Thanks for your feedback.
i have checked the log files, i think the licensing component is not upgraded.
2019/9/2:09:38:06 Minh Duc ACER-ASPIRE-A5 AnalyzeInstallFailure() GetErrorontext returned: Error Context CustomAction licIsSvcUpgraded.8B858D99_2C63_4281_AE43_6782314CCC1B returned actual error code 1603 (note this may not be 100% accurate if translation happened inside sandbox)
we have seen this issue recently.
could you please check the pop up blocker is enabled or not? if not, please enable the pop up blocker and then re-download and install the product.
could you please check the licensing component is up to date or not?
Please delete the downloaded files from download folder and c:/autodesk and then restart the system.
then re-download the prodcut and install.
Please let me know if it works.