to create 6 occurrences of this hole.


Proposed method: Create 2D sketch and circular point grid of 6 holes on a dimensioned diameter. Use hole feature to make all points into holes.



Scenario 2: You want to create a sheet metal punch feature in sheet metal.


Current method: Make a 2D sketch of one point in model. Punch the feature. Use rectangular pattern of this feature, deleting any independent features.


Proposed method: Create a grid of rectangular points using this feature. Delete any unused points in 2D environment. Use Sheet metal punch feature to create all features at once.



This should simplify the model tree from using rectangular and circular patterns if they aren't applicable and should be much faster.

Community Manager
Now try updating your point pattern and see if the number of holes/punches update...

@PaulMunford - Thanks for your comments, what exactly do you mean?

Do you mean that the 2D sketch point pattern won't update? 


It could follow exactly the same properties as a circular or rectangular pattern in the sketch tools that allow you to edit how many instances there are. 

This idea takes existing logic and existing features within Inventor just makes the application of them smoother!

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